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Everything posted by Loxstock92

  1. would be standard if all happened except the Villa one
  2. Don’t think he’s as active as he once was. But yeah agree that kit is noice.
  3. And been a Villa fan all this time.... quick where’s the gif!
  4. He’s even trying to put money on it against a commenter
  5. Just to add even more confusion. fabrizio Romano reckons it will, according to a predictor on his Instagram.
  6. To be honest that guy deleting the tweet spells one of the many ends of this speculation. What a rollercoaster.
  7. I’m really REALLY happy for trez. Yeah he wasn’t amazing last season but I don’t think you could ever question his work rate. I’m probably one of the few fans who wanted him in the team last year and so glad he’s put in the performances he has so far this season.
  8. Wish I shared in your hope, but after Ashley’s tweet mines gone now. Obvs hope I’m wrong but just feel that was the final nail in the coffin.
  9. Can we keep him? Can we can we!!
  10. Starting to think it’s a co-ordinated effort now between multiple journos.
  11. Not going to lie I was happy when we bought him, wasn’t keen on the price tag. I’m ready for that humble pie now.
  12. The only thing I can think is he’s put this out knowing there will be a deadline day surprise? yeah me neither. All hope is gone. Still, tonight’s result takes the sting out of it.
  13. I mean, that was ok. Should have scored more. I’m giving it a 7
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