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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. Can't wait for Dredd, especially if its an 18, after the 12a rating for total recall i was afraid this would be another watered down mess but thankfully not. Also Kill List - terrible movie, really poor i thought.
  2. Looks like Johnson is definitely on the way to make room for Sinclair, think that's a signing we could and should be making, would fit perfectly into our team, if we could get him and jones from stoke I would be confident of a half decent season.
  3. I ordered from www.e-lites.co.uk Used a code from the sun for 200 fags worth for free so the whole lot cost me 23 quid. Will report back how I'm getting on in a few days, hopefuly it inspires someone else to take the plunge.
  4. I actually really enjoyed ratatouille out of recent animated movies, not many people ever seem to mention it though.
  5. Excellent post mate, feel exactly the same way.
  6. Watched 2 very different films yesterday. First up was A Prophet, quite possibly my first French film, I'm certainly not a beginner to subtitles having watched many Asian films. Thought it was really good although it lacked a couple of wow moments that I was sort of expecting, I guess that just added to the realism. 8/10 solid film. Also watched Napoleon Dynamite, seen it before a few times and loved it again, such a brilliant film and so many one liners to quote. I think my favourite moments are Napolean finding uncle Rico's time machine and it already has 1982 on the dial, chip dressed up all gangster is another one for me. 8/10 for that as well.
  7. Not sure if great and McG go together but that is a guilty pleasure of mine.
  8. My mate had a cheap one and had to keep recharging all the time and barely got anything out of each cartridge, obviously I don't want to spend a small fortune on it but I'm struggling to find out which ones are actually any good.
  9. I've finally decided to take the plunge on one of these. So what I want to know is who uses one and which is the best one to go for?
  10. Landed ok by the looks of things. 350 million miles, wow!
  11. Tigerland is an excellent film, very underrated.
  12. I'm from brum! But yeah it was a copy I watched, wouldn't normally bother with early copies but this one is very good for anyone that has the means of acquiring it, looked a bit like a VHS actually.
  13. Watched Ted last night. If you enjoy family guy then you'll like this film, thought it was a decent effort from macfarlane although he still has some learning to do as a director. I think he was definitely helped in this film by having the experience of Marky Mark and likability of Mila Kunis. There's one joke which I won't spoil where I literally spat my drink out, it's the one involving flash Gordon for anyone else who has seen it I'm sure you will know what I mean.
  14. Say what you like about lisicki or sharapova but a threesome with both of them would be the stuff of dreams.
  15. hmmm, i saw this a few months ago. i'd give it 5/10. could have done much better. Yeah I get the feeling this film would draw some very different opinions, would be interested to see what other people thought.
  16. Watched the lovely bones last night. Very powerful film and Stanley Tucci was brilliant, not sure what my overall opinion is though. I liked the scenes with the young girl but maybe there were too many of them by the end of the film. 7/10
  17. 2 films watched last night. Jeff who lives at home - strange one this, loved the 2 lead characters being Ed helms and Jason segel, it was one of those films where not much is happening so it's very character driven which is my type of film, it's a very short film though at only an hour and 10 mins long. Nothing wrong with it but nothing really stood out. 6/10 for me. Alpha dog - seen it before and loved it yet again, timber lake is really good, Anton yelchin is great, just a really good film with a powerful ending. 9/10
  18. Watched Iron Sky last night. Completely bonkers film, quite enjoyed it. Couple of things to note: The blonde German girl in it is very hot. The effects are pretty decent for what I believe was only a small budget. It's actually very funny in places, there's a dig at north Korea at one point where I actually laughed out loud. Just watch it!
  19. Yeah I can't tell if it's bias or not but I fancy froch. Bute is a long way from home Against a very passionate home crowd, froch has mixed it with the best fighters in the division over the last few years and definitely hasn't looked out of place. I'm gonna stick a few quid on froch I think.
  20. What do you guys think of the froch fight tonight? Is he actually the underdog like the odds suggest?
  21. That's harsh mate, I really enjoyed it. I thought the pacing and building tension was spot on, something the director is notably good at. Acting was fine for me and that little lesbian scene was a dream come true.
  22. Maybe but on the other hand are we a club that can afford to wait to see if they do it in year two or three. Firstly we cannot e changing manager again in 12 months or two years IMO we need stability. And secondly if we wait for them to prove it in year two or three then other clubs far more attractive than us will come looking. There are clubs who will be looking for new managers in a year or two, Plop, Evernot even Le Arse and if Lambert or Rodgers had the choice then, not sure they would go with us. Not sure they would go with us now mind but I think we are better placed now because if they are looking to move they do not have much choice. I think Lambert is looking to move to the next step, I think we are ideal for him and I would love to see him here. I just hope he can be persuaded and I hope we try to persuade him bebfore the boggies do Top post mate, totally agree with all of it.
  23. Gutted for you mate, the thought of looking for a job in this economic climate terrifies me. Good Luck Thanks mate, got a couple of months at least and there is always a chance a position will become available somewhere else in the company.
  24. Obviously everyone has heard about bmibaby, I work for the catering company that supplies all their planes, time to start looking for a new job. What a shitter.
  25. Pretty sure series 5 contains homer and apu, probably my favourite episode.
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