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Everything posted by Jondaken

  1. I never found cougars a problem at all... surely you just ride past them? I lost my horse to them once just because I was messign about with them and didnt realise they were knawing at my horse. And yea, the ending is great. The whole story line is probably the best ive ever seen in a game. After I completed it, I decided I'd go and have a look to see if I could get revenge on the law. I read in the newspaper that the guy that killed me, w/e his name was, had retired and moved to a small house near a lake. I went to that house and found noone There arent any follow on mission for the guys son to do are there?
  2. What Postman Pat said + a cat.
  3. Zelda Orcana of time, easily best game ever made.
  4. There's only so many times they can ask you to kill 12 of this, and collect 20 of that. The only content I care about is at max level so I grind through it as quickly as I can. I consider the levelling part of the new expansion an annoyance, not content to see. The new heroics are pretty fun though. Didnt feel like that at all leveling in Northrend, and was told it would be even less so in Cata.
  5. Went back to MW2, so much beter. 3 bullets to the face actually kill people there.
  6. Jondaken

    Snow Watch!

    Aye, at the weekend... the moaning was mainly during the week when the roads were actually closed.
  7. Jondaken

    Snow Watch!

    Got another 5-6 inches of snow today, still snowing heavily outside. Uni has been closed for it's 2nd week now. Glasgow has got off fairly lightly compared to the rest of Scotland yet I'm sure we've now had about a foot and a half of the stuff in a week.
  8. I disagree with in on the principle that I disagree with everything writen in the Daily Mail.
  9. Jondaken

    Snow Watch!

    Was over a foot of snow in Dundee when I was up tehre durin the week, back to glasgow and we've got about 2/3 of a foot. Happy days.
  10. Went 38-4 in a TDM. Still ended up losing the game.
  11. Where you hearing this from? They really are a dumb bunch if they want Jose out after his first defeat (albeit a very very sore one)
  12. Blatant attempt to break his legs, no way was he going for anything other than that. I'm fairly bias towards Barca but it was a disgusting horrible tackle.
  13. So, 600 million spent, worlds best coach brought in, what now for Real Madrid?
  14. Hey, if Southshore is gone tehre's no way I'm coming back...
  15. BRD was my second favorite instance (behind Deadmines). Only ever saw the end boss once pre nerf and that was getting boosted. Used to get lost or stuck in there ALL the time.
  16. Bottom half, but not battling for relegation.
  17. Had the same experience when I leveld up my Druid. Instant join as tank no matter what time of day, Swipe and Maul glyph basically meant I could take the instances on solo with a half decent healer. Got screenies of doing 70%+ total damage in 5 man partys I miss WoW but really don't want to go back to it. Is Cata out already btw? If not... when is it?
  18. Stop. Time Hammer! The Hammer was origionaly a lot further up teh picture than the clock
  19. Are they brining out AoE4 any time soon?
  20. Mines horrible compared to MW2... 1.09. I'm at 1.67 with the Famas and 1.45 with the Galil though.
  21. Better than most days... obviously getting less and less enjoyment out of it as I get older, but Ive got NY to make up for that.
  22. Liking this manual clan tag thing... will do a better one once I prestige, but this is my effort for now. Atleast it doesnt have a dick in it.
  23. Seen it a few times on the PC. And you can still die if an area 2 feet away from you gets stabbed.
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