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Everything posted by Villan_of_oz

  1. Scored the winner didn't he and humbley thanked the villa supporters.
  2. Maybe you're right..... I'm getting old.... Rather take a nap......
  3. Very true that post was having a go at me but I just couldn't be bothered arguing the point. Just smile and give the thumbs....
  4. You also forgot the titles and cups we won under him......
  5. We all have our opinions that's OK but you have missed most of the points I liked about the post and gone off on some crazy rant of your own.
  6. Supporting Villa will definitely screw with your positive outlook at life.....
  7. I agree my scouting in fm16 seems to be more involved
  8. Hey mate not too fussed but just letting you know I'm still having an issue. Sorry if I'm jumping the gun and it hasn't been looked at yet just keeping you updated
  9. Spot on. Let's stop with our mantra we are a big club Let's stop with the entitlement of being in the Premier League Let's stop demanding instant success Let's start admitting who we are and where we are Let's build our foundations before trying to put the roof on top Let's get behind current manager/owner and give them a proper chance to do something We need to learn to walk again before we can ever dream of running again No one wants more pain but that it was we are in for if we are to get back to glory days
  10. I too have remained outwardly positive out of blind faith and love for AVFC but I have known deep down for a while that we aren't going up. Now is the time to admit it. Not lose our heads and plan for the best possible start to next season. Throwing millions at the team didn't work so I think now is the time to build a proper team.
  11. I didn't wake up and watch the game. I admit I didn't even set my alarm. Ive finally reached the point where I just can't be assed....... One of the saddest days of my life
  12. Sorry if this wrong thread but seemed the closest I could find.... Basically I pay for ad free but the last few days I've had ads. I've tried signing in on a different device and the same thing...
  13. Stephen Ireland never played for us. He just happened to be running around on the pitch in a villa shirt during a villa match.
  14. R.I.P Villa Legend
  15. Southampton was who I thought of when I tried to think of a similar team. However you are spot on in saying we should be the innovators and follow a model that we create that works well for us.
  16. Most of that is your opinion which is fine you should've posted it as such. Not too serious mate just didnt take kindly to saying i wanted to be like West Brom. This has gone on way too long it started off me posting my opinion on where I would like to be in five years.......
  17. What?? Maybe you shouldve just posted your thoughts on the question without quoting me as I have no idea what your getting at. By all means enjoy quoting people for no apparent reason. If thats what give ya your giggles.
  18. Um.... When have West brom won a cup When have West brom qualified for Europe When have West Brom consistently finished in the top 10 Nothing in my post infers that I'm content being anything like West Brom Glad we got that clear. Just to support my confusion on your post West Brom.... Last cup - 48 years ago Last European qualification - 35 years ago Last consecutive top 10 finishes - 37 years ago AND relegated multiple times from the top division
  19. I would like us to be stable in the Premier League. Expectations by then should be top ten consistently. We should have good structure behind the scenes and we should be a well run club. I.E knowledgeable scouts. We should only sell players because it is an offer to good to refuse AND WE USE THE $ TO MAKE US BETTER. We should only buy players because they improve us and bring what we are looking for NOT BECAUSE SOME CLUELESS WORD REMOVED THINKS ITS A GOOD IDEA. Id hope by then Jack Gresford has become a club champion on the way to legend status. It would be nice to have won a cup or at the very least had a good run. It would be nice to qualify for Europe and not lose to the same piss weak team 2 years in a row in the first round. Oh and it would be nice if we havnt been through 17 managers in those 5 years. In fact I'd be happy if Bruce was still in charge cos that would mean he was doing an excellent job. Last but most importantly I would like Aston Villa to have a training camp in Australia preferably in Adelaide so I can see my team play just once live. That just about covers it.
  20. Im sure if you were in charge of JV's finance you would do an excellent and brilliant job.
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