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Everything posted by knoppy1987

  1. What about Edward Hitler and Richard Richard joint managers?
  2. Passenger - Iggy Pop John Carew inspired me to listen.
  3. This is pure pain. Bloody Newcastle. I have to say that I credit MON for how we set out in away games especially last season. No discredit to Kevin McDonald as he hasn't been in this situation at this level before. Terrible day for Villa but it cannot get much worse.
  4. I wasn't impressed by his specatular ball chasing in vain I'm afraid. He's cack.
  5. Damn! I missed the Heskey discussion. I love Emile's work ethic when the ball is a yard away from him or when he loses the ball.
  6. Should have threw the water at Heskey to wake his lazy arse up. UEFA should implement a scheme by where they are locked in Josef Fritzl's basement.
  7. Sod Jurgen then, lets just get Diego in. We can all have a good laugh at Aston Villa's expense. :|
  8. A lot of my good friends are included in that statement so I wouldn't take offense. To be honest, your Evertonian contribution to this website is probably much more valued than mine is and you don't appear to be a bitter Evertonian. Having evaluated this, syphilis seems a bit far. Chlamydia it is :winkold:
  9. Excluding Birmingham: 1: Everton - admire the team and manager but their bitter and twisted fans remind me of physcotic women (I hope they all get Syphilis). 2: Man Ure - being from Liverpool has created a natural hatred for Mancunians. Wes Browns red hair always confused me aswell. 3: Spurs - The fans think they're amazing and have been forever.....they haven't. 4: Man City - recent events 5: Chelsea - can't stand a lot of their players. Because I hate Everton fans so much it did have the adverse effect of being neutral on Liverpool. Having a family full of Liverpool fans also means I don't begrudge them some happiness.
  10. Chipotle. I wish I still spent summers in America.
  11. God's appearance in the MOTD video. A nice clip of him then to Gabby before the MOTD team realising that seeing Paul McGrath heading the ball was much more impressive.
  12. Waking up tomorrow knowing it will be an active day. To the gym at 10:30 followed by a round of golf with the new clubs.
  13. Get in Stan. Loving this.
  14. I'd have his mate Frank. Simply because he spat allover Rudi Voller.
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