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Everything posted by penguin

  1. How can it be knee jerk if the team and performances have been under criticism for the majority of the season? It's hardly like everyone has come out the woodwork after the Fulham game it has been consistent. Guess it was just too good an opportunity to use a funny gif though wasn't it.
  2. Yeah because the results and performances have only been piss poor for 6 months haven't they? Oh wait.
  3. Was just thinking the thread was running low on sarcasm and over-exaggeration. So anyone who thinks Lambert isn't doing a good enough job is expecting a manager of Guardiola's ability?
  4. Don't see how people expressing frustration over the fact we've gone from comfortably pushing from mid-table to back-to-back relegation scraps is spouting "pseudo emotional bullshit" about how far we've fallen, seems perfectly reasonable to me.
  5. Since this is clearly targetted at me I will answer you. If you are unable to extract meaning from posts beyond a literal reading that is your failing not mine. However, in an attempt to be educational I will try and help you. Clearly noone expects Villa to win the league, the point I was making, that you rather spectacularly missed, is that the expectations of fans do not match the reality of our situation. The constantly bleating about "how far we've fallen" and "this great club is in ruins" are laughable. We are not a great club, and haven't been since the 1890s. That is not solely Lambert's or Randy's fault. We're better than losing 47% of the time and battling relegation. Expecting more than that doesn't seem too unrealistic to me. This is my opinion too. Saying the fans are expecting too much, for the most part, is a load of rubbish as the vast majority aren't idiots, know we aren't the club we once were but just because we aren't willing to lie down and watch a manager and owner take us to record-breakingly poor levels without protesting doesn't mean we are expecting to win the treble
  6. What an absolute disgrace, his wages need to be paid either way so why not utilise, or at least attempt to, what is one of our most technically gifted players. Also downright lying to the supporters is completely unacceptable and indefensible.
  7. Don't let It bother you chap, it only indicates they have a weak argument to make. When we beat Palace next Saturday these people will be quietened. Up the Villa. Gentleman, do you really think that fans who are rightly infuriated by the disastrous trilogy of Lerner, Faulkner and Lambert will be reassured by a result against a bunch of hard working championship players? If you do then you really haven't understood the real disappointment and anger felt by lifelong Villa fans. I've supported the club for well over half a century and I'm angry about Lerner's deliberate neglect of his stewardship. A win next week will do nothing to alter my view that RL/PF/PL are seriously damaging the club that I love. That's fair enough. But other posters should not be labelled as "Lambertites" for expressing differing views. It is not acceptable. A win will make any true Villa supporter happy, it has nothing to do with Lambert/Lerner/Faulkner. I am sick of reading negative rubbish. I don't think any villa supporter is unhappy with a win, it's when a win is used to paper over Lambert's obvious inadequacies that frustrates.
  8. Was a silly appointment for a struggling team in desperate need of an experienced head, that said I think they always looked like going straight back down anyway and should have never sacked Mackay.
  9. Think he'd be great but can't see it with our wage constraints.
  10. To be fair, that exact argument was the main one advanced in Soccernomics - that over a long enough run, wages are a far better predictor of league placings than anything else, including the history of the manager concerned. But is this due to just the effect of the wages themselves or the fact that a team that has been successful is a lot more likely to be earning more income thus in turn able to pay higher wages in order to cement this success. It's hard to argue without knowing each individual case whether the wages have caused the success or vice versa.
  11. It's not that black and white to say a team will simply be positioned in relation to what their players earn, massively over simplistic and doing a great disservice to the managers.
  12. Seems to be a majority percentage from other villa fans I've spoken to, this forum and others that want Lambert out, not just "the 'most vocal ones". A poll would be a great addition to this thread to see the general consensus one way or another.
  13. Gentleman, I don't see the point of using this as your go-to Lambert defence when it ultimately directs the conversation from tangible points made about Lambert's record here to a discussion based upon hypotheticals in which neither side can prove anything. Ultimately, whoever anybody suggests to replace him, you will respond with a 'you don't know they will do any better than Lambert'. Just totally pointless. It is pointless because not a lot will change unless the ownership changes or the current owner provides more funds. If you want Lambert sacked, then why is it so unreasonable to present a name to replace him? Have some conviction in your beliefs for goodness' sake. If all you can resort to is personal abuse and not have the courage to present a name to replace Lambert, It is indicative of a weak argument IMO. Besides, it is far too easy to tear apart Lambert's record and ignore other factors that contribute to it. It all boils down to a lack of understanding, a lack of patience, and a lack of respect. How can you be so sure of that? There has been plenty of sides which have had a change of fortune upon replacing a manager outside of transfer windows. Of course money is a factor but to say not a lot will change by changing the manager is, in my opinion, quite absurd.
