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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Way off topic...but what the hell is your avatar all about Jez? :?
  2. I fecking love this game! Missis - 'so whats the idea of the game?' Me - 'well...ive just saved a hooker from getting raped by a gang member!' Missis - 'sorry?!?!' ACE
  3. I disagree, it does make you better than others in my eyes, credit to you. You put your child ahead of yourself, a basic principle of parenthood in my book which far too many seem unable to grasp. I suppose i am ace after all Well I wouldn't go that far. The baby has a babygrow that proves you wrong
  4. I disagree, it does make you better than others in my eyes, credit to you. You put your child ahead of yourself, a basic principle of parenthood in my book which far too many seem unable to grasp. I suppose i am ace after all
  5. You can not definitively say that the smoke resulted in the child being disabled. Disabled children are born to non-smokers every day. And it's a moot point anyway because even if you could (which you can't), you still shouldn't take it away. To me your suggestion of taking a child away from it's mother is still a disgusting one. Some people... if they do acts like that then they aren't mothers to me. they are just humans that sporn children. is it a motherly act to seriously jeopardise your unborn childs well being? if those actions are the beginning of her parenting, then almost certain they will be a pretty shit parent. I sort of agree mate, i had been a smoker of 20 a day for 10 years and quit the day the missis told be she was pregnant, it was hard but ive last 8 months now. All for the sake of my child, it doesnt make me a super parent or better than anyone else, it was just something i wanted to do for my child (and for me obviously). You have got to want to do it.
  6. Yep, as of the 24th July it's vindaloo's and pineapple chunks for tea
  7. 5 weeks to go on Monday! Everything is ready for baby to arrive, ive got a feeling these last few weeks are going to drag a little. Had our anti-natal class last Saturday which was well worth going to and a bit of an eye opener. I wonder if they could come on the same day Neil?
  8. I can tell if the Germans are arrogant or just super confidant?
  9. Why were you asking a very tiny Turkish man for a blow job?! Don't knock it till you've tried it. Is that a confession Mike? :winkold: Well given that I'm not knocking it, I obviously haven't tried it! :? Ive never tried it, and can safely say i never will. Each to their own mate, we can still be pals A clever little edit there!!! I was of course refering to her pimp. Who was a tiny little turkish man. I was a younger man then..... I have a beautiful girlfriend now...blah blah blah Dont know what your on about fella? :winkold:
  10. Oh yeah...thats really fair on the poor baby! If they can't afford the treatment, take the baby away. Or euthanise it. It's just a baby How about we put a bullet in your head because you get ill? One of the most stupid immature comments ive read on here. Congratulations...you have just made an ass of yourself to whole of VillaTalk!
  11. Oh yeah...thats really fair on the poor baby!
  12. Should sort it mate :winkold: Sorry i couldnt resist :oops:
  13. I think the problem Dem, was that we pretty much expected us to breeze through the group (me included) so the mentality going into the first 2 games wasnt right. Obviously the game yesterday was different thus we all saw a massive improvement, we still were not great but we improved. Im hoping its a case of you rise to the occassion, the better the opposition the better the performance. Im also hoping that noe Capello has relaxed his regime, our boys will be able to play more relaxed. As for Rooney, he needs a goal, i think it really is that simple. One goal could well open the flood gates, he still looked very frustrated at times, he must have been thinking to himself 'what more can i do?' Rooney is a coiled spring and fingers crossed he will explode on the Germans.
  14. I see what you mean Bri, and i agree to an extent. But, is it not better to look at it as, be it the semi's or the final, we have to beat the Brazil's, Argie's and the Spanish at some point? Or is it just blind patriotism? Blind patriotism I'm afraid. You don't have to beat all these teams individually to win the world cup. Do you think people will look back at how the USA got to the world cup semis or just that they got there if they get there? The important thing is to win the world cup or get as far as you can. It is not who you beat along the way. It's not like the League Cup in England. England have made it hugely more difficult to get through every single round now. One more goal against Slovenia would've solved all of that. Furry muff, i suppose i agree mate. But its not a sprint, its all good and well coming flying out the blocks and smashing everyone in the group to pieces. Its like sex mate, you never want to peak too soon. 8)
  15. Why were you asking a very tiny Turkish man for a blow job?! Don't knock it till you've tried it. Is that a confession Mike? :winkold: Well given that I'm not knocking it, I obviously haven't tried it! :? Ive never tried it, and can safely say i never will. Each to their own mate, we can still be pals
  16. I see what you mean Bri, and i agree to an extent. But, is it not better to look at it as, be it the semi's or the final, we have to beat the Brazil's, Argie's and the Spanish at some point? Or is it just blind patriotism?
  17. Why were you asking a very tiny Turkish man for a blow job?! Don't knock it till you've tried it. Is that a confession Mike? :winkold:
  18. Why were you asking a very tiny Turkish man for a blow job?!
  19. I really cant believe how negative this forum is! Its a marathon not a sprint!
  20. Crikey! You must have played for a good 14 to 16 hours surely. Er...the answer is in the post! :winkold:
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