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Everything posted by Kiwivillan

  1. I had a dream they accepted it. I had a dream that they were undecided I dreamed a dream in time gone by When hope was high And life worth living
  2. I said ages ago they should do like the tennis and give each manager a number(say 2) of video-assisted challenges a match if and when he wants to use them. This would negate the argument of the game being stopped a ridiculous amount of times in a match, which seems to be detracting from moving this forward.
  3. Yeah what a shit player he was.is. :? Anyway, on a serious note, Villa never do anything positively unexpected/spontaneous, rabbits out of hats etc! Wer're just so predictable and boring sometimes it pains me!!! Not necessarily pointing to Pires, but there are certain deals that could be had which would add an old experienced head to our squad, on frees or dirt cheap, even if they may only make the odd appearance, these types of players are the ones who change games with a late Cameo, or teach the young ones a great deal in every aspect of football! (Once again not really talking about Pires specifically) Huh, you want to sign Cameo? Oh I get it. Word up!
  4. Impressive if true. Has Randy's decision not to deal at previous figures, suggested at £2m per year, driven up the price? In doing so we have helped Acorns and the club. A nice win-win by Randy.
  5. No fail! Don't fail me. Why isn't Ash in the World Cup squad? Because MON made a right-footer play on the left wing. This is exactly why Capello doesn't like Ash. MON hammers square pegs into round holes. RB/LB situation case in point.
  6. Falcao under MONs system. Joy! MON would turn Ronaldinho into Gavin Mccann if he didn't leave him on the bench all season for having other ideas about how to win a game of football
  7. Why am I read this with Russian accent? :winkold: Danny's deaf. That's why he writes like that. It grows on you after a while
  8. I follow the Bundesliga I & II and i'm pretty sure there's no team called Great Yellow Banana
  9. Richards is utter wank. Can't believe his name is mentioned,
  10. I thought Citeh are trying to push the deal through before WC starts?
  11. Sorry, but did you see him against Everton? Got taken off at Goodison. He is captain. He wasn't injured either. Such a poor poor performance from someone that has such a big reputation. Plays in a poor league where they have two competitive teams. Is that the only game you have seen him in? The guy is immense. One poor performance doesn't mean the player is automatically a bad buy. He was in one of the legs of the 12-1 aggregate drubbing by Bayern wasn't he?
  12. Really? Say 30M, 40M ? 30M and Bellamy and Ireland and Richards ? I took a dump today that could defend better than Richards.
  13. Easy for me. SC Freiburg. Went out with a girl from Freiburg for 4 years and saw them play Moenchengladbach away. Usually a yo-yo team but they've just survived relegation.
  14. Why in the world would any Villa supporter want Spurs to get 4th. That is the worst possible result for us. As some Gooner pointed out as far as Man Citeh goes: If they DO get fourth, they will spend a fortune and buy some of the best players in the world and be real contenders for all trophies next year. If they DON’T get fourth, they will spend a fortune and buy some of the best players in the world and be real contenders for all trophies next year.
  15. Can't take another season of Petrov as guaranteed starter
  16. Great work from Gabby. Deserved a goal
  17. Double Impact. Two Van Dammes for the price of one. Epic.
  18. It's his 25th headed goal. DOL was going to buy him but had no money. Shame
  19. Lucky. Looked a handball by Dunne. Can't beat Villa - Everton games
  20. Blow the whistle before they get another 4
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