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Everything posted by knoppy1987

  1. Love them, especially with garlic and chilli flavouring mmm.
  2. I agree. I don't think he is a manager to be trusted with funds either. Arguably his best signings at Liverpool were Gary McAllister, Sami Hyypia, Dietmar Hamann and the loan signing of Nicolas Anelka. You look at some of the others with the money he spent and you really do wonder what he was thinking. Now I know MON had his critics in the transfer market but Houllier's IMO really is something else. I have to be honest and say though that I am not surprised because I think most of us knew this next appointment was going to be a hard one and that many might be a little dubious or unhappy. Still, whatever the case we just have to get behind the team and club.
  3. I hate those dreams were you enjoyed yourself in them but cannot remember what the hell the dream was about.
  4. Having a really bad dream, for example Gerard Houllier becoming the new manager and waking up to find up it is not true.
  5. First pizza eaten in a while. It lived up to all expectations. Also, late night Jerry Springer.
  6. Just got home and seen Donadoni has thrown his name in. If it happened we could have some players with amazing names for the back of the shirt. I think I'd rather have a cool name on the back of my shirt than some french clown buying Frode Kippe and Bjorn Tore Kvarme every week. Oh the choices Villa have at the moment none of which come down to management.
  7. Hugo Porfirio along with Jose Dominquez are probably the worst players I have ever seen. That list is brilliant. Craig Forrest. I just relived that 9-0.
  8. They are the best pizza's IMO. As a matter of fact the pizza you have described sounds eerily similar to the best pizza I have ever had in Bari, Italy. Gutted about the beer.
  9. Horrible man, as I am now craving pizza you feel the need to broadcast your pizza discovery.
  10. I'm with you but I don't want Houllier, I don't want Sven, I don't want Alan Curbishley, I don't want Frank Clark and I definitely do not want Fatih Terim. Moyes though, yes please. I'll have a field day with those bloody horrible cretins I associate with.
  11. Dissapointing but not a disaster although having read a few pages back I now see more clarity on the situation . A nice little bonus of VDV which was out of the blue. Quality player who should improve their team and whether they need him or not, he is surely going to be a regular. I also would have expected better but we do not know circumstances surrounding Henry's ability to strengthen. I know where I would stregthen (I won't say because Glaston might shoot me down) but VDV would have been up there for me in that position simply for the European stage. Also, playing CL and as a supporter of an English football team your expectations are for players to come in who are established enough to compete for the further rounds of a CL competition. Spurs have little right for those players at this current moment in time IMO and are very fortunate to have signed VDV. As a Villa fan I'd kill for a player with that recognition aslong as he provided the fans with some scintillating football.
  12. The tiredness felt after a 70 mile bike ride, knowing that tonight you will have a fantastic sleep. Unless a family member snuffs it in their sleep and you get one of those phonecalls.
  13. I'd have to agree with Glaston there. A lot of VTers were masterbating furiously last summer at the thought of Sneijder or VDV coming to Villa. I'd say they have got a bit of a bargain and I am very jealous. A big step up from Jenas who IMO is a bit part player at best.
  14. knoppy1987


    I still can't get over Sanchez clothesline. haha.
  15. knoppy1987


    I agree, his reaction leaving the game last night was pathetic. The Nationals must not want him on their roster now.
  16. knoppy1987


    Anyone see the clip of Nyjer Morgan being floored by Gabi Sanchez last night. Just brilliant!
  17. The Great Adventures of Slick Rick was brilliant. I think my favourite was 'The Ruler's Back'.
  18. 2-1 Aston Villa. I'd go similar as OBE with the lineup given whats available although for future games I'd like to see Cuellar given an opportunity at CB. Fellaini - red card:D
  19. Are you having a bath? He was despised and still is for the style of football and signings he made. Bruno **** Cheyrou, Jean Michelle Ferri and some dosey big ostrich from Leicester. If we got Houllier my life in Liverpool would get even worse. No bloody thanks. Igor Biscan. Igor bloody Biscan.
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