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Everything posted by Brumerican

  1. Took me a minute but I am in bits right now. Luckily that donkey dwarf bukkake tab was closed .
  2. The words 'clutching' and 'straws' come to mind. First time manure have scored 4 in the PL since the opening day of the season. We are garbage just accept it and stop trying to find some solace in today's performance. Yes we are garbage and yes I have accepted it , as there is little I can do to alter that . It seems strange then that you also accept that we are garbage, but insist in being butt hurt when we lose to a team who are still light years ahead of us , regardless of their current standing. If you know we are crap then why are you so shocked that we just lost to a much better team than us ? It doesn't make sense ? .....because that is simply not true, what you are saying....you don't take ten points off the top four by being garbage .....we are many things, but not garbage. We have too many players that go missing too often at crucial times. We have a team that lack leadership and mental strength, we have a defence where some members positional play is very questionable, we have players who don't find pressing natural......these can be coaching problems....the manager must take some responsibility for this he has has 2 years already and not much improvement. I don't actually think we are garbage . I was just making a point that it's strange that there are people who do believe that we are crap , yet throw a hissy fit when the team conforms to those same low expectations. It doesn't make sense . Personally I think we are a bang average team who are just as capable of pulling off huge wins as we are huge defeats .
  3. The words 'clutching' and 'straws' come to mind. First time manure have scored 4 in the PL since the opening day of the season. We are garbage just accept it and stop trying to find some solace in today's performance. Yes we are garbage and yes I have accepted it , as there is little I can do to alter that . It seems strange then that you also accept that we are garbage, but insist in being butt hurt when we lose to a team who are still light years ahead of us , regardless of their current standing. If you know we are crap then why are you so shocked that we just lost to a much better team than us ? It doesn't make sense ?
  4. Stick with it and wait until Danny Devito joins . There is no other show like it IMO . You have to get to know the characters and build up a connection etc and when you do you will love it . By the way I am watching Archer 4 on US Netflix via the Xbox . It is piss easy to do.
  5. Probably late with this but season 4 of Archer is finally on Netflix .
  6. So what are you going to do about it then? Pathetic response. Not at all. The team have an influence on their fate. What can the fans do other than accept the things they can not change or have a moan . So what are you doing?
  7. This post is old, but I have to respond. It's fantastic. Do they douse the chips in msg or something? Hahahaha I hope not. They say they use peanut oil for the fries as opposed to what other places use. Still not a healthy option at all, but the burgers are amazing. Nothing better than having 5 Guys in your mouth ....mmmmmm.
  8. 1.30 Abbysial 2.05 Cheltenian 2.40 Champagne West 3.20 On His Own 4.00 Divine Intavention 4.40 The Skyfarmer All perms e/w as all have placing credentials IMO.
  9. Had Vautour to win and an e/w on Josses Hill as well . Well done CV.
  10. I have had my fair share from birth til now . I guarantee that whatever you have done pales into insignificance with the passage of time . They can't make you pregnant at the end of the day . Don't let it get to you. This is true. However there could not have been a worse time for this to happen in terms of the company I work for. I could potentially have cost us the big contract that was keeping us afloat Now, it wasn't something done through malice or even gross negligence/incompetence, and I've essentially kept us afloat for 2 years in two continents, but that's unlikely to be at the forefront of the conversation It's all quite silly, too. I used the word "asshole" in the header if an article in a magazine which the company we produce it for have taken umbrage with, the one fecking time the company actually read the magazine. Any time other than now that would've been a laughed off thing, but they've only home and told us YESTERDAY that they were putting things on hold to reassess their finances, asking us to propose an alternative solution that costs less to them next week. Essentially, I've given them the perfect reason to walk away - and we can't afford to lose them. The boss hasn't seen the email yet, which basically said they're pulling the magazine from circulation because of it - and I assume they'll refuse to pay for it, leaving a $30k print bill that we can't afford to pay since our profit margins are quite low in this particular agreement. So yeah, as silly and all as it is, it's also pretty serious. I wouldn't mind, but contextually the use of the word was fine, and they're being offended over nothing. I could understand if it was something insanely stupid on my part. But it wasn't... It never even crossed my mind to use another word when proofing it, such was the innocence of its use I ordered 50 boxes of ration packs once (100 per box) instead of 50 individual packs . We still won the war on terror eventually., Shit happens .
