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Everything posted by TomC

  1. We couldn't solve Chelsea's press in the first half and badly missed Pau. The second half was brighter. In Unai we trust, as always. A replay is not what we need when everyone is fatigued already. I would have rather have had the tie decided tonight one way or the other. Emi has to be MOTM, but Kamara was a close second.
  2. It’s true that we haven’t played well in any match recently. However, this match is different. Most teams have backed off the high press against us recently and played the low block. Breaking the low block has been a problem for a long time. In this match, Chelsea are pressing high and doing it to perfection. Breaking the press is not usually a problem. Everyone who has pointed out Pau’s absence is right.
  3. I'm sure you're not the only one around here who would like two new RBs, but first you have to find one. We may not even find one until the summer. Two aren't happening anytime soon. I would maintain that Cash is still capable as cover.
  4. So essentially, you're saying we should sign two RBs.
  5. I can't see us selling Cash. Whether you like him or not, part of our problem right now is that we don't have a second RB as cover and have to shift Konsa over when we leave Cash out. No matter who we sign, we still need Cash as cover.
  6. So this is what it's like being a top team...constantly running into park-the-bus. We had enough opportunities that sooner or later, we were going to score. We were the better team. We could do with moving the ball a little more quickly if we're going to break down these low blocks.
  7. Could say that of Cash's shot just now couldn't you?
  8. Wouldn't surprise me...quotes get misattributed all the time...
  9. He didn't have any better options. Sometimes you just have to have a go. There's an old quote attributed to the ice hockey great Wayne Gretzky: 100% of the shots you don't take don't go in.
  10. Yeah, it's a foul. He clipped him from behind when he was on the run and a threat. That's a penalty in any era.
  11. Obviously he's not at Ollie's level (yet), but Duran can hit the ball a lot harder than he can.
  12. I assume the poll meant this season, not next/upcoming season?
  13. It's interesting how the American use of "offense" has crept into football talk in the last decade. When i first started following English football 30+ years ago, I quickly realized that it was always "attack," never "offense."
  14. I don't think that's controversial at all. I, at least, agree 100%. Deano used Dougie and McGinn in the double pivot when he used a 4-2-3-1. It didn't work. McGinn's abilities are best used further forward. Last summer, I thought that Tielemans was signed to rotate with Doug and Kamara in the double pivot, but now he's being used further forward, too...if we're 3-box-3 in attack, it's been Doug and Tielemans on the front of the box, and Doug and Kamara on the back of the box. We also have JJ and, when he comes back, Buendia competing for positions at the front of the box. Arguably Zaniolo too. So yes, we need cover in the double pivot. To me, Donck in the double pivot is like Olsen is as a GK. Olsen is a competent shot blocker, but today's goalkeepers need to do more, i.e. pass the ball, especially in our system where we pass the ball around in back so much. Donck is a competent ball-winner, but his passing limitations mean he just doesn't fit our system. The problems is, if you find another player who can win the ball and pass, i.e. another Doug or Kamara, he's a good enough player that he's going to want to start and he's going to be expensive. But the "big" clubs have been managing this sort of problem for years. That's part of us moving up in the world.
  15. I'm not sure that I agree with this. I agree that we aren't doing it, but I'm not sure that Unai wants it that way, at least on the left. Moreno did it a lot last year and was probably bought to do just that since Digne tends to cross more from deep. But Moreno hasn't played much this year and is still looking a little rusty when he does. On the right, when we play the asymmetrical formation, it's the job of the wide forward (whether Bailey or Diaby) to get to the byline, not the right back. In that case, you're right that Unai doesn't want the right FB going there. Sometimes we don't play that way and Cash gets ordered to go forward, but it's not all the time.
  16. So bad he was completely invisible out there.
  17. JJ has not played well since coming back, but saying we sold the wrong brother is harsh. JJ took a while to get back into the groove after his injury last year, too. He'll be OK.
  18. Agreed. He finished one of his chances and did a lot of good things. He hoofed a few over but just needs to avoid getting under the ball. He's not missing left-to-right.
  19. Frankly, I was more worried after their first goal than their second goal. After their second, I knew we'd break through at some point. No way we were losing to 10-man Burnley. Have some faith. We're in a rough patch, we're making bad mistakes in back, we're wasting chances, we're missing key players, but we're showing character. We made the win happen late today. We salvaged a point late against Sheffield U. We've come up with late goals other times this year. We're never, ever done until the final whistle. Man U was the only match we've truly bottled all season and, as discussed in the tactics thread, that was because they exploited a Donck weakness in the second half. Kamara is coming back soon, Pau is back, Tielemans will be back soon enough. Onward and upward.
  20. We have 12 minutes plus stoppage time and they're down to 10 men. Yes we shouldn't be in this situation but stop being negative. We can still win this.
  21. What else are they going to do, sit back and accept defeat?
  22. I don't think of Unai as dogmatic at all. Quite to the contrary, it's well-known that he has changed formations many times over the course of his career. I think it's more personnel...Dendoncker just can't play the double pivot the way we need it played given his passing limitations. Unai may have been slow to recognize that about him, but I wouldn't call that dogmatism.
  23. Jacob Tanswell just backed up your point with hard data in the Athletic...if you look at the passing networks in our team, Dendoncker had a very weak passing connection with Doug (or anyone on the left side of the field.) (I tried posting the diagram but it's too large and I don't have time to shrink it right now.)
  24. The kept boxing us into that right corner and the diagram shows it.
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