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Deano & Dalian's Umbrella

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Everything posted by Deano & Dalian's Umbrella

  1. If a player is in the treatment room, all sorts of people are wandering in and out and will see what is going on (and will ask the player if he's injured). People don't wander in and out of the Chairman's office in the same way.
  2. His father is very proud of him! Wasteman! I always wanted you to go, into waste man!
  3. Sorry if I'm being stupid, but what has this person said? I can see posts about this person saying something, but not what that is.
  4. There is actually no such thing as shin splints. What Jack had was a tibial stress fracture. This article states "Alcohol consumption is a known risk factor for traumatic injuries of all types and has been shown to produce detrimental effects on bone metabolism." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3139786/ While this study, admittedly on female army recruits, found that: "Compared with their non-stress-fracture counterparts, recruits who developed stress fractures were more likely to report current or past... alcoholic drinking of > 10 drinks/week..." https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s001980170155
  5. These stress fractures won't end his career prematurely, but they could recur, causing him to need time out, if the cause of them isn't addressed (e.g. amount of running, type of surface, alignment of his limbs, alcohol consumption etc.) The only way this would end his career early is if he continued playing with one and his leg broke from an impact that you wouldn't normally expect to break a leg. Fortunately these days, when a Villa player complains of shin-pain in pre-season, he is taken seriously and not just told he is being a wimp with disastorous consequences.
  6. Not that I know much about twitter, but if you go to that tweet, and click that TeamUnited hashtag, the majority of its use seems to be for non-Man United tweets and you can't actually tell from that tweet that it refers to Man U. I think it might have just been missed by whoever is deleting them. Alternatively, if tweets have only been deleted in the last hour or so, it might be deleted soon.
  7. What City tweets have been deleted? I thought it was all pro-United tweets?
  8. Has anyone who's been into the Club shop and not seen any Grealish shirts, posters etc. asked the staff why this is the case?
  9. I wish one of our medical team would tell Jack that there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and increased stress fracture risk. He shouldn't be boozing then training hard in close proximity to each other. Do one or the other, but not both at the same time. Unless he was just on a bike or something and not running, in which case it's not a problem and I'm talking bollocks.
  10. If I had a pound for every time I'd clicked on a link promising something like this on the internet....
  11. Yesterday, he was odds on to stay and evens to go to City. He's now odds on to go to City. I hope this movement is due to bets placed after Jeremy-gate and not because the bookies know something.
  12. I'm off to take the cup of coffee back that I just made for my wife.
  13. I have to say, as soon as we were told Jack had a recurrence of a tibial stress fracture, I told my dad we would be lucky to be back this season given that it would take several weeks to months for the stress fracture to heal, then several weeks more to gradually re-load the bone from non-weight bearing to running, then several weeks of training. Even if we had the most incompetent medical team in the world, they would know this given the time Jack was out last time this happened. Either they don't know what they are doing, or Dean has no problems throwing them under the bus in the interests of creating uncertainity about the length of time Jack is out. Last time, Dean kept saying that the medical team didn't know what was wrong with him despite the fact that the (correct) diagnosis of tibial stress fracture appeared on forums like this one almost immeditely after he was first out. When people say "shin splints", I just ignore it, because there is no such thing, but when someone says "tibial stress fracture", as Martin Keown did on BT Sport, the other night, I tend to believe it because this isn't the sort of phrase that people just pluck out of thin air.
  14. On Friday, I took my wife to a private MRI clinic. While in the car park, a Lamborghini 4x4 parked next to us, and Traore got out and went in to the clinic. He went in 10 minutes before my wife, and came out 10 minutes before my wife. My working theories are either: a. He has an injury and went in for an MRI scan, or b. He is having an affair with my wife. I am awaiting the team news with interest.
  15. Anyone know what's happened to ROK? I haven't seen him stood next to Dean, Terry and Shakespeare for the last few games.
  16. I would be astounded if he goes from running on an anti-gravity treadmill one weekend to playing the next. If this happens, then the medical staff were either being extremely over-cautious in the first place, or extremely reckless now (which as we know from the last injury, they aren't). I would think he must still be weeks to months away.
  17. Is there a richer Egyptian on the International Space Station?
  18. How is taking the ball off someone "receiving it"?
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