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Everything posted by Sam3773

  1. Well, they are stunning. Looks like that training kit was an afterthought.
  2. Sounds like a man who doesn't have any cash left to pump in. Meh, he's about as trustworthy as the press in my opinion. Are we debt free? I doubt it. Are we imminently going into administration? I doubt it. I'm more annoyed that, with our new patient, considered and youthful approach, he elected to keep the manager in charge. Anyway, next summer will be telling. The rolling 3 year FFP window will have rolled past our first season in the Championship where we spent a hell of a lot of money. Suddenly next summer we can spend big again. Will he? I hope he's learnt his lesson. Can he? I doubt it without investment.
  3. I look back and thoughts of Randy Lerner owning our club seem to romantically nourish me.
  4. VillaTalk: Come for the takeover talk, stay for the fashion advice.
  5. Huge take-up on the opportunity to model the training kit I see.
  6. The similarities to the last takeover are certainly there. The CEO has gone (forcibly in this case) and doesn't look set to be replaced. Key staff including Round, Coton and Fitness staff have left and don't appear to be being replaced. Xia has converted debt owed to him by the club in to shares to make DD and sale ability better - Lerner did the same in 2016 shortly before granting Xia exclusivity. A key difference is the communication. Xia has a direct communication medium with fans - Twitter. We never had this with Lerner and still I'd argue communication was better under the previous regime. We were up for sale. No guess work, just honesty from an absent owner. Xia hasn't given us anything. I understand from the press that Rongtian and Organ are meeting with Bruce this morning. I don't think they'll remove him, but perhaps update him on what Xia's doing. I'm sure Bruce is as much in the dark as most. This could mean a takeover is closer than expected. In my opinion, its too late and he needs to sell. He has single handedly created a toxic vibe amongst the fan base again and a large portion of the blame for that rests on Xia's silence the last month or so. Its allowed the press to dictate the story, and its rarely a good one. He needs to sell carefully, with full focus on the club. I've seen reports that he only wants to sell to a Chinese buyer. I'm sure those are far from the mark, and hope if he has refused offerers from American or European buyers, its for good reason. I believe something is happening, I have seen rumour that he's accepted a bid finally, how true that is I don't know (Twitter eh?), but I certainly hope so. Either way, the club and Xia need to communicate almost immediately to try and calm fears, tell the fans that something is happening, albeit from a high level. Just the knowledge that Xia is looking to sell would be a start. And moreover, put themselves in the driving seat again, being the authority on what's happening instead of the press. Here's hoping a new owner comes in soon and allows a smart, patient rebuild of the club. We certainly can't throw money at the problem again.
  7. That ThatcherLover on Twitter tweeted '#wednesday' on Saturday. HE KNOWS! ?
  8. Ah, ThunderCats, a popular TV show in the 80's written by Theodore 'Tobin' Wolf Aka 'Ted Wolf'. Tobin Wolf fancied himself as a bit of an inventor and holds quite a few patents in America, one of which being an 'combat action figure'. A series of action figures that fire projectiles at each other from a spring loaded weapon. It's all starting to come together. You know who has action figures? Larry Ellison. Larry Ellison has action figures.* * Probably.
  9. How are we supposed to know anything without Mendi or Kwan?!
  10. Conversation, opinion and debate on issues that aren't 100% are the best thing about this forum. Unfortunately this forum, and indeed another, suffer badly from people showing up around the end of a season who claims to know everything. His mate works at VP or he's friends with a player or some other random relationship. 9 times out of 10 is useless nonsense that never specifies anything. 'something is happening this week'. When it doesn't happen, they claim some mystical force means things have been put back. The only 'ITK' who has proved to actually be in the know is a chap called Villa Transfers on Twitter who works in the team that does medicals. Nothing vague there, always says fact days before transfers are announced. 'Something is happening a week on Thursday. I can't say my source but he said initials are "CR".' people will always be met with rolling eyes.
  11. Both very fair points, and you are correct, Ho's role has been greatly increased under Xia. I'm just keeping things balanced. Perhaps Xia could be well on the way to the exit door, but he could also have decided to stay and try to fix things. You can read his tweets both ways. Maybe Ho is leaving with Xia. Maybe Ho is as fed up as the rest of us and has chosen to move away from the undoubted amount of grief he's been getting on the socials. Time, as always, well tell all.
  12. You lot are optimistic. Ho was at the club pre-Xia so him leaving, if indeed he is, probably doesn't mean much.
  13. This is rubbish. I want rumour, dodgy ITK's, pictures of Xia with family and rich businessmen, Larry Ellison, I want it all. I heard that the American party took a look around on Monday and another group on Tuesday.. Where's @thetrees with reports on all the rich people who have flown into Birmingham International?! Call this a bloody takeover?!
  14. Dr. Xia out. Dr. Xia out. I just don't think you understand! From Lord Mayor's shows to bank accounts froze, we want Dr. Xia out! Number one this Christmas. Calling Chas and/or Dave now for recording. Hang on! I have another one.. Dr. Xia out! Dr. Xia out! I just don't think you understand! From there or there abouts To financial doubts We want Dr. Xia out! To the tune of "Randy Lerner out" by A Villa.
  15. Sounds like someone's been on TBAR. I'm not angry, just disappointed. Tony Adams in.
  16. Perhaps I'm wrong - I'm not an expert. However, I read this as quite simply over the last two years Xia has put circa £57m of his own money into Aston Villa as a loan and circa £69m of his own money into Recon has a loan. In effect, Recon UK and Aston Villa owed Xia this money. Understanding that they can't pay it back, and it showing as a debt on the books, Xia had transferred this to share capital, meaning instead of owning 80odd million shares at £1a pop, he owns £140m shares at a pound a pop. It doesn't mean anything directly, and it isn't a percentage of anything, but it's normally a precursor to a sale. A new owner won't want his new business owing the previous owner money. Xia doesn't have to sell his shares at that price. He's effectively written off monies owed to him by the club and Recon. I could be wrong.
  17. A tenner and an application form if this report from the Telegraph back in 2016 is to be believed. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/05/23/questions-linger-over-new-chinese-owner-of-aston-villa/amp/
  18. Saw something on twitter to say a new filing has been made this morning with Companies House to create £57m worth of shares in AVFC. Matches 49% of Xia's apparent valuation of the club. I've checked and can confirm there's a share filing on Companies House as of today, but I have no idea what it means. Investment imminent?
  19. Is it? I don't tend to believe any 'ITKs' as a matter of course but let's be fair, something about missing a tax bill, the owner creating shares which can only be for the possibility of investment and the prospect of selling some of our best assets, albeit players currently, is pretty evidential to this being accurate. Even if Xia manages to get money into the club now I think it's gone too far with the fans. If I were a betting man I'd put a chunk on him selling before the end of the season and cutting his losses.
  20. Sam3773

    Going Under ?

    Sounds like a case of Freund.
  21. No, there's a lot of news stories out there at the moment. The 'facts' we know are that Wyness has been suspended. Nothing more or less. The rest is journalism and while I would expect it to be based on half decent chatter and rumblings, they're certainly not facts.
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