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Everything posted by alreadyexists

  1. It makes us look like the buy of the century! Are they seriously asking that much!? I think Abramovich has spent just over a Billion on Chesea over the 11 or so years. Spurs are based in London and have a huge waiting list for season tickets. That alone makes them worth at least twice as much as Villa. So a less than a third of 1.77bn pounds. I think that figure is absurd. You'd think with the potential we have at £200m we're a steal. Being in London does add some value, and having a waiting list for tickets shows they're popular, but 1.77bn pounds just seems crazy money to me. Man Utd costs the Glazers £800m 9 years ago, when they were (and probably still are) the biggest club in the world. Adjusted for inflation that's about £1.07bn. I think it makes us look a good deal.
  2. Big Phil to score any time (or first which ever way you look at it) and Villa to win 1-0 is 230/1 (bet365)… I think I'll stick a quid on.
  3. It makes us look like the buy of the century! Are they seriously asking that much!? I think Abramovich has spent just over a Billion on Chesea over the 11 or so years.
  4. Before the Liverpool game I would have said we'd be more likely to find a chink in Arsenal's armour, than L'plop's. But we managed to pull off a great performance and result there. I think the difference this year is we've deserved all of our results, not saying we didn't deserve them all last season, but we did manage some wins without a 'performance' as such. Anyway, I would love us to win this, it would be amazing. My head is saying loss though, but they're by no means unbeatable these days. A draw or a win and I would be very pleased.
  5. Rodgers is thinking: "when was the last time Paul showed me that kind of attention... Maybe if I did something different with my hair".
  6. Totally. When did that start!? Yesterday most called him 'Sondeross' when we all know it's pronounced; 'Senderlolss' I sort of got it in my head that he's older than he is, he's only 29, a lot of good centre backs play in to their early thirties (John terry, Vidic, etc.) so we could have him as part of a solid defence for the next 3 seasons. By that time the champions league money will give us a chance to sign ans attract an understudy
  7. It's the first time in ages that I'm really excited about us, and about what we can achieve. The season will be hard work, and there will be much harder times to come, but even the most cynical of us must accept that things seem better.
  8. Before the match my heart sank when Vlaar was out and Baker was in, I'll admit it. But I'm so pleasantly surprised, and couldn't be happier for the lad. He's got some stick over the last few years, sometimes warranted sometimes not, but today he showed what it means I be a professional CB. He stepped up and smashed it. Good lad. I think it's taught me to have more faith in the side that's picked, players are usually in there for a reason.
  9. Played well. Disciplined and great movement and positioning. Really pleased he's in the side, I feel like we were strong today, and our midfield seems stronger with him than without. Well played Tom, like I said before, welcome to the greatest club in the world.
  10. The Bald Eagle swooped in and pecked us a win.
  11. Nicho can we have a celebratory pig in slipper vid please?
  12. Love all the Villa shirts in the sky sports studio (not seen one)
  13. Yes, fair play to baker played solidly and made a couple of really important blocks.
  14. At least Chelsea won for the sky commentators to jizz over!
  15. Love that DB was running though tactical sheets and Keane just leaned over and pointed at the pitch and he went straight on! Keano!
  16. The Rock! Come on. Cleverley played well I thought, not showboating, but just solid.
  17. Ha, that must be it, couldn't be good play from villa.
  18. Might be best to put Sanchez on instead to sure up the defence a bit.
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