  11. I actually think CED is a bright individual who doesn't wholeheartedly believe half the thing he says .
  12. whatsl this stuff about a cover letter? I don't remember CV's needing them before, is this some new stuff that they expect? what sort of stuff should I put on that? Cover letters are a neccessity these days .. An enclosed nude selfie and a sperm sample are the bare minimum these days . Get your head out of the HQ mate .
  13. I have had my fair share from birth til now . I guarantee that whatever you have done pales into insignificance with the passage of time . They can't make you pregnant at the end of the day . Don't let it get to you.
  14. Why are places down south so "leafy" ?
  15. Watch loads of war films that are based on true events in the run up to your hell week . You will feel a lot less like a pussy when you drive that long haul from london to brum in the dark . Deep down you will either enjoy or become a better person. Probably both .
  16. God yes. Absolutely **** vile. Why do people eat that shit? Because if you eat it then huff some glue you can sleep through the alley cat raucous . After a quick game of night crawlers obviously .
  17. Just take a pic of your bicep with the caption "Hire me and your figures will go stratospheric you bumbaclaarts. Make it happen " They will be sucking you into the firm via your enchilada .,
  18. Trust me, Villa are Brum's only professional representative team . If you think there are other teams that represent this amazing industrial behemoth then pass me that crack pipe mate .
  19. Yeah there is a huge Irish community here in which I like to think I am part of (even as an Englishman) . I was a promising Gaelic football player in my teens even though I have zero Irish heritage . Anyway that is irrelevant ..you are the one trying to make your world smaller . You are happy to support Brums premier team but reluctant to be part of the city they represent ? . Seems weird .
  20. ok I used to be a christian until I developed even the tiniest ability to think logically and base my life on evidence and reason . But yeah , as crazy it seems now I was quite into religion back in the day .
  21. Well when you inevitably start your bombing campaign on Erdington high street can you at least give us a heads up first ?Why would anybody bother bombing a bomb site? Exactly . It would solve nothing in the long run and would not bring about the end of Birmingham rule in your North Eastern province . If only the Irish had Vt back in the day . P.s. Heard you guys now have a Nandos to go with the aldi . Sounds like you guys are really living the life over there . Dunno, I haven't visited the town centre for at least a couple of years. Wanting Sutton independence doesn't automatically mean a dislike for bordering towns, but it is an interesting chip that is worn. I didn't realise. I was born in Sutton and as I am for 99 % of the time on here I am having fun . You just sounded like Sinn Fein is all .
  22. Wachowski I think . He loved it . Rail /secret Russian silo door handle ...whatever it was... You handled it to a medal winning standard . It was good Post poo TV which ever way you look at it .
  23. The same dirty tramps who buy lottery tickets, which in turn funds athletes . You owe alot to the Fray Bentos eating masses, Jones. Truth Here is a truth bomb for you . The night before you did that thing in that place I genuinely ate a Fray Bentos with mash and peas . I woke up earlier than usual( for a weekend) the day after busting for a poo . I couldn't sleep after so put the telly on and lo and behold your finals were about to start so I decided to watch out of interest . Then it happened ... you slid down that pole like a pro , then you grabbed it and held on for a decent amount of time and at the end you did a 7 thing when the ill informed commentary team suggested you may be attempting a 9 thing . I was happy for you but even happier for VT (having being starved of success in any form for too long ). If it had not been for Fray Bentos I would have missed that monumental moment , so next time you choose to denigrate an entire class of society on their dietary regime I suggest you think on Jones. Think on .
  24. The same dirty tramps who buy lottery tickets, which in turn funds athletes . You owe alot to the Fray Bentos eating masses, Jones.
  25. Stew with a pastry lid does not equal pie in my book . Tasty though .
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