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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. CAVEAT: I've had too much vodka. IF we all agree that Ferguson is a lying prick on all occasions then Lerner and Faulkner were obvious idiots to give his imprimatur any credence. On the other hand, if he could be presumed moderately honest, I trust his assessment more than a bunch of anonymous fans. His success and track record would have to count for something. Having said that, McLeish's performance this season has been unacceptable.
  2. I can see you are new to this site. If you intend to be balanced about anything you would be best to ban yourself now. Other than that piece of nonsense, good post. IMO
  3. It's not the moderators fault. It's AM's fault. He makes everything bad, gives PACbuddies a digestive disorder, forces repetitive complaining, tells defenders to lose marks, tells forwards to shoot just wide, and just made me stub my toe.
  4. Perhaps I'm a bit annoyed at the anti-Americanism on here. I think the US is a great market for Villa, a US owner will help, but we need to sign and play an American player. But putting my irrational defensiveness aside, maybe any one of you who has spent more on villa than the multimillion RL has spent should have complete right to moan that he should have spent more. (Insert irrational anti-English rant here.)
  5. People only hate him because of where he came from... Its not the only reason, but it is a still a massive factor and always will be. Those who pretend it's not really a major if not THE major factor, should re-read the posts on this site from the first week he was appointed. He wasn't hated then "because of how badly he has set us up to play" as some pretend is their whole complaint. oh get a grip will you! If you are happy with what is happening under his management then your expectations are rock bottom. Me get a grip? I made the valid point that plenty were livid that we hired somebody from blues at the time the hiring was made. It's clear if you look back at the posts at the time. It proves that for many, where he came from is A major if not THE major problem. Many hated him long before he "ruined our style of play" or "set us up to lose.' You ignored my post, told me to "get a grip" and attack me for your assertion that I have no expectations. A straw man argument is when you put words in the other persons mouth and then attack him for "saying" them. The same nonsense is aggravating when posters put words in the managers mouth and then attack him for "saying" those words. (It happens in american politics all the time.) It's still a logical fallacy. I am not pleased with MANY of the decisions McLeish has made. But I think it's absurd to assert that he wants to lose matches. Wants to draw. Doesn't want to win. Doesn't see what is obvious. I think, and have written here, that given the current situation, he and the club would be better off if he left. It's just untenable for either party. I'm not sure it was inevitably so, but it has become so. So don't blow this "I'm happy with what's going on and have zero expectations bull at me." Only thing I'm happy with is, it's still Villa.
  6. People only hate him because of where he came from... Its not the only reason, but it is a still a massive factor and always will be. Those who pretend it's not really a major if not THE major factor, should re-read the posts on this site from the first week he was appointed. He wasn't hated then "because of how badly he has set us up to play" as some pretend is their whole complaint.
  7. We were lucky to have a chance for a draw at the end. We were unlucky not to actually manage the draw. Mancini makes a defensive sub (Richards for Silva) in extra time in order to preserve the one point lead.... can't say I would have predicted that.
  8. Your imagination is vivid. (and utter nonsense... there is no chance in Hell he said anything remotely similar)
  9. So far, it's not pretty, but better than I feared. Cuellar doing quite well. Who knew he was our best left back Albrighton and Heskey are both providing very deep cover so there is no attack on the wing. Bent and Keane are both seeing very little of the ball. Need to show for it more to create better outlets. Petrov is too much a spectator as the game goes on around him. Gardner shows lots of energy but when he gets the ball he's not seeing any option and looks short on ideas. (not his fault really, the options aren't there.) Hutton, Dunne, and Collins (especially Collins) doing OK I'd put on Ireland for Heskey, then a bit later put on Zog on the wing, move ireland into middle, sit Keane.
  10. Not sure how to quote both of the responses to my post that precede this. But I didn't say a loss was OK with me. I said I dread it. But you must admit that by virtually any standard (other than the good looks, intelligence, and fine character of supporters) MC is at a different level than us. A loss to them should not come as a huge shock to anyone. I don't like that fact. Didn't say it doesn't bother me. But I won't be tearing up my team jerseys or burning anyone in effigy over the loss I think is the most realistic outcome. If you don't think a MShitty win is likely, I would suggest you not go into book making. Oh, and I don't actually dread overly optimistic responses.... maybe that's a character flaw in me.
  11. I am trying to decide which I dread most. The loss or the overreaction to it.
  12. I suggest that some of the protesters start a movement to have McLeish appointed to the England job.
  13. I agree Bent was lazy and can be frustratingly so (several others in this match, but Gardner. Surely a forward would be a better option?
  14. No doubt. In fact I think we'll finish the season with less points than we've got now. I'd be surprised if we don't go straight to league one. I think they might just send us to the MLS this afternoon. Leave only Keane and Enda Stevens playing for Bolton.
  15. Yes, I would defend him. Warnock has been playing dreadfully and any half decent manager would drop him. Mantis, just wondering, can you give an example when you stuck up for McLeish on any decision he made that didn't go well? I am honestly wondering.
