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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. Maybe RECON has been 'chosen' to purchase the Villa as a way of penetrating the English market - hence the lack of transparency. Sounds pretty Bond like, but who knows.
  2. No doubt they'll provide some fascinating character analysis and some totally new insights. I'd lay money on it if the Moose gets to contribute...
  3. Not sure what all the fuss is about, If he passes any test, surely it has to be the 'Fit and proper Pearson Test'.
  4. Chap called Pelty on H&V who is attracting some scorn for trying to suggest that all is not quite as it seems in terms of Bernstein & King being the good guys and Randy being the bad guy. Nut job, you may think, but he professes to be The General's son.
  5. If the sale thing is relevant at all, perhaps Bernstein and King did not approve of the interested party - after all, King in particular knows a thing or two about money and whose got it versus A. N. Other Crook. Lerner is definitely capable of selling to the latter. Unlikely, I know, but with him in charge, nothing is impossible...
  6. Given that the offence took place in the past, technically, I would say this is now a 'thinly veiled doug' and if avatars are anything to go by, that don't paint a pretty picture.
  7. Moyes is an intriguing one. On the one hand, you could see the appeal to him of turning us around, but on the other, if he fails with us (as is fairly possible), his career would surely be over. Maybe he's as desperate as we are, but I doubt it. Surely better to make some modest progress somewhere else, rather than risk blowing whats left of his reputation with us. Brave if he does take it. I'd welcome him.
  8. Sad to say, but 'to do a Leicester'... From top to bottom, their togetherness has got them from bottom to top.
  9. For those interested, the email address is unsurprisingly: tom.fox@avfc.co.uk
  10. I sent this email to Tom Fox earlier in the week... Dear Tom, I suspect you aren't feeling too great, what with all the negative press recently, but I'm afraid it's every bit as bad as it appears and worse. Aston Villa is now officially a laughing stock and its your decisions that have got us here. No amount of corporate speak will change that Tom, you and your paymaster are to blame. When you have a moment, read this: http://www.theguardian.com/football/copa90/2016/feb/17/aston-villa-relegation-premier-league-fans Thanks for nothing, Spencer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And I got this in return... Hello Spencer Many thanks for your email sent to Tom on the 17th February. We very much appreciate the frustrations expressed. I will be collating all comments and suggestions received from our fans and will summarise these for the Executive Team and the Board. Please be assured that all comments and issues raised will be reported accordingly. Best wishes Lee Preece Football Operations / Projects Manager
  11. "We did not go out to find a manager who would keep us up at all costs." ~ Tom Fox Why not?
  12. In a word, meh. Like any long term relationship, supporting a football team has its ups and downs. Sometimes you are really into your partner, others they piss you off and most of the time they are just there, being their same old selves. Villa and I added a little spice to our lives a few years back and things were looking up for a while, but recently she's stopped wearing make-up and nowadays she smokes in the bath, so you could say she's lost her charm, but I do still love her. She's all I've got.
  13. "We have been playing well and we have deserved more than four points. Today is a massive draw for us. the lads were outstanding and we fought for each other. It was tough playing against City. I was there at 14 and I had mixed emotions. I always want City to do well but I am a Villa man now. The new manager has come in and organised us. He has done well." Micah Richards Aston Villa captain
  14. City should have won but were average and a huge reason why was our performance. It wasn't especially skilful, the odd touch from Gil aside, but it they stood up and they fought and they deserved their point. Well done boys and thank you Remi Garde. That was a proper formation, which produced a disciplined performance. Maybe, just maybe...
  15. Couldn't disagree more - gambling is only fun when you win.
  16. I'd say chances are somewhere between 0% and 100% at the moment but those numbers could change. really? I'd wager the ends of the spectrum will be pretty well fixed at those two points, but who knows, current speculation could indicate a 120% chance of the appointments having been made next week all depends if the lads give 'undred an ten per cent on the pitch
  17. I'd say chances are somewhere between 0% and 100% at the moment but those numbers could change.
  18. Did he have his dog with him? No dog. Oh, I wonder where he was off to next.
  19. Time to lay another bet, that on Sunday, December 13th Sky will bill the Villa match as 'Master vs the Apprentice' (itk)
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