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Chicken Field

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Everything posted by Chicken Field

  1. 4 points adrift, this looks like the season we are going down. Crespo seems like our Quashie, third relegation on a row. Bad omen
  2. Crespo -- Richards ---Lescott Hutton ---------------------------- Amavi Gana - Veretout Gil - Grealish Gestede for second half !!
  3. The boring bit is losing. ...........Its not a case of playing more defensive players or more attacking players.....its getting them to do what they have been asked to do. If we are playing 3 defensive midfielders as you say, then they are not doing what they supposed to, because we are not defending well, AS A TEAM. I am unsure, right now what formation to play, because its all about getting them to do their jobs too, not JUST line-ups. They are maybe not defensive players, but they are so deep on the pitch that they will never influence the attacks and that they are lying so deep is fully down to the manager. Does any other team in the league use 3 deep lying midfielders in the league ? why not use use two and then play either gil or grealish as an attacking midfielder ? And your are right, they aren't doing their job, but the answer is not to throw more similar players on. But, equally I fully understand your point. It may well be that the manager has not asked them to play that deep but they are being pushed back through their own poor performance......I don't think our players press enough or close down, Blimey , Mahrez was left to run riot at Leicester, they simply allowed him the space to do it.....only short of giving him a ticket to the party. All teams can be great ..... IF YOU LET THEM BE. I know its different times now, but I remember Giles & Bremner running the midfield for the great Leeds team, mainly because they had ALL of the attributes of a good midfielder and secondly because they had great players around them.....it wasn't about formations, it was about individual performances cumulating in to a TEAM performance I defiantly agree about the pressing, we never seem to give the other players a hard time, it just seems like they are allowed to waltz wherever they please. our midfielders job just seems to be to keep the ball moving, but they really need to start making runs, and if they aren't doing that because they are inept. then they should not be playing, or at least not as three of them.
  4. The boring bit is losing. ...........Its not a case of playing more defensive players or more attacking players.....its getting them to do what they have been asked to do. If we are playing 3 defensive midfielders as you say, then they are not doing what they supposed to, because we are not defending well, AS A TEAM. I am unsure, right now what formation to play, because its all about getting them to do their jobs too, not JUST line-ups. They are maybe not defensive players, but they are so deep on the pitch that they will never influence the attacks and that they are lying so deep is fully down to the manager. Does any other team in the league use 3 deep lying midfielders in the league ? why not use use two and then play either gil or grealish as an attacking midfielder ? And your are right, they aren't doing their job, but the answer is not to throw more similar players on. Edit: to be fair, Gana seems to be more attacking than usual today, but one of the other two needs to run forward to. To many to similar midfielders
  5. The problem with Sherwood, which is the same problem I had with Lambert, is that we don't seem to have any philosophy, don't play any specific tactic and just seem to throw who ever is available on in whatever position we need filling. Formation is random and players out of position. And we seem to ALWAYS play with 3 defensive midfielders, which is so negative and boring. Look at the teams that are doing well in the league, They always seem to have a formation they use and a philosophy they keep who ever is the manager. Looking at the Villa selection today, it looks totally random and every attack Villa have is totally random, hoofing it to small players, attacking on the wings when we dont use wingers. We need to decide on a way which our team should play and stick to it and buy players/hire managers to fit that system. Even the signings seemed random with no bigger picture, reminds me of liverpool.
  6. Sherwood going for the birmingham tactic of playing shite in the first half ? looks like it with that starting eleven. looks awful, though I do like the ide of a back 5.
  7. should be tried as a right back, not because he has been bad as a centre back, but because Bacuna and Hutton are awful.
  8. Er the amount of time is important... It shouldn't be the deciding factor when considering whether he's sacked or not. Besides it's not as if he's just now walked through the door, he's had time. Time? Last season he had Lambert's squad and turned us around and kept us up. He's had very little time with is own players. What worries me about this sentence, is for the fact that the more time he had with "Lamberts" players the worse they became, he did have a fantastic short term effect, I am afraid that is all he has in his locker. Though hopefully I am wrong, as I would love for him to succeed.
  9. Lambert worked under a lot harder circumstances than Sherwood has worked under, and there is not a big difference on the pitch, at least Lambert had a proven history as a manager, Tim has shown nothing in his career to prove he is the right one. Results and performances must improve quickly (And when I say quickly, I mean tomorrow included), or I will join the Sherwood out bandwagon.
