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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. On a similar vein did you watch that Man Hunter series about the first profiling of serial killers by the FBI in the late 70s. If not well worth a watch as some of the interviews with some of the really famous serial killers are brilliant with the backdrop of a developing killer. I know it’s dramatised but well worth a look if you’ve not seen it
  2. Basically yes, I was listening to Mike Graham last week or the week before and there are number of people phoning who could not make the distinction between the two. I read a few tweets yesterday that stated that people were getting ‘wise to this movement’ , the FA will want to distance themselves from the movement and taking the knee etc, etc. There are a lot of people out there that think they are one of the same
  3. The same with Westworld series 3 and American gods series 2, I’ve not got the foggiest
  4. No not really, anti-Semitism has been going on since the Roman Empire and before. I find it incredibly interesting that when this sort of news is reported there is little or no reaction but when the ball is on the other foot of the spectrum there is widespread condemnation and outrage. You still don’t get the point, the BLM political movement should be denounced as a crackpot organisation But the message of BLM should be listened to. Very easy to do and is very easy to separate both issues but nobody seems to be able to do it, or more concerning does not want to
  5. Interesting tweet by black lives matter UK a couple of hours ago regarding Israel. As stated earlier in the thread distinction needs to be drawn between the movement and the actual political group as quickly as possible
  6. For some reason when I post on my mobile it doubles the postFor some reason when I post on my mobile it doubles the post
  7. I concur, Hutton was sensational over the two legs
  8. Mrs and her family are dog heads, we have to win, end of
  9. http://sausagefans.co.uk/sausage-directory/6046/potters-pork-products/ see last comment on site above
  10. Don’t forget red Robbo and the three day week and the dead piling up in the streets. Lord Mountbatten being murdered by the IRA and bombing of mainland England. Argentina needing to win six nil against Peru in the World Cup as host nation to qualify and winning six nil and tickertape. Yes the 70s sucked, the only bright light was Aston Villa football club and the expansive attacking side created by Ron Saunders
  11. Good to mention regarding the tenniswear of the early 80s. The wife got me a pair of Diadora Borg elites Kangaroo skin re issues for my 50th, Only worn them a couple of times, last time was at Wembley In March
  12. Sir Clive was da man, ZX81 then the spectrum if I recall? Then some mad one seater electric car
  13. Lad made it back and grounded for anyone who may have the slightest interest
  14. Predator If it bleeds we can kill it
  15. No mention of the sausages either....... The ohhh matron one is his best
  16. I agree again, but they came out in support of her 'controversial views' not my words but Cambridge University. To use the word controversial they must have some opinion and what Peterson said re gender would be classed as controversial and what Noah wrote was his 'controversial' that a great many academics signed a petition to state he was wrongly potted based on the free speech argument, both of which could be classed as showing political bias which was my point. Anyhow will come back later as my youngest lad i have just been advised is 2 hours late coming back from the park and turned his phone off the little git and the Mrs is having kittens shouting get off that bloody computer and look for him (like I am bloody physic) women eh
  17. Yes I do, has he ever been charged with inciting racial hatred? This brings us back to what the row was all about in the first place, the perceived comments of Dr Gopal with regard to race
  18. Yes surrounded by walls and they pour oil over anyone from Oxford who tries to climb them. Thank you for putting university in but it is what I meant as you know
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