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Everything posted by thabucks

  1. Smith obviously didn’t learn anything meaningful during the enforced 3month indoor sabbatical as we are so devoid of idea it’s unbelievable. FFS Norwich are a better TEAM than us in reality as at least they play to their strengths they play with effort and determination and have a sense and style of play. Admittedly it’s just not good enough and they are where they deserve to be as are we ... just not good enough. But watching them recently I see as a cohesion and team spirit we lack. Also really is the squad to blame. Is there not 11 players in our squad that can put in at a Least a heartening display and show some **** balls and spirit. And in smith stays a lot of the squad will stay and the EFL will wanna bum **** us over FFP or whatever rules are and we trust Smith to get a tune with another summer of transfer turnover and core group of the squad minus its prized assets with games coming thick and fast.
  2. Don’t see anything in the tunnel thing other than smith talking to his boss .... Sadly I think Purslow is a very shrewd operator and good at his job. Definitely not to taken at gospel and fully trusted though as he is very media savvy and will have his own agenda. He needs to be ambitious though in his thinking and also decisive and I hope barring a miracle and we stay up the decisions been made to ditch smith.
  3. If wolves can get Nuno and Leeds Bielsa in the championship then if NSWE are true to their word then we need to think big and act accordingly.
  4. Well no wonder the team is so passive if starting relegation on the face doesn’t phase you. He is lost and out of his depth will no clue what he is currently doing and if he cannot inject some passion into a local Derby then he deserves to be sacked.
  5. We owe smith a certain debt of gratitude for last season for sure but that should cloud our judgement or make us sentimental in keeping him ... He has failed IMO and sticking with him will cost us dearly
  6. Well he doesn’t deserve it, he is leaving and Smith is a terrible manager so....
  7. Dead man walking and expect him gone tonight !
  8. That’s Your opinion but more seem to be on the other side of the coin but you cannot seem to accept that? I’m happy for you to be a Smith remainer but some feel differently including myself. I want to be proven wrong about Smith more than anything and desperate to see him come good but he just isn’t up to the job has been found out and the longer we kee him imo the more damage will be done. a manager is cheaper to replace than a squad and we’ve breached that point.
  9. Cheers for the memories but needs to go today ... We are spineless lack aggression and tactical guile and are set up in our managers image ... JT should go as well and a fresh start required and give the new manager the last 6 games to assess for next season.
  10. Not just commentators so some posters on here ... Poor old Smith with this team couldn’t possible be expected to make a game of this could he ? Not to worry though as some expected this and we should not aim for anymore than 17th or expect effort or passion.
  11. It’s not about out playing them it’s about showing passion and fight and be aggressive and less passive and remembering what is at stake. Teams are set up in the image of their manager so that says it all to me ... Smith is out of his depth and cannot manage this team so it’s easier to change him then clear the squad and start again.
  12. Smith is the issue and the damage has long been done. He doesn’t deserve another shot at it next season he clearly hasn’t got the ability to mange us. Sad but no time for misplaced sentiment.
  13. A team should be set up in the managers image ... think that says it al really doesn’t it but yeah Suso is to blame for the way the team is set up week on week and tactics and substitutes... The issue is Smith and needs sacking this weekend ...
  14. I just Can’t defend Nyland anymore. Hate turning on players and managers but it’s time to call an definitive end to his villa career pronto!
  15. Thought Dimitri Sea was supposed to be a potential star ... oh well
  16. Not specifically aimed at you but this makes Me chuckle when regularly peddled out as he is a gloried Spanish Bruce and best years are behind him ...
  17. thabucks

    The NSWE Board

    I can see them instructing Purslow to be ambitious in his thinking IF we do end replacing Smith. They are obviously very ambitious and the previous links to Henry, Rui Faria, and if true Paulo Fonseca show they have a certain level of thinking and ambition when it comes to managers. Poch or Rangnick are the remote dream but are sadly out of the question. I don’t want a foreign name for the sake of it I just want a better manager than smith to build on the groundwork laid.
  18. Marco Rose is my first choice to replace Smith but would give my left bollock for Rangnick and we could be just the project to tempt him... dreams .
  19. But again as I’ve said before Suso May have got the exact type of players Smith wanted in terms of specific skill set and characteristics to fit an ethos and game plan around. Suso May or May not be the issue but I can see glaring faults in the way we play and Smith as a manager and the way he sets his teams up. He just isn’t good enough for the Premier League based on the season we’ve had.
  20. I will say this once more do people really think the recruitment is solely down to Suso and poor old Smith has been lumbered with some potentially very good players he had no say over ? Purslow has explained the set up, Smith will tell the board what he needs and what type of player he wants and has power to veto any suggestions. He even bloody went to scout Trez at AFCON ffs . they are being poorly used by an inept coach simples ...
  21. What makes you say that? Just because some don’t agree with your views ? We think differently on Smith but I appreciate your position and passion in defending him.
  22. Anyone think this is down to our recruitment is somewhat deluded in my opinion. Smith has been found out, he isn’t a good manager and has basically through his ineptitude has got us relegated. The players are better than this and it’s on Smith just not being up to the task. And before anyone says but Suso signed blah blah blah ... It’s being confirmed by Purslow smith signed off on all of our signings.
  23. No defending him and he is solely to blame for this. He’s been found out and is way out of his depth and should be sacked in the morning with Cutler installed ... JT can **** off also
  24. We can all see we are missing a defensive midfield bruiser type player to galvanise the midfield. I’m sure they all sat down and decided what was needed and what type of players Smith wanted then Suso went out and did what he does. If the remit was set for a DM with certain characteristics and we got Luiz and Nakamba then is it Suso’s fault we didn’t buy a bruiser ?
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