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Everything posted by TheDon

  1. He seems to be putting it to use at the moment. He's clearly trying to get Groves to punch himself out before he starts throwing some punches back!
  2. TheDon


    Exactly, you go for the facilitators, you hit the producers and you disrupt the supply chain. dont_do_it_doug thinks they should stick to doing buy and busts though. Been there, didn't scare.
  3. TheDon


    No, I'm saying people should have the right to target the sites that actively encourage and profit from people pirating their content. dont_do_it_doug seems to think that only the end user should be a valid target for legal action, that sites like megaupload, thepiratebay and nzbmatrix, that exist solely for copyright infringement (lets face it, despite having "legitimate" uses they make their bread and butter from piracy) and that actively profit from it, should for some reason be immune from prosecution because people should have "the right" to break the law if they want to. My argument is that that's a dumb stance, and that people should have the right to take on the people that actively make content available and the sites that aid it's distribution, the way they do now, because that's the only way you can fight piracy. I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and pretend I'm not doing anything wrong and claim that the sites I use should stay around for ever because of some bullshit reason. I know that they're targets and that they can disappear at any time. I've switched sources many a time, and I'll probably have to do it countless more times. It's annoying having to do it, but, In the words of Omar Little, It's all in the game.
  4. I hate you. Still, at least it doesn't blink.
  5. That depends, what are you tracking policies like?
  6. How long is a search engine with limited revenue going to stick around for though?
  7. No, it's just an excuse to make shit up and print it.
  8. TheDon


    Not really, one door closes another opens. It literally takes half an hour to set up an nzb indexing site. They mostly all use www.newznab.com. Absolute worst case, you can run your own index, it's not hard.
  9. TheDon


    If you seriously wanted to pirate you can still go out and do it without a great deal of difficulty, a lot easier than you'd ever find someone willing to sell you a gun. What about the right to protect your creations? What if you were a director, a singer, a games developer, and your big creation was just pirated because everyone had the means and will to do so. You've poured your life into it and everyone is just enjoying it for nothing, where do your rights stand there? Don't get me wrong here, I'm probably one of the biggest pirates around. I'll make no secret of the fact I download TB's of TV and Movies a month. But the attitude that it's my right to be able to do so? That no one should do anything to stop it or try to prevent it? No, that's not right at all. The content creators need to protect their income, without it there is no income. People can go on about how they're still making money, but if there was no enforcement on sites that violated their copyright then you can be pretty much assured that more people would do it, because if they can only go after the end user then it becomes more and more difficult to actually go after anyone. People will just use VPNs, they'll claim they have open WiFi and that it wasn't them, and the cost of enforcement would be prohibitive. It's the sites providing the content that are doing the damage, it's those that should be targeted. How about you go leave your car or house unlocked at night and then when your car or tv disappears you can just shrug and say "Well, at least I wasn't infringing on their right to free will! They were just exercising their freedom of expression!".
  10. Just watched the fight, holy ****, what a fight. Shame that Manny Mayweather will never materialise would have been a classic a few years back.
  11. Sexist too. Can't really hold it against the guy, he was simply from another era.
  12. This is why DPD are my favourite courier. You don't have to wait in all day for them because you always know on the morning what hour they'll be turning up.
  13. TheDon


    Sorry but that's complete rubbish. There's a reason why we have restrictions on a ton of things, like gun ownership for example. It's far better to restrict supply than to just punish offenders.
  14. TheDon


    NZBMatrix shut down today
  15. So what you're saying is, we'd all have brilliant cars, live in Hoff houses, global warming wouldn't be an issue, and over population would just be a myth?
  16. It depends on the types of carbs, and also the timescales involved. You're not going to carb load on high-GI an hour before an event for example, you'd cripple your performance as they'd spike insulin and trigger reactive hypoglycemia. Carb loading is generally done with either low-GI slow digesting carbs, or over a period of days before a long distance event (I think the "standard" for a marathon is 3 days of 70-80% of total calories by carbs) which gives plenty of time for the downsides to subside. Basically it all comes down to insulin, the whole carb crash is down to the insulin response from blood sugar spiking, everyone should know that carbs get turned into glucose, which triggers insulin when the blood sugar levels rise. The problem with high carb eating is our bodies panic and release more insulin than is actually needed to deal with the level of glucose, so our blood supply is depleted of glucose as it's taken up as glycogen, so you get the typical low blood sugar symptoms of tiredness, headaches, etc. Incidentally our bodies react to the post carb crash in exactly the same way as they do to hunger, as biologically it's the same thing, low blood sugar and no available energy (we can't release the energy that got taken up due to the insulin response as the presence of insulin prevents that). Which is why you always feel hungry not long after eating a Chinese, it's carb heavy.
  17. No. She merely pass the phone call on to someone else, who then passed on information about her condition.
  18. Which sensitive information was that?
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