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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. What amazes me is that there still appears to be a number of fans who want to try and defend this guy who has done nothing to earn this faith in him. Please please try and tell me what he offers other than an ability to run in a straight line quite quickly, because I'm struggling to come up with something.
  2. And his recent form suggests he really looks like getting a bag full? . I think not. Wouldn't let him anywhere near a starting shirt IMO
  3. Stand down on this , you've got no worries about this happening.
  4. That's exactly what I keep thinking myself, but then it dawn's on me that Leicester had a lot more toughness and resilience than what we appear to have along with a tough as old boots general in charge pumping them up for each game ( and no this is not intended in anyway shape or form as a dig at Reme). Just an observation of some of the factors which contributed to the foxes staying up in my view
  5. I got Platty as well, would probably have preferred. Macca though.
  6. Villachris with all due respect I'm not sure our squad is better than Norwich, agreed there's probably not much between us mind.
  7. Well if he wants to go to the baggies or anywhere else for this matter I'm happy to drive him there myself.
  8. I wouldn't lose any sleep over this happening if I were you Stevo.
  9. I really think you have misunderstood me because in essence we are actually agreeing on one point and that is that I too have no issue whatsoever with him undergoing warm weather training, none at all. However I think where we disagree on is the player that might return? Lets's face it we are not exactly going to get a new goal machine or flying wing wizard are we? And I will say to you again that I can fully understand some of the negative comments regarding him flying off to warmer climes to train on the back of some truly dreadful form over a significant period of time. This to me equates to not particularly great PR but how you quantify or substantiate PR is subjective !
  10. I think your misunderstanding me, for me yes i can personally see why the club might wish to send him off to warmer climes and i really have no issue with this at all and if he wants to train there for the rest of his life, crack on!. However given the team's performances alongside his for the last few seasons i can also see why some fans might not be happy with it. Like i said it's just not the best PR taking this into account.
  11. Because as I said it's not the greatest PR job in the world is it? Quite frankly I don't give a flying fig about the guy, or where he trains for that matter and if he leaves the club tomorrow I would be happy, having said all of this I can see a rationale to it on the clubs behalf. But don't try and tell me a bit of hot weather will improve this guys footballing ability overall because I'm telling you it won't.
  12. You make some valid observations which i don't necessarily disagree with, however can you not see the other side of this story, where decent hard working fans paying their hard earned cash, see an under performing footballer fly off to warmer climes whilst the rest of the team/fans shiver in the recent cold snap. It's not the best PR ever is it considering his form?. PS for the record in my humble opinion it wont make diddly squat difference to him anyway, but as i say that's just my opinion
  13. Oh i do hope so, however i fear just another false dawn. who in their right mind would match those ridiculous wages, for so little in return.
  14. I think you'll find that our summer recruitment was and still is the biggest issue that we are faced with right now. We quite simply paid good money for players who are not up to the task. How can this not be poor recruitment. You may wish to argue whose fault it was, but that's an entirely separate debate.
  15. well how very dare you challenge DDD about Gabby!!. By the way i'm with you.
  16. oh it'll be a handful of goals, don't worry about that.
  17. Anyone thinking that " the old Gabby " might suddenly return following some warm weather training is fooling themselves. There is no old Gabby to return, just an older very ordinary footballer. IMO.
  18. I see no reason why he should not be given an opportunity to show what he is capable of. Sure he appeared to labour somewhat at times before getting injured, but you can argue no more than any of our other strikers so far this season, pre-season also suggests that he has a goal or two in his locker. Go for it please Remi.
  19. Weedman; personally I fail to see what potential reason you can offer to try and justify this guys performances this season. Don't you feel the frustration and sheer exasperation of so many of the fans who post on here. I'm pretty sure you know my views by now, don't rate him, never have and unlikely this will ever change. I choose not to use some of the terms and phrases others use, but I definitely understand and share in the frustrations and understand why supporters get annoyed and angry when they see such low level, below standard performances season after season IMO.
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