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Everything posted by bose

  1. 15 votes so far all for Gabby. Come on don't mess it up!
  2. Three points and a comfortable 2-0 victory. Job done. Gabby was fantastic, clearly relishing being the main man at Villa.
  3. What a shot - it's only took him about five years but now he looks like he's managed to shoot properly!
  4. Jibbbbbbbbbyyyy - finally it looks like a win!!!
  5. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this will end in a draw.
  6. What's up with that? I saw on Twitter that he was going to a have a routine op but it was only minor blip in the grand scheme of things. It's a shame, really good player.
  7. He's still incredibly naive in his tackling, always throwing himself everywhere when he really doesn't need to. I would have thought that he would have learned by now to be a bit more disciplined.
  8. I echo what everyone has said about Breaking Bad - simply brilliant television. Bryan Cranston is a ridiculously good actor.
  9. I do see glimpses of talent from him but I still don't get the hype on here. Hope he improves though and maybe it would do him good to be on the bench for a couple of matches when Jenas gets fit.
  10. He's been very good this season and back to his old self. If McLeish would partner him with Cuellar (when fit) instead of Collins our defense would be rock solid (at least the central part of it, both fullbacks have been, so far, crap IMO ).
  11. Although a bit hit and miss I thought he was decent in the second half. Showed some good touches and he's clearly improving, I think.
  12. Agree that Ireland has to deliver, we've said it over and over again. Hopefully today is the day!
  13. Just saw this comment from McLeish. 'It's not going to be the Aston Villa of 1982 or the giddy heights of a couple of years ago.' The "giddy heights" of two years ago? That may be the most depressing thing I've read regarding Villa in the last few months (and that's not easy!).
  14. Discussing whether Houllier should have continued is useless. He had to go because of his health and that should be the end of that. The fact is his health wouldn't have let him continue so it's a moot point.
  15. One of the reasons I can't stand Collins. Those long balls are driving me nuts.
  16. bose

    Match Thread

    Not having a go DeepDish but i would take what you read on the official side with a pinch of salt. My experience is that they tend to sugarcoat things as much as possible.
  17. bose

    Match Thread

    Ireland playing poorly, big surprise.
  18. bose

    Match Thread

    I like Holden but I'll be amazed if he does any harm to us given the amount of time he's been out for.
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