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Everything posted by KAZZAM

  1. Was a good goal(showed on SSN).

    Top Gear

    Yeh i couldnt beleive it when they said g'night i thought **** off its only been on 20 mins.
  3. Man City are just a laughing stock,You may spend all this money on lavish players but its irrelevant without a decent manager to actually bind the players together and build the team core ala Mourinho Chelsea era.I dont see Manchini as a long term manager at Man City so there will never be a stable team there to ever challenge for the league.
  4. Jole Cole is hugely overated anyway more the mug Liverpool are.
  5. I actually went down stairs thinking it didnt make sense then rembered that just as you posted it.
  6. Pretty obvious the only team to make an Firm offer for Silva was Man city thats why he moved there im sure theres been lots of interest as there has been for the last 2 years but prolly got fed up waiting for the right club and just thought '**** it atleast its good money'.
  7. Jimmy will be a major flop if he moves to Man City.
  8. England beat Australia 21-20 first time in seven years(world cup final 2003)on aussie turf. Brilliant performance by England if they keep playing like this they may have finnaly turned the corner. Over the moon.
  9. I'm not sure why so many people obsess with finding a possible 'WOW killer' there were many MMMORPG'S long before Wow and there will be after but of course its pretty apparent there are Mmorpg players and Wow players and the Wow players get themself confused with what type of player they are. I think SWTOR will do well but i personally hope it dosnt go to commercial and simplify the game.
  10. KAZZAM

    Fox Cull?

    Still a generic smear campaign is it not,Who else would of made these supposed suggestions just because of a once in a lifetime inicident.
  11. KAZZAM

    Fox Cull?

    Torie propoganda bullshit.
  12. The most important paragraph of his review.
  13. Thats exactly what i tell people about spartacus,ignore the first 2-3 episodes then it gets better and better each episode and the finale really dosnt disappoint.I was gonna even start a thread about it a few months ago but thought i'd get slated.
  14. KAZZAM

    General Chat

    Changing Avatars sends me to confused.com.
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