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Everything posted by Shaw_nuff

  1. Covering all bases much? This could mean Pep, Pardew or even that dead bloke from Weekend at Bernies.
  2. There's an awful lot of barrel-scraping going on in Lambert's defence lately. If he gets another year (and part of me is curious to see it) one thing is for sure, he'd better pull his socks up 'cos the job he's done so far has been inexcusably dire.
  3. So have I so he has to go now. I don't want to be looking like Bruce Forsyth by the end of next season! At least you might see a good game, good game.
  4. Well I guess it comes down to people having different expectations with what can be achieved with £40m, a complete rebuild and injuries to key players. You obviously think he should have done a lot better than he has. I personally think he should have done a bit better. However, if we finish between 11th-14th I'd say he's actually done a pretty good job considering injuries. However if we finish 17th then that's a poor job. But then again I look at the finishing position rather than points accumulated. Whereas others believe that points totalled means more than finishing position. I actually look at the mind-numbing boring football and ask 'where is this going' regardless of position. If you see progression then you see something different to me.
  5. Yes & how he is going to save our bacon. I think we are toast if we lose this , this young team instead of our has- beans have been poor. He'll make a hash of it.
  6. I don't hate him. If he has 100 mil to spend and gets us playing like Barca I'll gladly eat humble pie with a steaming turd from your avatar in the middle.
  7. Vlaar and Westwood, I agree. Okore - no one knows but looked promising. Bacuna - I just cannot get my head around this lovefest. I suppose a couple of good free kicks mask all the other rubbish.
  8. Completely agree but I'd go further with Benteke. Lambert obviously likes a certain type of striker but with Benteke he got the complete package by accident who turned out (providing he can recover fully) to be the new Drogba. With back or front to goal, in the air or on the floor, strength and skill, he is the complete forward. He surprised the shit out of us and Lambert I suspect. We have to give Lambert credit for this, accident or not. It may be that some of the other signings aren't as bad as they seem at the moment it's just that Benteke is SO good that he can play in any system, no matter how progressive or regressive the tactics.
  9. What's the project then? To break the play down into a non-passing, non-movement kick and rush fest so that we 'go again' and play like Barca the back end of next season? One thing I agree with you on is that he'll get the best out of Guzan. The poor bloke gets enough practice each week.
  10. Well it is rather easy at Villa Park.... he might get a goal too.
  11. I agree wholeheartedly with this point but I just couldn't bring myself to 'like' it.
  12. That is absolutely disgusting. I am done with this rubbish. An unfortunate choice of phrase but I'm certain is was meant metaphorically.
  13. Fans are allowed to change their minds based on evidence you know. If you see a cake and you fancy a slice 'cos it looks good that's great. But when you find out that behind its icing venir it's made from dogshit you're entitled not to have any more slices. Help yourself to as many as you want mind.
  14. I niether wanted or didn't want him here. It was a shoulder-shrug appointment for me but I did have a feeling of 'let's see what he can do at a proper club'. Reletively young and a certain ammount of unknown ability about him. Not impressed so far. If fact, bitterly dissapointed and bored rigid.
  15. I'd like to see the figures. There are lies and damned statistics just like the GDP figures. Perhaps Ken Dodd's accountant is involved?
  16. Either way, we won't be playing Small Heath next season.
  17. Oh God, are we going to end up with some weird concoction of sacked has-beens: Moyes, Allardyce and Pardew......... Myldew.
  18. After the Man City game I said 17th on goal difference. I wonder what odds I would have got for that?
  19. Yes you can. Performances don't get fluked, but to say results don't I just don't get. The Man City result was a perfect fluke and masked just how bad our performance was particularly in the first half where I struggle to remember us getting out of our own half at home! Some decent points in your analysis. I just don't know what Lambert is trying to do though as I have never seen such consistent turgid drivel in my life. The players don't know what it is they're supposed to be doing.
  20. I don't want to appear a grammar nazi but please learn the difference between too an to. It's painful too read
  21. I seriously think it's the 'Villa' connection. Could be a good milking point with the hispanic community.
  22. Problem is we're so poor at defending they're likely to score if we sit back. I was thinking more of this:
  23. Hull is a must-not-lose. As much as i hate the idea, I think we should park the proverbial bus.
  24. Give Pochettino anything he wants. Money, players, my mrs.... anything.
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