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Everything posted by chrissmith921

  1. rowing families, no heating at venue, miserable day and no free food/drink. top it!
  2. whats everyone doing this weekend? bloody wedding tomorrow
  3. i would have thought they were both as easy to cook
  4. the residents of cockermouth have heard the floods have brought some gold to the town - after rushing out and searching with their pans however, all they found was some copper.
  5. £38m on Fan Zhi and then £2m on some striker from the far reaches of South America who takes 3 weeks to return everytime he visits home.
  6. one of those very wrong, but very right, things.
  7. I'd take 17th, staying up on the last day of the season - but winning a trophy over finishing 5th and winning nothing. But thats just me - others may feel a bit differently (more than likely do, in fact)
  8. you do realise now he's been shown up again he'll **** off for a few months. can someone please keep these gems stored so when he comes back, we can send them his way quickly and get him to **** off again??
  9. exactly - 1-4 is the big, big prize (provided of course you win the playoff when you've finished 4th - group stages is where its at) after that, provided not relegated, winning trophy >>>>>>>>> everything else. everything you win gets you into the EL anyway so why settle for a league finish?
  10. to be honest, if any club finishes outside of the top 4 and relegation zone, i think they'd rather win a trophy and finish lower, than win nothing and finish higher. what do villa fans remember more from our 96 season? was it the coca cola cup win, or the fa cup semi final, or the 4th placed finish? personally - CCC win. Obviously that was when you finished top 2 (I believe) to get to CL? Trophy win is far better than a better than average (but still, not spectacular) league finish.
  11. Well, let me put it like this, I'd happily finish 10th this season to win the Europa League, ok? no, I ain't blonde, but I might as well be sometimes :oops: :cool: AG sees it as light hearted - good to see the difference in reaction to taking the piss of a 39 year old MALE spurs fan and a 20 year old FEMALE everton fan on an internet forum. reminds me of a scene in futurama when they go to a chatroom on the 'internet'
  12. What about the other 13? Errr...? See that? wayyyyyy over your head. suggesting you are 33, rather than 20. you blonde?
  13. my posting of a cockerel is not allowed so it seems. so instead, here is my picture of jesus
  14. Dont be fooled - Defoe isnt the first choice striker for Spurs - its John Charles. Its not Spurs' fault he's dead. He'd be first choice otherwise.
  15. funny, isn't it. How can someone spend so **** long arguing on various football forums I have no idea. He MUST work for the council to have that sort of time on his hands.
  16. Oh dear. Having a bad day are we? great day - my weeks work is done and its thursday 2:55pm fantastic! now then, what percentage uplift does that give me on my performance last week, and also, how likely am i to see spurs win something - if you can include a run down of the last 31 performances spurs have given on a monday night with a frenchman as a centre back, it would be great. i know you love your irrelevant statistics as if they prove something, so here's one for you - you are 43% more likely to be a complete and utter word removed if you support spurs than any other club. FACT. By the way, form posting in a technical sense... you'll be posting forms to use that forum, all i'd need to do is know what the form variables were, what validation was on them and could get in without fuss - fiddler is your friend!
  17. You know not of which you speak: King and Woodgate are the first-choice CBs. Your list of 7 is reduced to 5. Ah, shame ... you could always send a complaining letter to your MP. Or failing that, join MI5 and then infiltrate the forum using some newly learned, super exclusive, secret methods. Or just hack it with some simple form posting techniques - bypass all the validation.
  18. Yet another poster who prefers to try and make personal attacks rather than discuss football ... ho hum. On the subject of the game and League Cup this year: Spurs played tamely and deserved to lose because the players seemed to treat the game as a training session, with no real commitment, effort or passion. Spurs played with only 5 (or arguably 6) of their strongest XI, with an average team age that was lower than United's. However, given the tame performance delivered, Harry would have done better to field more of the younger players. At least they would likely to have busted a gut to impress. However, progress in any cup competition is often highly dependent on the luck of the draw: playing at Old Trafford is a rather different proposition than playing away at Pompey. Still, congratulations to Villa - you should now have a good chance of reaching the final, having been drawn against easily the weakest of the remaining teams. Christ, normally you're in hiding until at least April when Spurs are over their Xmas slump? Whats brought you out early this year?
  19. Nope can't say I have but then again, I rarely watch TV That would be a good reason, then.
  20. That describes 2/3 of my Sunday league team. Apparently, that makes them all the best of their generation.
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