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Everything posted by one_ian_taylor

  1. Didn't think our movement was good at all today on the few occasions when we did get decent posession. Even before the goal, our players would make forward runs too soon, which often left the guy in possession without a decent option and no close easy ball. It's all very well trying to strewtch the game a little, but we have to have a bit more sense and intelligence and not just dash forward in the hope that the player on the ball will find the right pass. Poor in midfield - but I was thinking only this morning that Arsenal could win the title. We'll have other bad days for sure, but we'll also have some good ones. Nexty game to be a boring draw - O'Neill always tries to make sure we don't lose two in a row.
  2. Shame really. I don't mind if he starts, but then he's always nackered after 60 minutes and we never change the formation which means we get over-run and nor do we take off him after 60 minutes, so we just end up getting dominated. Argh. I agree completely, why Downing wasn't put on today to help out I will never know. I hope im wrong, but for the rest of this season...if Petrov is fit, he will start. When we are on the back foot though, Petrov looks the one player with the composure to slow things down and hang on to the ball. If we had more players like that, we wouldn't have been battered so ard in the second half today. Milner on the other hand kept on hoofing it long where a little bit more composure would have been welcome. Anyway, looking forard to next week. I don't often get to go to Villa Park and this will be my thrid Villa game in 10 days (including the reserves).
  3. I disagree on the point on Gabby who actually held the ball up well and also be honest, look what he's feeding off, how many opportunities does he get, I mean he's feeding off absolutely nothing all season and still has managed 7 league goals. But like you said, I didn't think anyone really had a dissapointing game. I thought players got tired which isn't as such there fault which resulted in us being dominated, so I don't think the players had a bad game, I just thought there should of been subs quicker than there was. I think Ashley Young has lost his confidence big time, In the 07-08 season he ran and ran at defenders at pace. If you look at him now, there were times he picked the ball up in space on the left and sorta stopped and jinked either way before crossing, it's as if he's scared to take the ball and run at someone with pace like he used too. He keeps stopping which makes him easier to defend. There was that funny period in the second half where Young/Milner seemed to be playing up front and Gabby was on the wing - did him no favours. I couldn't understand it at all Maybe implying he had a mare was a bit strong - I'm usually very quick to defend him, but he wasn't great today, partly because he was isolated a lot of the time, but he also seemed a little off the pace at times.
  4. Went to the game with a Spurs supporting mate - think he must have enjoyed it because we were absolutely battered second half. Cuellar was incredible, Petrov showed some nice touches, but we don't seem to be able to play the ball through the middle. We only seem capable of playing down the flanks. Huddlestone on the other hand showed a great range of passing and real confidence on the bal - we need a player like that. Second half was appalling for us and if Duune and Cuellar hadn't been quite so good, my fingernails would be even shorter than they are now. At the beginning of the game, I thought it was going to be one of those where Carew has a good one and A Young looked good too., They were completely out of it second half. Carew loked knackered and the game was crying out for Heskey about 15 minutes before he came on. I haven't been too impressed since he came to Villa, but today all his experience showed and the last 10 minutes we at least seemed to be able to compete, a massive contrast from what had gone on before. Very good camoe from Heskey. He was unlucky not to score from a great effort at the end, but that really would have been floodlit robbery. I think we badly missed Warnock today. The two Youngs are very good players, and Luke generally kept Lennon quiet, but when a lot of our attacking play comes down the left, it's a real shame when we have two right sided players who both check back inside when they have the ball. It means the whole attack loses momentum, not a great thing for a team geared towards a quick counter attack. Funny game though - even though we were incredibly lucky not to lose, I can't think of a player who really had a 'mare, apart from possibly Gabby, who looked under par. Then again, he did score...
  5. Cheers Tubby - I was at the game too and about to start a report. Glad you saved me the trouble though. I'd agree with your assessment of things too, althought I thought Weimann faded second half. I missed the sending off incident, but my mate reckons he saw Delph grap Merida by the neck and he may have been lucky not to have been sent of too. Probably the turning point of the game for me, because although we probably had better chanced than Arsenal, it wasn't until Merida went off that Bannan suddenly had a lot of space and we really started to play some lovely stuff. Bannan was pretty good, although I wonder if he's a bit of a Steven Davis - great when he's got space and time, but can disappear when he hasn't. I haven't seen him play enough times though (last night was my first reserves game - looking forward to next time we play a London side). Albrighton on the other hand was excellent in the first half particularly and had a lot of admiring comments from the Arsenal fans. Gardner was very good and, until the sending off, looked liked the one of our midfield 3 most likely to make things happen. His experience and class definitely shone through for me. The two most disappointing players for us were Delfouneso and Clarke for me. The Fonz just wasn't at the races yesterday and kept on getting caught offside. His movement was pretty lacklustre too. Clarke looked a bit ropey on the ball, especially when compared to the super-slick herd next to him playing sweeper. The only other incidents of note (for me): sitting a few feet away from Wenger (a real thrill for my Arsenal supporting mate, quite funny when he stormede down the steps at half time); meeting Cap'n Jack (if you hwere at the game and heard the request for a green and yellow laptop bag to be handed in over the tannoy, that was his - may have scuppered the work he was doing on the match!) and sitting in the press seats with a pie and a Bovril. Great night out and if anyone is tempted by the reserves but has never been, I'd thoroughly recommend it. I'd even go back to watch Arsenal even if the Villa weren't playing - not often you get to see good footballers up close for free.