  16. Firstly, to you and others who seem to have misunderstood me, I did not say it was RIGHT to boo Warnock, or any other player for that matter. I personally have never booed a Villa player, manager or performance. I have stated on this site many times in the past that I - ME PERSONALLY - think it is counter-productive to boo. However, we are all entitled to our personal opinions and if OTHERS choose to boo then so be it. Oh, and I have never said he was stupid or ignorant - just useless as a footballer at our club! I criticised Warnock like crazy on Wednesday night but to be honest, not because he scored the own goal but because I thought he was in front of Dunne and was the one who seemed to duck under the ball. However, I, at the time, did say that I would need to see a replay of the goal before making final judgement. Who knows whether it was Dunne's fault or Warnock’s? It could be that Dunne didn't do enough to try to clear. It could be that Dunne got a call to leave it. Even if he did, maybe Warnock could have been better positioned to clear rather than head goalwards. My problem with Warnock is that he has performed poorly for quite some time now. I saw the comments on this site last year about what he was supposed to have said after the defeat at Man City and others I have spoken to since have added weight to that. I have stated this season on here that I will be glad when I no longer have to endure watching players play for us who don't really wish to be here and Warnock certainly falls into that bracket. Warnock's performances have been largely terrible this season and it makes me often feel like he really cannot be that bothered to earn his supposed wages of £40,000 per week, which we contribute to! For the record; Warnock's supposed wages are more than double my annual salary but I don't go crying if I get a bollocking for making a mistake. Yes, I, like all other people make mistakes. My boss has read the riot act to me in the past but it hasn't stopped me from performing because I knew it was MY mistake. Finally, if I was on £40,000 per week, you can call me what you want. Even if I am playing like Pele! These guys are not heroes. They are guys who get paid extremely well to do something they love whilst trying to entertain people on a hell of a lot less than them, whom contribute to their substantial wages! Heroes are people who save lives like surgeons, paramedics, nurses, firemen etc and they get paid far less than footballers so I would feel pretty damn privileged to live the life of a modern day Premier League footballer so yeah, there is not much pity for them from me when they do get criticised for making mistakes! Criticized for making mistakes is one thing. I can agree that's part of the particular job these players / managers / referees / have chosen. But I think that abuse is a completely different thing. I don't know exactly what you mean by a bollocking you have gotten from your employer, but I hope it wasn't as venomous or vitriolic as what was posted here, much less from the stands as reported by others. In addition, I continue to feel strongly that chronic abuse from fans can only harm the performance on the pitch. So while fans may have the right to say or yell whatever they want, I think that we are just extremely unwise if we actually do so.
  17. Villa Rocker... (and others) a question or two, please. How much do you earn? If it's a large enough amount, then you would clearly be OK with me hurling any abuse at you I would like. I would also like to ask what you do to earn that money. Would you think it would help you do that better if I showed up screaming obscenities about how stupid, ignorant and useless you are? I could get a dozen or so others to scream abuse as well, if you think it would help you do better. How many of you honestly think you would do your job better if you got abusive venom from others at any error you made? I've said it before, I'm glad my employer does not have your attitude.
  18. YAY ! Richard only thinks we're SLIGHTLY deluded now. I think we're gradually winning him over!
  19. Couldn't see the match. Middle of the work day here, not televised. But I read the entire match thread and the post match comments. So, those negative nellies that insist on seeing everything as a disaster and everything as McLeish's fault. Do you think he told them to sit back and hoof and protect the one goal defecit? Some idiot actually suggested it on the match thread. Horrible start, well done to the lads and the manager for turning it around. Looking forward to more of the potential showed by all today. UTV
  20. This. Clark was run ragged by Kightly first half but never had a kick second half. Warnock's tackling, distribution and forward runs were a major plus second half. Clark got run ragged by a fit and raring to go Kightly who is obviously chomping at the bit to play after being out injured for so long. Add to that it was Clark's first game at left back for quite some time, as well as having an unfit Gabby playing ahead of him and it all added up against the lad. However, Warnock came on into a position he is used to playing (or should I say occupying?) and had a more defensive aware Albrighton playing in front of him. Also, Kightly had already run his nuts off for 45 minutes and wasn't as fresh as he would have been at the start of the game. Add to that Warnock could have gone for a lunge after being on the pitch for only 5 minutes and I would say that everything fell nicely into place for him! Give Warnock a start in the next game at Arsenal and let's see how he performs then against Walcott. The guy is a car crash in a Villa shirt and has been for quite some time. I have no agenda against him. I just do not think he is good enough to play for the club I love.[/quote Villarocker.... did you figure out a way to alter the dates on posts to make it look like you were able to tell the future? Warnock got skinned by walcott consistently.
  21. I posted a page or so back that I thought it would be best if mcleish left this summer, but I need to agree with others that today was not his fault. Stupid, foolish, rash decisions by a few players were the reason we lost today. A couple poor calls from the referee crew did not help at all, but a few villa players beat us.... Our bigger problem is that we don't have enough skill or balance in the team and he will not be given the money to fix that. We need a manager that can get low price players playing attractive possession football. I don't think McLiesh is horrible, I think that because of many factors, few of them within his control. The unfair biases of fans being a big factor. It's not going to be possible for him to succeed here. I don't agree with the mcleish haters, but I think they and other factors have created a situation where he cannot succeed. i.e. villa cannot succeed with him.
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