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Everything posted by KMitch

  1. ...then you have supporters on here like you, who think that anyone who doesn't back 100% of every decision being made at the club isn't "tuned into the reality" of the situation where the club is at right now. Some of you need to get off your high horses and actually read the posts you're slagging off before typing your stock "get with the program" responses. Screwdriver & I were discussing the fact that we dodged a bullet by not signing Fer and are puzzled by the fact that most of our supporters are blindly rating Fer, because he had one good game against us, but ~5 years of declining performances in the Premier League... You spun this into the response above. Just because I think that signing a 29 year old, overrated player on big wages for 3-5 years isn't in our best interests, doesn't mean I have "unrealistic expectations" and am bitching about "how low we've fallen".
  2. 200-250k/week in wages are off our books at the end of the season, due to expiring contracts, and our first season in the Championship (the one where Xia dropped silly money on players for RDM & Bruce in January) will be out of our FFP calculations after March. They're trying to minimize our losses this season with smaller purchases and loans until that horrible financial mess of a season is out of the FFP calculations. We'll be free to spend sensibly and rebuild the squad in a younger, more modern fashion this summer.
  3. My theory is most Villa supporters only watch Villa and the shit football we've played for years and years and years, and they are so out of touch with modern football that it's quite hilarious.
  4. I'm so glad this didn't work out. He would be the next one in our long line of overpaid, over the hill, Villa "Retirees". I would much rather see the club spend the wages on someone younger and more promising this summer.
  5. I was one of the few who liked Westwood at Villa, so I already know what to expect from Carroll, but I'm not sure the rest of the Villa supporters will enjoy his style of play. He is lightweight, but can pass. If he has a better work rate than Hourihane, he'll be a huge improvement to the midfield. If he's similar to Hourihane in that regard, he'll be written off as shit within 3 appearances.
  6. Their fans are livid. Blaming their owners for asset stripping the squad without putting anything back into it. Leeds' Owner is claiming on Twitter that they "did all they could" and that "you need two parties to agree to make a deal". Sounds like he's professionally saying that Swansea pulled out at the last second. From the outside looking in, they might be trying to settle in for a long spell in the Championship and avoid FFP issues, but quickly realized that selling all their top earners, without replacing them immediately, might be the fastest path to a second relegation and pulled the plug on a couple of the deals.
  7. Also, just popped into the Swansea subReddit and holy cow... I don't think I remember any Villa forum hating on Randy at our lowest point like they're raging at their owners right now. It looks like someone high up decided to pull the plug at the last second on the James to Leeds deal and the Fer to Villa deal.
  8. And if they don't work out, we send them packing at the end of the season without breaking the bank. If they are good options, we spend and make them permanent deals.
  9. Carroll is like a Championship quality Ashley Westwood. I actually rate Westwood quite highly, so I think he could be decent under Smith's system. I'm just glad that we didn't sign Fer on big wages.
  10. If you hated Ashley Westwood, you're really going to hate Tom Carroll... hahaha
  11. Dodged a bullet with this one. We now can get a quality DM in this summer instead.
  12. No, he's a Right Back who has filled in at LB, CB, and LW this season. It's like calling Hutton a left back.
  13. Doubt it. We just signed that French RB for next season.
  14. Yeah, it's my opinion. Isn't that the point of having a message board like this? For us to share our opinions? I'm not running for office here, I'm not looking for upvotes, I'm sharing my opinion. Newcastle also just beat Man City two days ago and I still think their team is shit and will probably get relegated this season. What's your point? See how this game can be played?
  15. You're putting words into my mouth. I never said we were great, I just said that all French clubs, besides PSG, are shit. Villa are shit too, but if we're pulling players in that one of the best teams in that country are tying to sign, the French league is garbage.
  16. I'm usually very optimistic and have supported just about all the decisions of this new regime at Villa Park, but I don't rate Fer, because I've seen him play many times and I think he's shite. I'll support him, if he does indeed end up coming to play for us, and I hope I'm proven wrong.
  17. Unfortunately, Hutton and Taylor are still our starting fullbacks... Because of this, I think we'll struggle to make the playoffs without some luck.
  18. Yeah, we're a Championship side and are beating the team 2nd in the top French division to a mediocre signing. You just reinforced my statement. Besides PSG, the French league is shite.
  19. They're in a relegation battle and he is their best player, according to WhoScored ratings. They wouldn't agree to a reasonable fee right now without the loan back option. It's a good deal, IMO, because if we wait until this summer to try to sign him, the price will go up and we'll probably have a lot of competition from other clubs.
  20. If they are a French club and they aren't PSG, they're shite... If we're beating them to signings, they're shite...
  21. Your analogy is flawed. Grealish is a young player with potential. Spuds tried to buy him from us last summer, but the offer wasn't good enough, so we told them to do one. Fer is a player who has played in the Premier league for 5-6 years and is now in the Championship. He is a known quantity, whose contract is expiring at the end of the season. If he was good, Premier League teams would be in for him right now for cheap... He isn't, though, which means Lille and us are battling it out for him...
  22. That would be a hell of a signing for us... I can't see it being pulled off today, though. This summer, he might be a realistic option. Can't get games at West Ham this season.
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