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Everything posted by useless

  1. There's that much in True Detective that you can watch episodes more than once and see things you didn't see first time around. It's a show where you have to pay close attention and that applies to me doubley I don't know why I just wrote the above sentence but I'll leave it as it is. I don't know why I just wrote the above sentence but I'll leave it as it is...
  2. Iannis Xenakis Electronic Works 2 Sadly can't find the full songs on youtube, hopefully these clips will do though. HibIki Hana Ma Polytope de Cluny
  3. You really thought it was "thing"? Jeez. I thought that was just a dumbass American idea. [1] [1] VT Americans exempted. Seems as though 'another think coming' might also be an American thing.
  4. I can't eat fruit gums, they're too tough and just get stuck to your teeth and you can hardly open your jaw after that.
  5. You really thought it was "thing"? Jeez. I thought that was just a dumbass American idea. [1] [1] VT Americans exempted. Even now I'm still having diffuclty with the idea, I'm afraid I'll never come to terms with it. It's not a phrase I'd ever use and I don't think I've ever read it used the 'another think coming way'. What if someone said if 'You think I'm making you a glass of water you've got another thing coming' wouldn't that make sense? Rather than 'another think coming' I'd probably say ' you can think again'
  6. A weird one I read the other day is that it isn't 'if you think that you've got another thing coming' it's 'if you think that you've got another think coming' I can't get used to that, I think meanings can change anyway what some people call 'the living language'.
  7. "Droll" means "amusing". Glad you enjoyed it. I also thought that 'Droll' had a similar meaning to bleak.
  8. I've heard that reading Russian is meant to be easier than you might imagine, I wouldn't mind to be able to read some ot the Russian novels in their original language.
  9. I've genuinly never heard of Bastille.
  10. Excellent resources for learning French are the Michael Thomas and Pimsleur audio recordings also really good is the French in Action TV series which I believe is on youtube possibly as close you'll get to immersion without actually going to France. Another good resource is the Duolingo website.
  11. Sorry when I said other forums that use the same template I was thinking of sites such as this and a few others that have very similar layout. Don't worry the hosts will sort it out, bless em. Ed: it seems to back to normal thanks.
  12. I can't see any of the avatars save for the default ones, I can see other pictures. I've tried at emptying the caches and I've run ccleaner and that hasn't worked. I've also tried in another browser. I've viewed other forums that use the same template and they seem fine. Wouldn't be so very bad just it makes everything look out of wack.
  13. ^^^ Thanks, nice to know. they seem cool.
  14. Depends, could have been Hawk or Animal. Could have been Hacksaw Jim Duggan....could have been The Godfather. I don't know to be honest, he congratulated me on not crying and that was that.
  15. I remember someone clotheslined me the once as they did it they shouted Hooooooooo! I think they were pretending to be the Legion of doom or someone.
  16. I accidentally saw some of the NME music awards the once that was one of the worst things ever.
  17. I've a misty recollection of some of the names but don't know their songs,although I did like Lorde's song Royals.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WL4w5ceO7w
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