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Everything posted by jimbojames

  1. I don't think he's after a yes man its just that Rafa talked himself out of the job. He probably didn't want to hear from a manager in their first conversation ' I need £30million to consider the job' Agree that it might take some getting used to however if the results ome from that style I don't see it being an issue for too long. As for him never winning anything as a player - that doesn't matter, there's loads of top managers that haven't done this. As a manager again its about putting things into perspective regatrding who he has managed.
  2. Can see what you are saying there but its hardly double standards Di Matteo had plently of time at WBA too. Di Matteo lost his job and as a result his stock has fallen. Don't think he has the same record in transfer market and with young players either.
  3. Agree. Would also add 7) Handles the media and expections well 8) Doesn't moan when things don't go his way or hide behind excuses
  4. Basically they haven't got a clue either then. I think sites and newspapers are just drawing names out of a hat as usual.
  5. Yeah he he throws enough shit some of its got to stick. He just hasn't gfot a clue like the rest of us.
  6. I think we'll only find out when a new manager is appointed unless the manager in question lets the cat out of the bag
  7. its a sidewalk step, he will elave acomfortable and xsecure job for one unde rpressure from expected fans. he will leave for a bigger club than us There's only 6 clubs IMO who are bigger than us. Those jobs don't come along very often and often get taken by foriegn managers. He's been overlooked on those jobs in the past and he has no money at Everton. I'm not saying I want him just saying I wouldn't be surprised if it happens.
  8. Still plently of time as proven in last test
  9. IMO Mclaren has probably applied for the job, Randy has not approached him, and Randy is being courteous by speaking to him.
  10. Whay you reckon... push for a 300 lead and get them back in? Good to see KP back in form
  11. Who do you think is the best candidate that has applied for the job? I assume most if not all on the shortlist have been approached by us rather than applied.
  12. Dave Jones maybe. Really tough job for whoever takes it on.
  13. Yep this thread could have a long way to run yet, it depends how much he has left to Falkener
  14. since 2005 rooney's got 1 more I'm sure he will be top of the pile next season if that's the case
  15. I think we should give an English or dare I say it Scottish manager a try. We've experimented with foreign managers now and for the money forked out they haven't delivered. We need a manager in there who understands the English support, media, expectations and isn't just there to enjoy their salary.
  16. Tongue in cheek, take no notice :winkold: Besides that Maclaren is a clown. Great coach mind, but a muppet of a person. i think there are a lot of better options out there! Plus he'd have to put on a Birmingham accent which I hear he's no good at
  17. So if the people who we want aren't interested we may be back in for him. This all begs the question though..why did Hughes leave Fulham? Im a teacher, on £27,500 a year. Would i leave my job without another one confirmed? No I wouldnt. Mark Hughes is a millionaire lots of times over, he doesnt have the financial burdens the normal person would have. He's proved himself at B'burn, Fulham and to an exten Citeh, he can wait now and see what happens. Be it Spurs, Chelsea or Villa. Its going to take a while to unfold, and its going to be a rollercoaster. I have a horrible feeling Benitez is the one. Please may I be wrong! I can see what you're saying but its all relative I'm sure his outgoings are much different to mine or yours. Anyway that's not really the point, of course he has freedom of movement now but he's not the only manager out of work. I suppose he'll take on a club after the first sacking of next season. If we don't want him I'd be surprised if the likes of Spurs and Chelsea did.
  18. So if the people who we want aren't interested we may be back in for him. This all begs the question though..why did Hughes leave Fulham? I think only Mark Hughes knows the answer to that Strange one thats all, he's implied he wants to move to a bigger club and just can't see anyone apart from maybe us as being a realistic destination for him
  19. So if the people who we want aren't interested we may be back in for him. This all begs the question though..why did Hughes leave Fulham?
  20. Not beyond the realms of probability however I get the feeling the board will want the new manager in before July. If we really wanted Hughes then we could surely have just requested Fulham's permission to speak to him
  21. That doesn't sound at all like a Rupert Murdoch operation surely not
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