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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. And between 1994 and 2020 Pointless argument Chau
  2. Look at the post above by @mjmooney
  3. Thanks for the history lesson but seeing as I was commenting on the posters contesting of it never being a well known and used phrase and nothing more i fail to see the relevance of your reply
  4. Then you would be wrong (with regard to contesting the phrase was well known, especially to the age of the accused in this thread)
  5. Not quite sure how to respond to this
  6. I also believe the reinvention of history in films is very dangerous as well, true perspective of the time eventually will be lost to fit whatever the social narrative is at that time which is completely wrong
  7. Mr Follyfoot senior with some dosser (I suspect this version of Gerard would probably do a better job as it doesn’t open its gob)
  8. I would imagine there will be widespread and negative equity as well as the housing market is going to crash dramatically
  9. Sounds like the correct decision, would have been very easy to take the frothing at the mouth get rid of instantly approach. I would hope she was horrified once it was explained and I doubt very much she will do it again unless she is a proper racist then of course the floodgates can open.
  10. Only because it fitted the previous post perfectly. Apologies for any offence as non was meant at all
  11. I think the poster who named himself after the famous rally knows a lot more about it than us
  12. Most definitely not but the near 20 years I’ve been on this earth longer than you encompasses a hell of a lot of change. Put into context we couldn’t even beat the Blues during most of that period
  13. Do not think anybody is disagreeing, Out of interest how old are you
  14. In some instances maybe put a lot of the time no. These sayings and phrases had been used for many decades and were part of the language to a degree and the true offensive meaning not given a second thought. It’s only when these things were broken down and analysed and removed from the widespread vocabulary that majority of people woke up to see them for what they were. To be clear I’m not talking about the N word on its own because clearly that would be extremely racist even back then, I’m talking about the sayings
  15. Very much like the expression that was used commonly by older Londoners, “black as Newgates knocker” It really was a different world not so long ago, same as “touch of the tar brush” about him or her. I do not think the majority of people using those terms were being deliberately racist
  16. You only have to look in the clip put up there is no reaction at all to the comment with Garth Crooks next to him and that was 1990
  17. Yes, very common and widely used
  18. Vile in South Brum? Nah all proppa Blues there mate. You got lost out the shires? No vile in the danger zone mate
  19. Or gets put in a bath of ice to “kill or cure” (Only of episode of Sharpe I have ever seen)
  20. very good film, cat and mouse.Superb ending.
  21. If you can’t stop a man with talent it’s dangerous, I could see him walking down any heavyweight in the division taking a few on the chin to do so before he lands his bombs. Such a hurtful jab as well. As stated this is the reason he is avoided like the plague
  22. Just catching up on last weeks episodes, did anyone catch the sketch Hale did at the end of the show for dog themed footballers to the grandstand music with a pretend dog barking (said it was his and he had brought to the studio) Think it was Thursday Surreal
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