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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Im here all week Who else would have you? Not me anyway :winkold: Not even for £10 in your g-string? I wouldnt undo my fly for that
  2. Short career, then? Wasnt really that into it tbh. Do you come on the bed sheets then? :? You do know what a lapdance is dont you? It's actually quite self explanitory. Dont worry about it...bit of a humour fail there my old china 8)
  3. Short career, then? Wasnt really that into it tbh. Do you come on the bed sheets then?
  4. Actually they can have as little as 15 Mike.
  5. YES - Lampard is one of the best midfielders in the world. YES - He can win a game on his own, every player on the planet has poor games...i say again, its crazy to even think about dropping Rooney, he IS one of the best players on the planet.
  6. Regardless of what formation you play...there is no possible way you can leave Wayne Rooney on the bench, its just crazy talk. All this 'drop Rooney' talk is ridiculous, he's one of the best players in the world, you CANT leave him out of the team!
  7. Leave 1 of the top 5 strikers in the world on the bench!?!? You need locking up in a padded room mate!
  8. They dont need Hart as back-up, they have Stuart Taylor
  9. :shock: I know what you mean, they do the same with Andy Murrey!
  10. Anyone else find that they cant fight for toffee in their dreams??
  11. Some right strange things going on at the minute! First some bird starts saying some blokes have took her son, so i ride to investigate and save the kid, only to find 'evidence of violence'?!?! Then some bloke on a horse in the middle of nowhere starts going on about someone about to be hanged, then rides off?!?! WTF
  12. Havnt played that yet, ive just been told i can play 5 card fillet or something, whats that all about?
  13. Same here, started on Saturday but only managed about 3 hours of game time. Did the 1st mission for the marshal and had every intention of riding back to Bonnie...instead i have met a homeless person, tracked down some 'outlaws', spunked most of my money playing poker and skinned a bull
  14. They're not. As you become more familiar with the landscape, you'll find them without much hassle. Sure you'll struggle here and there but don't give in to using a guide. Honestly, people out there who have used a guide or a youtube video to find them are robbing themselves of a great piece of content. Indeed Sie. Some of them are really easy, some of them are a pain in the arse, but there's more of a sense of achievement if you do it yourself. Wiggy, it's actually worth doing as many treasure hunts as you can early on, because not only are they good fun, but the treasure you get sells for a lot of dosh, which can then fund your house/gun/medicine/horse deed purchases. Yeah sounds like a good way to acclimatise yourself with the map, but as for the first one, i really would know where to start! Will this become apparent and easy to find as i move through the game or is it all about searching the map? Cheers for your help also Sie
  15. Cheers for the tips Risso. About the bounty, how do you get rid of it or pay it off?
  16. Some bloke wanted $200 for the deeds to some land...i had $67...Carbine to the chest soon sorted that little dispute At the moment in not being to much of an 'outlaw' and my honour isnt too bad (lost 100 for said accident), do i need to be careful about my honour level? Nay, that treasure thingy sounds impossible!
  17. You know what i mean Nay! Is that all you have to do, look at the map then try and find the exact rock in the open world!?!?
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