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Everything posted by hippo

  1. Ah right - I get it now....pre match entertainment...
  2. Apparently these are selling well from Luke1977
  3. Personally I find it hilarious (if not a little disturbing) that someone got up yesterday morning and thought :- "You know what ? - Im going to throw a cabbage at Steve Bruce tonight"
  4. I thought it was a single cabbage ? - don't tell me someone threw a picked onion as well ?
  5. Its almost like that game cluedo It was the old guy, with the cabbage, in the staduim
  6. If he needs an experienced team around him - why do we need him ? - why don't we just recruit the experienced team ?
  7. I think we get him - if we dangled a big enough carrot !
  8. Exactly my thoughts - He will go - but I am sensing a farcical manager search - and we will end up with someone that we could have appointed all along.. Whilst Bruce is clearly finished - I am not hopeful that we are on the cusp of a brave new era.
  9. No rumblings of his demise -Looks like he gets Saturday then.
  10. Nathan Jones from Luton - (if we could get him)
  11. When did the new owners arrive ? - July wasn't it - this has been bubbling under since early sept - I hope it hasn't caught them totally on the hop,
  12. Thats my thoughts - But I am sensing are new owners aren't that savvy to pry a manager from another club. Garcia looks the best bet - but wouldn't rule out a high stakes gamble on Henry
  13. But that is linear isn't it ? Ideally that should be the process - but things have fallen apart, and we now need evasive action - farting around waiting for a dof - then appointing the same bloke we were going to appoint anyway seems a bit dithering to me..
  14. Right so if we take another 3 weeks to get the DOF in - thats skips the international break - which would be a good time for the new manager to get acclimatised. Then 3 weeks in - who does he choose - that we can't choose now ?
  15. Oscar Garcia - seems the best out of the unemployed managers - (assuming he is still unemployed)
  16. We need a manager - not a DOF - We wait a couple of weeks to get a DOF - Who will in reality be picking from the same pool of unemployed managers - can't see the sense in waiting to be honest...
  17. Hell of a lot of assumptions in there. Weve reached the midnight hour - every hour of inactivity from our board smaks of them not knowing what to do ......
  18. True - but we seem more adept at dodging decent managers.
  19. #Newsflash - Things reach boiling point at villa park
  20. Actually having seen the pictures on the news things have got out of hand:-
  21. .....and what did they say about the cabbage ?
  22. Ah I understand the cabbage significance now - apparently bruces team talk wen't something like "Lettuce Pray"
  23. Keeping it going after tonight doesn't smack of good leadership from our new owners - hiring and firing managers is probably the most important thing they do. If they dawdle and hesitate it doesn't bode well for the future - whoever the manager is...
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