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Everything posted by Dirtysanchez

  1. Of course he is, Guzan is an average enough keeper if we are to be honest.
  2. What a post! Do you even watch football? Seriously now.
  3. The club owe him for what? He gets a nice wage every week so why do they owe him? As for Guzan single handedly keeping us up I think you must be mistaking him for Benteke.
  4. Begovic is an excellent keeper, Guzan is a good one, there's a huge difference in the 2 and Begovic would make a huge difference to the side I think.
  5. Having read a lot of your posts on here I struggle to see what you add, I'll keep reading though and hope they improve, doubt it though! It's as if you're in the know when in fact you just post what is already being reported in the media. So whats the deal here, we are all here for your benefit? I dont think so. This is a speculation thread where we are all entitled to make suggestions and give our opinions to the discussion whilst hoping to pick up any info that people might have come across from the various sources they use. I dont know if Richard actually knows these things or if he is simply a bloody good investigator but he has been more acurate than the average poster on here. Oviously any deal can fall through at the last minute so he will never have a 100% record but I for one will continue to appreciate him taking the time to add to this thread. At the very least, his posts give me hope! It's the smugness of his posts which I do not like, sorry if I upset you with my post
  6. Having read a lot of your posts on here I struggle to see what you add, I'll keep reading though and hope they improve, doubt it though! It's as if you're in the know when in fact you just post what is already being reported in the media.
  7. Robbie Brady, he would be an excellent signing, his deliveries are very good.
  8. No need for that at all, Benteke owes us nothing and I for one am glad he has stayed and kept us up season after season, can hardly blame him for wanting to play in a side that's possibly in Europe or challenging higher up the table, he is progressing as a player while we are not as a club. I wish him all the best cos he's a great striker for whoever gets him I just hope he doesn't score against us.
  9. Will be sad to see him go to Everton, he's a good player.
  10. Internet points to the first person to name all the players. Ok so I'm clearly bored Gary Breen Faustino Asprilla Neville Southall carol Poborsky Alan Wright Ruel Fox Pierre Van Hoijdonk Robbie Savage Iain Dowie Isaiah Osbourne
  11. Bit of a mess at the moment but hopefully put that right for the cup final. It's a real shame Clark won't start as I think he's a great partner for Okore, they seem to have a good understanding of where the other is and what positions to take up compared to Vlaar and Okore which just does not seem to work at all for some reason.
  12. http://m.independent.ie/sport/soccer/international-soccer/lastminute-uturn-sees-grealish-opt-out-having-agreed-to-join-ireland-squad-31217960.html This doesn't go into full detail but there will be more published
  13. My mate who is a journalist was there, this hasn't been printed anywhere and maybe it will in next few days
  14. There was a last minute change of heart from Jack and I have explained already what happened
  15. That aimed at me? Nothing I have posted is made up nor do I have any reason to lie about this
  16. He had decided to continue to play with Ireland and was ready for a senior call up yesterday then Sherwood intervened. This is what the fuss is about.
  17. Yes, he's grown in to the footballer he is now because of Ireland, not because of England. I am talking about playing for Ireland at underage level would have helped develop him.
  18. England haven't done anything to help his career to date, hopefully he is loyal to the country who selected him for the past 5 years
  19. Jack had accepted the call up to Ireland squad today and just before the squad was announced MON and Sherwood had words, Tim apparently told him to focus on Villa for the next few weeks and not to be distracted especially as still in relegation battle and cup final, press conference was delayed by almost 40 mins because Martin was chatting to Tim at the last minute before making the announcement to the media. Fairly confident he will stick with Ireland which he has done for the past 5 years.
  20. The one he's represented at all under age level so far is it? Oh wait.....
  21. O'Neill confirmed he wanted to call him up but Jack has declined, so that's that then, England it is :-(
  22. Jack will be named in the Irish squad today, it has been confirmed :-)
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