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Everything posted by Tom13

  1. I think it could be a possibility. I was thinking how devastated he'll be missing out on a campaign like this though
  2. Onslow wants his vest back
  3. His duel winning stats are pretty damn good so I've heard.
  4. What is actually the current situation with the badge? I'm so lost.
  5. Our midfield without Tielemans and Kamara looks pretty damn poor. I think he could well improve it.
  6. Do we even have our own Young Player of the Year award?
  7. Dougie had a connection with the fans/stadium ever since he joined us. I'll never forget the crowd surfing VS Watford at home. He was also instrumental keeping us up, he was immense in the 6 role in that run-in. His assist for Jack away to Brighton in 19/20 as well...damn beautiful! No-one should be turning on Dougie, he's too good a player, too good a person, and done far too much for us for that.
  8. Tom13

    Matty Cash

    Jeez, going back to the Man Utd game, how long ago was that? I'm not saying Cash doesn't have any good attacking contributions whatsoever, but his inability to spot (and weight) forward passes limits us and lets teams reset. Not even having a go at his crossing, but it's rare he can beat a man without space behind to whip one in anyway.
  9. Googled it, I do love this quote from him, sums up his humility, apparently he went to all four stands and apologised for his pen miss:
  10. Jeez @JAMAICAN-VILLAN we're on the edge of our seats here. What's he said?
  11. Tom13

    Matty Cash

    He doesn't keep the attack alive that well. He very rarely spots/executes a penetrative pass (Kenneth). He did make one last night though so fair play. Ashley Young used to make them all the time though.
  12. Tom13

    Matty Cash

    He wouldn't IMO. Can't play in tight spaces like Moreno can and isn't as composed.
  13. I thought he looked good last night. Give him a go!
  14. And he was not highly thought of at Roma at all.
  15. He was so close at the end with that dribble. Took one bad touch (was really unlucky) within it and then it was out of play. Created it out of nothing though.
  16. Dougie's been off form and/or lacking something for a couple of months now, and I'd even say our better performances came without him in the side (when he was suspended), however putting a missed penalty on him is really harsh. Had he even missed one for us before yet? It happens.
  17. They didn't score a pen against us. No idea what you're on about tbh.
  18. I couldn't believe people were willing to give him a pass for the deflected goal. He was still very near to it hence getting a hand on it, and should have kept it out. It was really weak keeping.
  19. Yeah I can't blame him for the Chelsea goal
  20. I hope so. For months under Emery he had a 'hell bent' attitude generally. He'd added tenacity to his obvious technical skills. He hasn't shown that tenacious side for a while now though IMO.
  21. Yeah I'd agree, with Dougie and McGinn in there, we need one more to try and get some sort of control.
  22. "Have responsibility" - very few players have been taking this of late. No Kamara or Tielemans = no control.
  23. Oh without a doubt. Our most important player IMO. He won't look out of place in the CL.
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