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Everything posted by AV82

  1. He always had it. He was always very assured on the ball but it wasn't realised when playing in the shambles that was Gerrard's 'system'. If you can even call it a system.
  2. Him, Douglas and Diaby are far and away our best players in each phase of the pitch.
  3. Same was said of Diaby and Bailey. It really shows just how good Diaby is imo.
  4. He's the inverse of Bailey in that he's hard working and will put in a shift. Exactly the type of player we need.
  5. I hope he never plays on the left ever again. Completely invisible.
  6. We all got excited about Leon Bailey signing and look how that has gone.
  7. A lovely reminder that we are, in fact, Aston Villa fans. I'd almost forgotten. Wank.
  8. A bloke in an offside position fouls our defender. That is as offside as it gets.
  9. Mings is one of the few players we have where his replacement might be even better than he is. It's a blow and I hope he recovers as quickly as possible but Pau looks very comfortable so far.
  10. If watching Diaby doesn't get you excited then you're a lost cause.
  11. It's awful but if our new shiny signing hits the ground running we'll be ok.
  12. Without a doubt I want McGinn back on the right and Philogene in for Bailey on the left.
  13. Let me get this straight... in the best case scenario it's a glorified loan and in return for a few bob we get back a developed player... and in the worst case scenario we receive £14,000,000 for a player that has hardly achieved anything? Brilliant. I'd like as much as anyone for us to field a team of 11 academy players and absolutely rip it up but the world doesn't work that way. Ramsey isn't ready for where we want to be and seeing him stagnate on the bench would be worse than seeing him flourish elsewhere.
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