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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. An incredible player who has grown since he came to us. Genuinely world class
  2. 100% this. To find himself in that position was no accident
  3. Game changed when he left the pitch. Doubly so when McGinn went off. Dougie plays so well with those around him. We’ve said it before but: the man is a Rolls Royce
  4. not sure that’s a fair take tbh. I think he’s desperately trying to make it work and Unai is trying to help him operate within his systems
  5. Might have more about him than Donck but this will leave him more exposed at times.
  6. We needed that response. We needed to get some confidence in these boys. You could see from the players flocking to each other when they scored how much it meant to get through that tough patch. Love the team spirit. Love this squad. Love this manager.
  7. Annoying def but we don’t want to screw up Youri’s confidence
  8. I think he was a bit miffed ti be taken off, but clearly Unai is taking no chances
  9. Unai telling Cash that he needs to crack one out. He’s pulling rookie numbers.
  10. Crack out Jed Steer to talk smack to Holgate, just for old time’s sake
  11. I hope I’m wrong but I think we won’t see a repeat second half. We might nick another one
  12. We need to be cautious because I have a feeling they’ll be aggressive second half. We don’t want more injuries
  13. Really hope this fast forwards him back to his pre-injury confidence levels
  14. No, no, you’re confusing the number of Sheffield United fans left in the stadium. Easy mistake.
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