  14. Did his girlfriend have a terrible home record?
  15. Your joking aren't you? There has been extensive debate on this thread about poor tactics after we have won games. And as I said before, has a manager never achieved reasonable success with a limited budget then? And to say the problem isn't down to the tactics but the players inability to follow them because they aren't expensive enough, I wonder how all these sides in england outside the premiership manage to function. Point me in the direction of this "extensive debate". If it really exists, my bet is that it's a few people with pre-set agendas spouting absolute nonsense that they have no way of backing up. I don't know what that stuff about sides outside the premiership means. It doesn't matter what league you're in, if you're playing against better players you tend to get beaten in the long run. Why should I have too you can look for yourself. Your "bet" without even seeing the evidence says a lot more about you and your pre-set agenda doesn't it, especially as your just assuming that those with a conflicting opinion to yourself have no evidence to back it up. Well cheap players can't do tactics can they? And lower league teams aren't usually known for their wads of cash.
  16. Your joking aren't you? There has been extensive debate on this thread about poor tactics after we have won games. And as I said before, has a manager never achieved reasonable success with a limited budget then? And to say the problem isn't down to the tactics but the players inability to follow them because they aren't expensive enough, I wonder how all these sides in england outside the premiership manage to function.
  17. No they don't. Stats don't always show when a team has come out with a specific gameplan and it has worked (e.g. at Southampton). That's one opinion. Personally I'd say we were extraordinarily lucky to come away with three points there.
  18. Very mature. Who would you replace Lambert with?some may think you are trolling gentleman but I will give you the benefit of doubt. Shame that you resort to possibly the weakest of arguments to try and cause problems though. The who would you replace him with is weaker than a lambert team talk. Your defence of lambert has no real evidence of clear convincing argument as far as I can see. Why not try and convince the vast majority who are now calling for his head why they are wrong? I look forward to a sensible answer back .... I am not trolling boy, I am on this forum through the good and the bad at the club. Unlike some posters, who conveniently disappear when our young team are thumping the opposition 4-1 and rocking the giants of English football. Where were you after Norwich? Where were you after Chelsea? I assume you are secretly delighted with Fulham's victory against an injury-ravished side? It would not shock me at all given your maturity. My response to your post was genuine and blunt, I do not need to resort to the low level of personal abuse to defend a certain position. It was a fair question, and I do think somebody who has a strong case for sacking Lambert would be able to answer it. My defence of Lambert has been stated many times over, it does not need to be repeated for the sake of my sanity and others. To put it simply, I believe in managerial continuity given the conditions at our club, I think sacking Lambert will lead to more turmoil and frustration. Additionally, I still believe Paul Lambert has a lot to offer the club. It is not my job to convince anybody. You are free to think and behaviour as you wish but I implore you to keep it respectful, you are representing my club. Ironic.
  19. Yeah because no other club in the league has ever managed any kind of success with a limited budget have they. Is it a factor in our situation, yes of course. Is it a complete exoneration of Lambert's failings, not at all.
  20. Very mature. Who would you replace Lambert with? I don't get this argument. I can't can't think of an AM id want either does this mean there isn't one out there?
  21. Who could possibility say, obviously has previous experience in doing so but on the other hand his record with us against teams in lower divisions isn't particularly great to say the least.
  22. Absolutely spot on. No excuse for Lambert and his failure at home. We still lost 4-1 at home to Stoke with Benteke et al. Played off the park by a Fulham team who are bottom of the league with a terrible goal difference. Horrendous. This is the problem with Lambert. He has had two seasons, bought a load of crap and can't organise anything. It's not just today, there have been numerous occasions where the team has lost shape and it descends into chaos. We are all over the place most of the time. The manager and the entire backroom staff have to go. It would seem nobody has got a clue what's going on, when I watch villa play I find it almost impossible to try and understand what's happening. Lambert has had long enough and it's obvious he is a very limited manager and simply not good enough. Agree, we look ridiculously disorganised. Opponents constantly given space and runners not tracked, don't see how throwing more money at him is going to change piss poor tactics.
  23. Your among the worst to belittle and sarcastically respond to others when you don't agree with their belief that a scoreline in our favour was unjustified but now the boots on the other foot any one with a different viewpoint should just "deal with it", hypocrisy at its finest.
  24. Aren't they all? There are a lot of players I'd get rid of before him.
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