  10. Must say, we really seem to have wasted a lot of cash, especially on strikers. I'm am really really loosing patience now
  11. first defensive change Tim has done this season, and it is today when we trail the game 1-0.........
  12. poor poor poor poor.. we are in trouble. This may easily be the season we go down.
  13. It is quite rare to see a team that finished near the relegation zone buy a player for £9m and not use him. Usually managers keep using "their" signings to prove that they are not money wasted. The same can be said about Ayew, makes me worry a bit about the two of them, but I will stay positive about them til at least Christmas. Even though I thought Veretout was embarrassing against Manchester Utd, him trying to kick januzaj and his blatant dive (I forget, was it Veretout that dived ?, or was it Ayew ? )
  14. Can''t be much worse than the others at the moment ! throw him on ! or give Sellers a chance! Just someone !
  15. I do not wan't him sacked, but I am really, really worried. He seems to me to be all motivation and little else. If this was the first game he had failed his subs this season I would not be worried, but this is the third game on the trot, which is unacceptable. And he has proven to be tactically "poor" for Tottenham and last season for villa too. I know he saved us last season, but motivation will only lead a team so far and there were many many games where I thought he could have done a lot better as a manager. I also believe there is a good reason Tottenham did not see him fit to manage them, even though he had an amazing win percentage, they were able to see his weaknesses. I personally feel that one of Sherwoods biggest weakness is that his confidence is too high, therefor he will not learn from mistake but blame others. To much self confidence can be extremely dangerous. I like him and wan't him to succeed, but he needs to improve quickly, or this will be a long, long season.
  16. Lost us 3 points today with awful awful substitutions, putting on 2 statue strikers on when we are under pressure is just idiocracy. Poor substitutions against Sunderland also cost us 2 more points and the worst of the lot the Palace game he lost us the game. that's three games on the bounce. P.S notice how well we played attackingly in the first half and that there were NON of his signings up front (Sinclair was bought by Lambert). And as soon as he tried to put "his" players on we became shit. SOOOO much money wasted this summer. I wan't a knew manager. Don't care who, only criteria, he must be able to make subs.
  17. Let him reach his potential first and be one of the best in the world, make England desperate to get him, the FA will offer him silly money if he chooses them and then he doesn't need to leave Villa for more money, as he will earn bucket loads from England. Future solved !
  18. I am sorry if I came of very negatively, but I am just finding it hard to get rid of the pessimism that has been installed in me these last 5 or so years xD And I just haven't been very impressed by us so far this season(yes we had 22 shots against Sunderland, but having seen all their matches so far this season, they are seriously shit). and therefor I am really trying hard not to push the panic button straight away, just like Villa, I am afraid I need a lot of fixing mentally before I become a positive football fan again. But I do agree that the trio of Gil, Adama and Grealish is frightening, with a decent striker (surely Sinclair would be our best striker) in front of them we could hopefully become quite entertaining again.
  19. I disagree, I think Gana looks decent sometimes, but looses possession sooo often and seems to panic as soon as he gets close to the other teams goal. his passes can be extremely sloppy at times and he seems to go missing for periods of the match. Both Sanchez and Westwood have outperformed him so far this season. Veretout performance against Utd. was awful, absolutely terrible, he has not done anything to make me think he will be a good signing. It does not help seeing him on the bench for the last two premier league games and the manager not putting him on. If he is off pace, then he needs to play games, even 10-20 minutes at the end of matches would help. Managers usually give their signings a chance to get used to the team before they are dropped.
  20. Even though it is still very early days, does anyone else look at the list of players we have signed and worry we have once again wasted a lot of money. For me only Richards, Amavi (IF he improves defensively, makes to many silly mistakes) and possibly Adama Traore seem like good signings. The rest all look very average or worse. I know they can still improve, but I have a very bad feeling about this season. Doesn't help that Sherwood does not seem to have a game plan or favorite formation and just puts random players on each match and plays whatever formation the players fit (granted we have had injuries) if last match was with Lambert in charge, people would be fuming. Sanchez, Bacuna, Westwood and Gana, how many central mids do we need, I honestly do not know where Bacuna was playing, he seemed to be pretty central. And what is it with Villa and having managers that do not want to make subs during matches, I just don't understand it. Martin O'Neill and Lambert were just as stubborn when it came to making changes during games and I feel it is costing us points.
  21. Played decent today, I blame the rest of the team for him not playing amazingly, when he is in possession he needs the players in front of him moving, Gabby and Gestede just stand there and the midfield trio don't make enough runs. would also help if there were players on the wings, more options for him to choose from.