  6. He was a lot better than in recent weeks - starting to gel very well with Warnock I thought
  7. I like the idea of some good old fashioned Brummie music Sled! We should walk out to War Pigs and set the tone for the following 90 minutes play MON seems to wear a lot of black on the touchline, maybe he is a closet goth! War Pigs would be my choice too - knocks the shit out of any fancy fanfare or rubbish Republica
  8. Yes, he had problems with his piles didn't he?
  9. Peter Withe held a door open for me when I was working as a kitchen porter at VP. Maybe I could get a coaching job at SHA too.
  10. Hang on, Rio's not until 2014. Let's not get carried away.
  11. Click here You need to download Veetle, but the picture is very good. Cheers Mr Magic. Already had veetle, but nice link... And thank you from me Mr Magic
  12. Thought that until Carew came on, our back 8 were decent - solid but uninspiring. The inspiration should have come from our front three who were generally pretty poor. Good substitution by MON (if the obvious one) and as soon as it was made there was only one winner. Thought Reo Coker was good first half but faded (seems to be using the ball a lot better than before) and was surprised Sidwell wasn't subbed instead as he seemed fairly anonymous. But what do I know, Sidwell seemed to come to life when NRC came off.
  13. Delaney was one of the cleanest tacklers I have seen. Phenomenal for Wales as well as us - remember a particularly great tackle on Ronaldo v Brazil. What a bargain too
  14. Between Friedel and James for me. Two of the best top flight goalkeepers in recent years, although neither has been at their peak when playing for us (arguably). James just pips it for me because of his athleticism and ability to sweep up behind the defence. Friedel is more solid though and could yet go on to overtake James. If Guzan keeps on developing, I think he'll eclipse them both - fantastic performance against Slavia last year and hopefully just a taste of what is to come.
  15. Thanks OBE - I don't manage to get to many first team games, let alone reserves, so I really appreciate decent writing like this to be able to catch up on what's happening. Did you get any sense that Albrighton's becoming a bit of a marked man in the reserves now he's had a couple of games for the first team and featured in pre-season?
  16. Great post and bloody hell didn't last night make today so much better?
  17. Such a relief to have it confirmed that we haven't turned into a bad team overnight. I would worry about NRC in a two man midfield, but in a three he was excellent, Petrov and Sidwell too - they all managed to get up and down the pitch extremely well. So relieved the defence got it right too. Delighted. Now we need some more players to make sure these guys are pushed to perform like this every week and can get a rest every now and then.
  18. Yes, I believe it was. Great win, fantastic team performance and difficult to single anyone out although Reo Coker personnified our fight and energy
  19. He's got 16 goals in 14 games..... etc etc Cause nothing compares Nothing compares Carew (Sinead O'Connor)
  20. The two fouls were pens. With the two handballs, you could clearly hear Pique and Eto'o shoult "changing 'keepers" before the ball hit them.
  21. 4-4 with Liverpool wasnt dull, because it was Liverpool playing, not becuase it was Chelsea. You got what you deserved after that performance last week. Pretty much what I said page before. Totally agree. Chelsea play exciting football when they have to, not as a style of playing. I'd go along with this too - went to the Spurs - Chelsea 4-4 last season, which was an incredible game. Chelsea badly needed the result and had to attack Spurs, who kept on getting jammy goals. Incredible game because Chelsea needed to win and both teams were open. Chelsea were very very good tonight too and created bags more chances than Bracelona, but it was crap to watch and as a neutral I don't want to watch Chelsea stifling a result out of one of the best footballing teams around.
  22. Come off it, they're a a very very good team - Chelsea did very well, but they played to nick a goal at home - that tells you all you need to know about what a good footballing team Barca are. Wanted an Arsenal Barca final, but Man U will do. It won't even have to be a good game to be better than last year's borefest Exactly. I have a feeling it will be one of the most glamourous and unforgettable games of all time, and I hope I'm not dissapointed - but it will be better than last years whatever happens. I was so wrapped up in the emotion last year that I didnt realise how dull the game was until I went back and watched it again. How did you manage to watch that shite again!? The penalty shoot out was great fun though, one of the best I've seen. The big English clubs may be superior in some ways, but don't play the most attractive football, Arsenal aside. However, that kind of high tempo game cannot be played in summer - hence how better footballing sides like Spain, Argentina, Brazil etc come into their own in summer tournaments (in general, Greece are obviously not included in that)
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