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Everything posted by Jas10

  1. SLAMS SHUT at 11pm 1st September… there is time, Monchi is a busy boy…
  2. Thanks for stabbing us in the back Jack…
  3. Really looking forward to seeing him play, hopefully makes his debut vs Hibs and makes an instant impact…
  4. Jas10

    Keinan Davis

    Certainly seems to be an upgrade on him. Is this 2m total (after add ons) or 2m plus add ons? E.g. Initial 1m, additional 1m after 50 games? Or 2m to start with and more payments if add on clauses are met?
  5. Jas10

    Keinan Davis

    ok, 2m is more bearable. Fine.
  6. Jas10

    Unai Emery

    Whatever it is… it’s fully deserved, for once!
  7. Nope, no way… all indications and communication from the club demonstrate that we are constantly active, and ready to take advantage of opportunities right up until the deadline. Nothing to suggest FFP is a major problem but we have to be responsible/sensible, I’m sure the sales are all in preparation for further business/activity. Just go back and review Unai and Monchi’s comments…
  8. Do we need or want any more (big money) wingers? Feels like that boat has sailed… but who knows?
  9. Can you imagine if we just popped up and signed Vlahovic and Chiesa on deadline day??
  10. I’m sure we’ve enquired again, since we were so interested in January and Unai is obviously a fan… But I’m not bothered about him or ever saw that as a realistic move tbh… there are alternatives… and possibly better ones who would impact us more effectively… as everyone has been made well aware of… my dream is Chiesa but it’s another I don’t expect (though feels more likely, attainable and affordable compared to Felix… maybe Zaniolo can change his mind he himself may turn out to be a star too…). Links to Goncalves have been equivalent to tumbleweed for a while now… The name doesn’t matter… it’s the quality and effect that player can have that matters most… Unai’s favoured and highest rated targets… I guess, what I was trying to say was… will we bring in any more arguably “transformative” signings such as Pau and Diaby? Rather than players like, I dunno Acuna for instance, who would more “help out” and bolster the squad… We can’t really rule anything out and I don’t think anyone outside of the club actually has the foggiest in terms of how much we have available in our transfer kitty…
  11. Jas10

    Unai Emery

    Absolutely, we’ve never had this level of expertise, knowledge, nous/acumen, research, analysis and skill at the club… I don’t think many of us, if any, realise quite how much our club has been transformed and the sort of level we are operating at, the quality and level of coaching is beyond anything ever attained before and certainly experienced by these players… When I think back, I always find it embarrassing that we made so many poor managerial appointments… it’s like little thought or planning was put into those choices too… some of them weren’t backed very well but still… I think that’s always been our biggest problem and greatest failing… When people bring things up like we are cursed or down on our luck… I see it very differently… I just see and recall the amount of bad decisions we had made and the amount of mediocre (to be kind) employed in important positions and that had power and control. We’ve finally got it right… So much credit has to go to NSWE but Unai… he is just something else… beyond a breath of fresh air…. I’m not sure whether I believed we could ever bring in such a top class coach and manager… (especially when we have had so few even coming close to this sort of level in our history, and so many not even fit to lace the shoes of such a man) it was more of a dream for me than anything… I’m still having to rub my eyes and pinch myself I always wondered whether I would ever get to see a Villa side playing this sort of football too… now I’m simply enjoying it!!
  12. Yeah, there are definitely signings coming in and Unai and Monchi have covered it in their comments… I just wonder if there’s one “top class addition” rather than players to fill gaps or provide competition/cover. A signing that will elevate us even further… We’ll just have to wait and see… not long left now…
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