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Everything posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. How do you not score there!!! Would’ve been big for us.
  2. That Mason Mount sure is incredible. The speed and athleticism every team drools over.
  3. Every fan base in every sport has their contingent of hyper-critical fans. This isn’t a Villa only thing.
  4. Too often he was poor with his possession and it wasn’t only because of 3 guys surrounding him or a lack of options to pass it off. It was just a bad day at the office.
  5. Not sure you read my post right. I was disagreeing with your comment “they thought they were the biz after 4 games.“
  6. Well, there's a reason people who follow sports are called fanatics. lol
  7. I think most people generally agree that overall he’s not good enough to be starting. He’s done wonderfully with the skill set he has but tonight was just proof that we still need better players. Work rate is fantastic but it only gets you so far when the skill isn’t there. If you’ll get criticized for anything (and rightly so) it’s the “biggest fraud” comment. That’s completely nonsensical. Also, if you have to plead for people not to be critical of your post it’s best not to post something critical.
  8. His behavior that got El Ghazi a red card against Leeds in our last season of the Championship.
  9. Disagree on this, we clearly have a slower more methodical approach to the game. We were getting into the game and started countering well before the break. However, they came out of the break the way they started the game. It’s nothing to do with arrogance. It was a lack of reacting to the situation by the players and the manager.
  10. I ran out of reactions so here’s an emoji.
  11. I had the same thought. Would’ve been utterly inexcusable but I would’ve at least understood the reason for punching him in the face for his antics. Lol
  12. Bamford should’ve been carded for simulation. Not sure how taking a wide step to stomp on another player and flop to the ground doesn’t warrant a booking but it was clearly one of those days.
  13. We were poor but losses and even hard to swallow losses are inevitable. I care more about how we rebound. My main take away from today really told us we need to not let a goal smash us in the face and demoralize us like that. I still think if we had scored first it would've been a completely different game but Bamfords first goal just destroyed our confidence and we didn't fight back. Gotta keep fighting! Edit to add: That was absolutely simulation from Bamford and it was criminal not to get carded for that.
  14. This^ They've been poor overall tonight but that doesn't erase everything they've accomplished to this point.
  15. Not saying it was a guarantee but I wonder how this game would've turned out had Grealish passed that breakaway to Watkins and he scored.
  16. Yeah. Anyone paying attention knew that was a huge signing for them.
  17. Bit harsh. One poor performance and he's a "bang average defender." Shouldn't be surprised by the overreaction though. It's what fans do.
  18. Well let's be honest. Reality was never top 2 in the league. Reality is mid table and we still more than good enough for that.
  19. Oh maybe. I'm going off the announcers saying it was on Mings.
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