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Everything posted by Rolta

  1. It's as truthful as 99% of the transfer rumours so equally worth discussion. Who are we going to buy if we're only buying 4 players with £100million and what do you all think about Tammy fingering James?
  2. Ha yes, for all I said this is probably true. Nyland has had so many unexpected comebacks to the first team, and I can't take any more.
  3. It's because newspapers make things up. Every window the rumours go on and on yet we sign people completely from left field. Almost 100% so. Nothing is real. Not the Swedish keeper, not 100million on 4 players.
  4. Yet he was getting involved in all the celebrations, and according to his Instagram is having treatment for an injury. I'll take the bet!
  5. EDIT: I skim read it at first.
  6. At the very least it's pretty fascinating how both players have their supporters. I get frustrated that Guilbert offers nothing and goes hiding a bit and is overly cautious. I also see his tackling as desperate and don't think he's a particularly good defender. Targett has had some moments of quality Guilbert hasn't come close to. Your comment about having Grealish ahead of him is an interesting one but there are plenty of times Targett has come under pressure and has still shown his quality.
  7. I think Targett is probably three times the player that Guilbert is. What was that stat about Targett having the 4th most chances created from full back? Where would Guilbert be on that list I wonder? Targett is always calm on the ball. Guilbert isn't terrible on the ball, but he is cautious and doesn't really create much. I did have a look and their assist stats are similar, but I genuinely rate Targett. Gah I keep saying the same things over and over. I think we need to sign someone.
  8. Now you've put all the words in your point comes across.
  9. You made it sound as if those three (in reality there are two) are the only signings he's ever made for us (or any other club), in any position. If you wanted to make a point about his signing midfielders for us, you need to say that. But if you want to go further, Carroll and Drinkwater (both bad signings, I agree) were January signings. Carroll couldn't have been a more last-minute signing. Drinkwater was shit though, so no comment. But, yes, a January signing for a club right at the bottom of the league. If you were trying to make a non-misleading point, all that context is probably useful. You and I also don't know anything about who made any of the signings last summer, or how involved Smith was, yet you're over-confident about who signed who. Truth is you don't know. But you're right, I'm definitely sure he didn't sign McGinn, Lansbury and Grealish. He brought in other players too though—Mings/Konsa you'd think (although neither of us know that for sure either) who have been successful. Am I missing something but is there an exceptional skill for signing midfielders over defenders? I imagine if you want to be cynical you'll say yes to that. James McCarthy was good before a broken leg and some hamstring injuries. For five million, if it's true, which it probably isn't, he could be a useful player to have around the squad if he's over them. But it's probably bollocks anyway. How many signings do we actually make from reports like that one? Usually they come from nowhere.
  10. You've mentioned three signings out of how many? And one of them doesn't even exist. If you can't see your lack of logic or how that is very selective and fails to make an honest point, that's on you.
  11. We'll, if we don't win the league after owning all the professional players, then I guess the Smith out crowd will be rightly justified.
  12. This could be used in a textbook on the misleading nature of selective quotes.
  13. And from what reliable source might that be? Edit: just checked, so the Sunday Mirror! I remain open to the possibility of us spending any amount on any number of players.
  14. I'd give him an unenthusiastic-sounding ok. We don't want to be in a relegation fight next year. I'm not sure I'd say Guilbert was part of the problem or the solution this year, but that says something too. But as I say, I wouldn't get rid of him.
  15. It's football news on a Sunday. Probably bollocks. And the reports themselves say 'Watford want Sarr' as far as I can see. So they're hardly 'getting' him.
  16. I'm not going to go on (don't want to get lad21 repetitionitis), but he'll be 26 in December.
  17. Having said what I said above, I don't agree with this though. He cannot be our starting RB—he's just not that good. He went missing so much last season and doesn't really offer that much forward or back. I'm sure he can improve though and I admire his passion.
  18. It's possible we've had this conversation before (or with someone else). I need to stop repeating that we need a right back. I keep forgetting about Konsa and the nostalgia that gave me for our sixth place finishes under MON. If that sounds like a joke, it's not meant to be. Konsa looked solid there and we definitely have other priorities. I of course like Elmo too—he's been great for us. RB is an area for improvement at some point though.
  19. Do people really think Guilbert, on the basis of last season, is good enough to be our starting RB? He has his moments, for sure, and he has potential but we shouldn't be relying on him—neither offensively or defensively. He should be fighting someone else and he can win the spot if he keeps improving.
  20. There was a big red flag when he talked about Suso's position coming under review at the end of the season anyway, then some vagueness about Lange joining two days after the end of the season. No club making that kind of appointment would do so in a matter of days. I think Evans knows f all.
  21. The like/confused/sad/thanks/haha button options don't really cover my feelings here.
  22. I don't remember! It was one of them anyway. So disappointing. Weren't we top or something at Christmas? Or maybe we were 4th. The being top thing might have been under Gregory.
  23. Looks so much better on an athlete. The kit is fine for the football team. I like it now having been very negative before! I'm not getting it though (because it's a rip off as much as anything!).
  24. My main question is, where's the right back?
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