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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. lovely got into work this morning and a bird came over and told me she has bought us two tickets to see the bootleg beatles on 20th december at the NIA, I told her I couldnt afford to pay her back until payday and she said it was her treat, I will give her the money back wether she likes it or not....that or i'll just do her up the wrong'un as payment
  2. Do you know what mate I would bite your hand off if it was in brum but I can't realy afford the travel and stuff at the moment and wouldn't fancy going all that way on my own (I get lonely sometimes) :-( Haveto give it a miss unfortunately
  3. you bastard you got tickets for spiritualized at the albert hall??? I tried everywhere for them but heard about it too late, the greatest gig I have ever been to was spiritualized at the sage in newcastle, fooking amazing that was, they played the whole of the ladies and gentlemen album
  4. on saturday I bought 2 tickets to see steve earle at the symphony hall on 31st october cant wait i'm absolutely buzzing, my flatmate is proper pissed off with me cuz he has to miss it as he's going on holiday the week before and the girl I am taking has barely ever heard of him
  5. That's the other thing I pretty much only have SS for fight night so I hope that if I am going to pay £10 a month for box nation then that will justify me cancelling SS
  6. I don't know about this, how many of them fight would have been free on SS fight night, ok there will be no PPV but how many months will you have that channel and there not be a massive fight on? At the moment I pay for sky sports watch fight night every week and the pay per view stuff on boxing which comes along at 10/15 quid every couple of months. The last few big PPV's have been on prime time...are they just going to disappear or will I find myself paying 25 quid for the boxing every couple of months. That line up at the moment looks pretty good but he was never going to start a new channel that has no fighters anyone has ever heard of, he needs to suck people in and then it wouldn't surprise me if the quality and big names dwindled quite dramatically
  7. I would rather see mayweather win than pacquio, having said that I don't think there are many people who would wish a boxer to be hospitalised either.
  8. Why Dya want him to destroy mayweather? For someone to be out for so lon and come back looking so sharp is great and it's not like Ortiz is a mug. I dont think floyd has done anything wrong at all the first rule in boxing is to protect yourself at all times and Ortiz didn't, the only two people in the wrong was Ortiz for the headbutt and the ref for making an absolute hash of it. I know people don't like mayweather but I think he is great he can run his mouth cuz he knows he can back it up. Plus what was the matter with Ortiz why did he try to hug him twice after the butt, it should have been a touch of the gloves and get on with it save the hugs till after the fight, it was almost as if he was saying "I'm really really sorry floyd please don't get angry and hurt me"
  9. To be honest I love mayweather but I'm looking forward to the morales fight more, just wish it would hurry up and start Did any one watch fight night on SS1 tonight I missed it was it any good?
  10. well the collector actually started out as a prequal to saw if I remember correctly
  11. I thought beds was a real real let down
  12. i'm gunna watch troll hunter tonight I gave in and watched scream 4 along with the guard and attack the block last night as well. probably the second best scream film, cant really comment on it can you as you know exactly what you are getting with them films also tonight I mite watch julia's eyes or hobo with a shotgun
  13. attack the block was brilliant in a really shit low budget sort of way some parts were genuinely lol funny
  14. Just watched the guard good film man, just watching attack the block now It's been on for about 5 minutes and I've already laughed out loud "Oi man it's some sort of orang-utan ting innit blud"
  15. i dont know about wiping my arse but I nearly pissed myself when I read that
  16. ooohhhh attack the block i think i mite watch that as well
  17. Mite have a film night tonight and watch the guard and troll hunter I've got scream 4 to watch as well but I mite leave that till I'm desperately bored
  18. I used to love a maccies breakfast after subside I said in my last. Post that I air been for ages and then discover that I mite haveto meet a girl on satday so the chances are I'll end up there, can't see it being a 6am job though
  19. Subside is decent and its open until 6am, not that I barely ever go there any more, i'm too old for it these days
  20. **** me I should try posting in the thread more often if that is the response I get what a goal completely undeserved but **** hell i'll take that
  21. sorry I havent lookerd through the rest of the thread but this has been shite Gabby has not done a single thing warnock is having a mare delph is having a mare the hoof ball is pissing me off the team in general are pissing me off
  22. I have literally played about 15 minutes so far but have been watching me mate playing it for a while, it looks pretty decent so far it's like a watered down version on fallout with zombies, not the most polished of games but looks good fun. I'm gunna stick it on and start a proper game on it soon
  23. Just on my way home to play this now, apparently it is pretty long so hopefully it'll keep me occupied for a decent amount of time and save me money in the long run. I'll report back on what it's like later. (buying it ment I had to go to gamestation and I got served by this bloke who is always way way WAY to enthusiastic about games, anyway he was telling me that it's absolutely brilliant and that he and his mate spent 5 hours playing it last night
  24. ha literally just as I read that there is a girl in the office who just walked over to someone and went ''hewwoooo'' in a baby voice she always does it, it used to really annoy me now I just ignore it
  25. after I saw the original trailer I was realy looking forward to this, then I saw the first gameplay footage and thought it looked like left 4 dead which put me right off it. Now after hearing its like fallout with zombies I am going to definately get it, only problem is (well its a problem for me) that its 25 hours long, games rarely hold my attention for more than 10 hours so I will buy it but probably never ever complete it
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