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Everything posted by jim

  1. Reminds me of Bent. Waste of time when he’s not scoring.
  2. Watch us bottle it once again when we get within touching distance.
  3. Lonsdale, you heard it here first!
  4. Sent down for 14 weeks, I was expecting more tbh. Also 10 year banning order. Should have made an example of him, far too lenient imo.
  5. Adidas then On another note and i had the saem problem last year, I have been trying to find a kids 6-7 size and nowhere has them in stock. I remember a few years ago there was loads of excess stock so I'm wondering if we have only produced limited numbers to limit the amount of left over stock?
  6. Not the best performance but it was a derby. Keep it going please Dean and prove me wrong.
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