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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Ref looks like one of those teachers who hangs out a little too long in the boys’ showers after games. Ahhh memories
  2. The standard of punditry is so poor: just talk about players be ‘up for it’ or having ‘fire in the middle of the park’ but zero tactical understanding. I’d really like to know more about the shape of teams and the movements that they’re making
  3. Pau really gets in his face then. Rightly so, it was a comical dive
  4. The reason his shit went miles over and wide wasn’t because he was ‘shoved’ by Lenglet. He shanked it
  5. *players scuffs ball wide* ’signs of a confident striker there’
  6. Log into VT, find out about a new injury. Like clockwork.
  7. As much as I hope that yet another bit of devastating injury news galvanises the squad to push on, a real siege mentality, there's only so much they can do. I know that injuries can affect every club, but (as many posters have said before) the drop off between our first XI and the bench is massive for us. We don't have the luxury of stockpiling players and then, when a key player gets injured wonder if the £75m bloke on the bench might be up to snuff. We have to hope that Tim et al rise to the occasion. One thing is for certain: this bunch of f**king heroes need our support more than ever. No, they aren't bottlers. Yes, they are millionaires. But, for f**k's sake, they wear claret and blue and a badge most of us would kill to have on our chest: they need us.
  8. Just found out about the news. Gutted for the man. Our luck for injuries has been terrible this year. Time for someone else to step up, I guess. We need to focus on European places in general: CL would be fantastic, but we need to be realistic.
  9. On my small rivulet, I’ve got a commentator who has an orgasm whenever Rashford gets on the ball. He can be on the halfway line and the guy creams himself without fail
  10. Man couldn't do anything right yesterday. When he drops into that full back role when cash goes forward, if the opposition doesn't give him space and he's not on it, mistakes will come. The structure of the team was all over the place last night and the absence of the engine room was a big part of it.
  11. Despite his absolute monster physique (and utter insistence that he takes his top off at any and every opportunity), I think he's a sensitive soul. If the team is playing well, then he can be too, but he's not the sort of chap who will drag up the team on his own through sheer will. He doesn't have that in him.
  12. I'm here for the maths precision and for the eloquent understanding of how football, like life, isn't always rainbows and roses. We've put up with a lot at this club, so an appreciation of how good things currently are (and that this isn't automatic) is welcome.
  13. So many errors. Such brittle confidence. The team needs us as fans to get behind them more than ever, as hard as that seems atm. Ravaged by injuries; nervy; Unai’s system getting found out and some players perhaps not good enough
  14. Chelsea’s shape is v v good but we’re making them look better than they are
  15. Never seen him fired up like that. We've seen Unai the tactician, the professor and I think we just saw Unai the motivator.
  16. Sheff Utd YT has you covered (if the embedded vid doesn't work, it's at 5:06)
  17. They're at a real low ebb and this will present a test of how far we've come: usually, teams (even individual players) not doing well find their feet against us. VP needs to be after every single one of their players from the warmup and whoever starts for us needs to come out of the blocks quickly. If we're winning at HT, the tie is over. Their confidence is shot. Time to take advantage
  18. Funny way to announce you're having an affair, but it takes all sorts, I suppose
  19. Alarmed by the wrist grab and the amount of crotch in one photo.
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