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Everything posted by Sam3773

  1. "Disastrous start to the second half for Villa!" Season pal. Season.
  2. I envy teams who can complete passes and create chances.
  3. I paid £6 because I, sirs, am an idiot. Come on Villa!
  4. Seen this far too often recently. We know his days are numbered, as does he I suspect. Why are we prolonging the inevitable? I can only hope we're seeking out a replacement to allow for a quick change. From what I've seen of the doctor, coupled with his tweet after the Hull game, I don't believe he will be patient much longer. Tomorrow could bring about the end.
  5. If this has taught me one thing, it's to ignore the sentence "... would be a huge risk". I'm not specifically talking about names mooted in this thread, but the idea in general. When we got Bruce in he was, arguably, the polar opposite to a "huge risk". A safe pair of hands with a large number of promotions and bags of experience. It hasn't paid off. Now I can't see a huge risk anywhere, I see risks everywhere. Who had as much experience and as many promotions as our incumbent? No one. So by that metric, surely anyone is now a risk from Pardew to Yorke, they could be a success or a failure. With parachute payments and FFP, the time to try a safe pair of hands has gone by 12 months ago and now we are in an unfortunate position of stick or twist. If we're to take a punt in a young, attack minded manager, I'd say now might be the time. I don't know who that is, but I'd quite like to enjoy games. We went for Bruce in the hope that we nick a couple of games.. Grind out results. It hasn't worked and it's dull. I want to see us play some exciting football and turn teams over, something we haven't done in far too long. Remi Garde?
  6. I thought I had seen it all on Bruce's last comedy roadshow, but long balls to Samba up top. That's a hell of a new addition for 2017.
  7. Good first half. Some sloppy play, particularly in the last 10. Bacuna has particularly been sloppy giving the ball away. Hogan needs a goal. He puts a hell of a lot of effort into it. Deserves it.
  8. Gabby scored. Hutton assist. Let that sink in.
  9. I won't moan until the final whistle. I won't moan until the final whistle. I won't moan unti - BACUNA?! Why not let Richards come round and bang my missus while you're at it, Steve.
  10. I'm still so confused. For one, I can't find anything about the Cup of Traditions online. Are we the only team to ever achieve such heights? Also, what did La Liga have to do with it?! Why is it so big? Samba could use it as a leaning post. So many questions.
  11. Elmo looked much better than I expected. Him and Hogan linking up the stand out. We made passes in front of players for them to run on to, look strong in defence and attack. And just in case you were confused and thought you were watching the wrong game, Huttinho was there to remind you you're watching Villa.
  12. Guy in the background of a tweeted picture warming up sure looks a lot like McCormack. Odd.
  13. I'd let him bang the missus. Welcome to the big time, JT.
  14. I've waited so long for this gif to make a return. Welcome, JT.
  15. Rongtian tweeted me to say the launch is at 10:30. Not long to wait to see JT.
  16. Great looking kit, unveiled being worn by John Terry and Joe Hart. Huge name across the front. I imagine it'll be Apple or Microsoft. Calling it.
  17. Really surprised this isn't on TV with Brighton probably lifting the title at the end of it.
  18. A new dawn. It was my 28th birthday yesterday and today is the final game of the season. I awoke full of hope and positivity this morning and I wanted reinforcement. Bruce has been promoted loads, he's been in the line for the England job and he's well regarded. This must have just been a bad season in his career. So, instilled with my new found sunshine, I sought proof. I hit Google to check out his Hull and Sunderland tactics and style, what the fans thought of him and his football. I wish I hadn't. At times I was convinced I was reading an article about this season. He may have been promoted a lot, but it's not pretty. His code consistency is striking though. Articles at all clubs and amongst all fan bases strike a similar message. No style of play, questionable tactics and archaic. He once even said "I don't do tactics". Something he seems to have proven. Did you know he's never actually won anything? Play offs aside, he hasn't taken a league title or cup. So what is he? Is he good? 4 promotions is not to be sniffed at but.. He's managed in the second tier almost all of his managerial career. That's 20 years. So is he the promotion expert, or has he just been around longer than all the others. Enough to sneak into the play offs a couple of times. From what I've read and seen, we need to part ways. Yes, he's had 4 promotions, but he's been here longer than anyone else. You're more likely to pot the black, if you have 15 more goes than the competition.
  19. We are playing like we're on summer break already. Seem to have all checked out.
  20. I like to think we're playing crap on purpose..
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