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Everything posted by est1874

  1. Rogers great pace but lack of experience showing there.
  2. FTFY (This is usually where he scores.........)
  3. What are we doing. We can't sit back against these for 90 mins, they may get embarrassed on the regular but they still have dangerous attacking players in their team. Wrong strategy so far, lucky to have that early goal
  4. Great start. Please keep the pace up Villa. Let's go to town
  5. This argument is tired and doesn't really go anywhere. The original Lerner badge was the result of fan survey also. The shitness of a thing is not mitigated by the fact that people voted for it. Telling people who didn't vote for and weren't happy with the outcome to suck it up because majority rules is not the way. A majority of people voted for Brexit. And dozens of other examples of terrible things being chosen through voting. We need to get past this endless cycle of design by committee. The fans need to be consulted according to rules, but to what extent is unclear - I would argue more than Heck has done, but less than Purslow did. I also just think the whole thing is a bit of a farce now and we need to pick something and **** go with it, because apart from anything else, look at the state of this thread!
  6. No doubt the spawny little **** will
  7. In a way a Yanited win could've been good for us. Puts added pressure on Sp*rs, but from behind - and we know what Sp*rs do under pressure.
  8. I don't think they were. I think we just **** hate the goblins.
  9. Yesss take that you manc clearings in the woods
  10. Boy am I glad those toon goblins are going to run out of games this season and can no longer mathematically catch us.
  11. I would go further and say that the other option was better by half. It's what I voted for and I would do again if given a choice between all the various possible badges. But the most vocal and proactive elements of our fanbase get swept up time and again in nostalgia and that's what happened again in this case, to our detriment.
  12. It's what has to be done if you want symmetry. Villa fans often talk about how our name is beautifully symmetrical, but it's not - only conceptually. Five letters in each word and it begins with A and end with A, but in practice it's completely assymetrical.
  13. Some of the people at Castore do suck cocks. I can confirm.
  14. Say what you want about his alleged behaviour and attitude, not unlikely but nonetheless unproven so far: He was brought in with a clear mandate by NSWE to improve our financial standing and generate more revenue for the club, and he is doing that. He's also got the right posture about breaking the cabal at the top, whether people consider them the big 6, the sky 6, the top 4 or however else people want to group / label them. We are here to disrupt and he is a disrupter and despite a rocky start on the PR / fan engagement front (which I admit cannot be ignored or disregarded), he is getting the principle job done that he was employed to do.
  15. He's very, very good. Attributes are a little staggering in some ways: he's fast, tall, strong, has a mean first touch, can dribble, knows how to turn his man, picks out clever passes, and can finish. Plays with a confidence that belies his inexperience at this level, too. Goodness me.
  16. est1874

    Unai Emery

    Huge huge huge, I could not be happier.
  17. You've never had to deal with Villa customer service if you think it's all as simple as that.
  18. It's not that deep mate. Try to have a bit of fun with things sometimes. In the grander scheme of things, this is small change. I'll leave it there
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