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Everything posted by momo

  1. I think the short term memory is that everyone was shit that season and he won by virtue of being slightly less shite than the pile of wank we served up under that god awful manager. Technicalities.... Not really. Everyone dropped to a level that was extraordinarily shite, he stayed at just plain shite. Thus he was slightly better, or to put it another way read BOFs post above Oh, get a grip. Whatever way it is put, he was the player of the season. I seem to recall that Given had a great season, and he was neither extraordinarily nor plain shit, yet Ireland pipped him to the player of the season award. I am finished discussing this. He has left, so good luck to him.
  2. I think the short term memory is that everyone was shit that season and he won by virtue of being slightly less shite than the pile of wank we served up under that god awful manager. Technicalities....
  3. Yeah that sounds bang on ... ish. But really, they are not what Villa need at this moment. Good luck to them wherever they go.
  4. I don't understand. if we had used our best midfield combo of Ireland and Bannan as the 2 central midfield players, we wouldn't have been in the mess we were in last season... just my opinion...
  5. Short term memories.... I wish him luck. He was player of the year at Villa, 2011-2012. Did not work out with Lambert, but might do well with Hughes.
  6. Well...all the name calling here at VillaTalk is rather unpleasant. Not saying that you did any of it.
  7. Player if the year, 2011-2012, Aston Villa. Lets be honest though, that was a bit of a protest vote a sort of voting for UKIP type thing We never hated Bent. Ireland was player of the year. Given was a great keeper. When Lambert came, we suddenly hated them. Just because of a few bucks...
  8. Player if the year, 2011-2012, Aston Villa.
  9. Bench 2 bench ??? It's a step up. He's not even getting on our bench He was last year and wanted out. Don't see the difference. But good for Villa.
  10. I want Ince and Milner. Than we can challenge for the title this year
  11. Why would he warm the bench at Liverpool? It doesn't make sense. If I were Given, I would stay at Villa for the rest of my career. Never ever is he getting this salary anywhere else.
  12. No it's not. A tricky midfielder ala Messi would fit in.
  13. Gabby can play upfront in his own. Done it multiple times before. He harasses, and scores. Lovely lad!
  14. Fair enough. I just can't see a good enough striker, who we think will be better at scoring than Gabby and Weimann, wanting to sit on the bench. And I don't see Gabby or Weimann being particularly pleased to sit on the bench either.... We are really good upfront.
  15. Fine, and you might be right. Maybe you are ITK, so you are trying to close the discussion, I don't know. I believe we are after a winger or offensive midfielder. You might have information that suggest otherwise. And if so, I wont speculate in the speculation thread. Why wouldn't a winger be playing in a 433? Examples: Lamela, Bale, Ronaldo, etc.
  16. A striker to push Weimann on the bench? Don't know why he needs a striker. And if Bowery, who I like, is so much better than Delfouneso, then why is he not more involved in games. Helenius has stepped ahead of him, and if we get another striker, Bowery is even behind Tonev, so that will make him effectively 7tf choice. And it is obvious Lambert is trying out a 442, as you saw against LIverpool. So I actually expect a winger or offensive central midfielder, if anyone comes. Come back Milner!! Sorry for my bad English right now. Too tired at work to do anything properly...
  17. Barcelona Liverpool? Stoke
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