  22. Not totally convinced about Sherwood yet, seems to make many weird decisions, like taking Sanchez of today and letting Gabby and Gestede play the entire match. So far (even though it is still very early days) I am not convinced about his signings, Amavi has looked decent, the rest have looked average, (I am also very exited about Traore) though it is much much to early to judge them. Sherwood seems to be making the same mistake that Lambert was doing, using 3 defensive midfielders at the same time, we're never going to score many goals playing with three defensive midfielders. I don't think any of our midfield trio was ever close to Palace's goal, except maybe Sanchez once. Also, when was the last time we have seen a team be successful without wingers ? We lack width and when our fullbacks go up, we lack defenders, we need wingers to be able to help them out or play with 3 at the back. Villa really need to take a look at the team and start doing what Palace, Swansea and Southampton are doing, where we create a philosophy and buy players/hire managers that fit into that philosophy instead of just putting random players into random positions and hire new managers who want to change everything. We also really need more out and out wingers like Traore in our team, they offer so much attacking threat and it is much easier to attack on the wings than to attack through the center.
  23. WHY OH WHY have we not made a sub yet, this is OBVIOUSLY not working, playing with fire here !
  24. For all the praise that Palace receive for the squad they have built, (correctly so) I believe our match day squad is at least on a par (I actually think it's better) 1-2 Gabby & Gestede. For me the biggest problem with Villa for the last many many years (and looks like it will be this year too) is that I can never figure out what formation we are playing and what our philosophy is (long ball or passing or wing play or central play), we always have a bunch of players playing out of position which makes our starting eleven very messy and unbalanced. We have no idea what tactic we are playing today,we might be playing a 433, 4231, 41212 or 4312 and I bet we will be no wiser when the match is finished, if you look at all the good teams in the world you can look at their starting eleven and know exactly how they are playing and who is playing where (ofc they are also fluid and players are allowed to roam out of position) . Therefor I feel Palace's squad look a lot stronger, they play a simple 4231, quick wingers creative and flamboyant cam with a strong striker. Simple but effective. odd post. so because you can't figure it out, the players don't know? It very often looks like the players don't know, most often it looks like we don't really play a formation but we just have 11 players on the pitch. Usually when we use wingers we use strikers who drift all over the place (gabby, Ayew this season). It usually just looks messy. Every strong team has one preferred formation and we don't seem to have one. First two games this season we were short of options upfront due to the fitness/injuries, I think now we'll start to see more obvious shape. Sherwood even said as much that he's happy we now have options. I do agree though under Lambert it was hard to see the game plan, although how much of that was down to the lack of instruction, effectiveness of the game plan and the players ability to execute it I'm not sure. Probably equal measures. Hopefully, I would rather see us play players who fit our formation instead of us playing a formation to fit our players(if that makes any sense). But you are right though that last season under Sherwood we played the Christmas tree formation quite consistently. Hopefully he has an idea of how and what formation he wants us to play regularly from now on. I my self am a sucker for proper wingers, I really hope Adama is a good as he looks on youtube, as we are quite lacking in quality there (I must apologize for my poor English as it is not my first language, so it can be quite difficult for me to get my point across )
  25. For all the praise that Palace receive for the squad they have built, (correctly so) I believe our match day squad is at least on a par (I actually think it's better) 1-2 Gabby & Gestede. For me the biggest problem with Villa for the last many many years (and looks like it will be this year too) is that I can never figure out what formation we are playing and what our philosophy is (long ball or passing or wing play or central play), we always have a bunch of players playing out of position which makes our starting eleven very messy and unbalanced. We have no idea what tactic we are playing today,we might be playing a 433, 4231, 41212 or 4312 and I bet we will be no wiser when the match is finished, if you look at all the good teams in the world you can look at their starting eleven and know exactly how they are playing and who is playing where (ofc they are also fluid and players are allowed to roam out of position) . Therefor I feel Palace's squad look a lot stronger, they play a simple 4231, quick wingers creative and flamboyant cam with a strong striker. Simple but effective. odd post. so because you can't figure it out, the players don't know? It very often looks like the players don't know, most often it looks like we don't really play a formation but we just have 11 players on the pitch. Usually when we use wingers we use strikers who drift all over the place (gabby, Ayew this season). It usually just looks messy. Every strong team has one preferred formation and we don't seem to have one.
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