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Everything posted by beasley14

  1. Played well today, had a period when they had too much time on the ball in our half but we got it back in the end. A better side may have punished us for that though so we have to be careful.
  2. Oh bloody dear. You probably should name and shame them, we could tally them off with emma, comedy
  3. Pretty pleased we looked solid and kept them to very few chances. We also won which is all that was needed really.
  4. Got to be Bouma really when he hit peak form.
  5. Oh well i didn`t think about the post 2000, thing so i went for Southgate. If its just post 2000, then it has to be Olof really.
  6. I`d love to have him back in, but i`m not sure thats the best game for him to come back though. They`ll probably use it to give him stick, as sick as that is.
  7. I actually put Young. I know he hasn`t been here long but i think he is marginally better. Thats probably a bit harsh on Delaney as i liked him a lot and he was consistant over a longer period of time. I haven`t seen anything from Young though to suggest he isn`t consistant.
  8. I put James. Fiedel is the next best. Its close though as Friedel doesn`t make the big mistakes James does.
  9. Please ignore me and move along, i am a double post
  10. I don`t think he knew mate, the poor lad. Beye is doing enough for me at the moment but i will take notes BOF :winkold:
  11. bang on. Young is the best winger in the league on his day. And in the top 5 when he is having an average time of it. I agree with this too. Young has more talent but JImmy uses his to the full nearly every game.
  12. Maybe MON tells him to tuck in too as he likes to be compact? At least he`s got the pace to cover thats why Shorey can look so bad.
  13. Thats a bit strong mate. I haven`t watched his every move but from what i`ve seen so far hes pretty strong in the tackle and he shepards the ball out of play well. What is it that bothers you so much? Just for the record, in my opinion Gardner is terrible at rb defensively.
  14. I know, its really sad but i desperatly want want him back.
  15. beasley14


    This - but up the wrong un People are confused with the good ol US of A They like to go there, they enjoy the country, they partake. But. And there is a big but - they hate the the politics of US of A, including the arrogance and / or ignorance that they would title a thread "America" when it is only about one little country in America - it's much bigger than the USA. But mostly it's the politics people don't like. Pretty much this
  16. I put 8 I love my missus to bits I`m fit as Fook! :winkold: I have a nice 3 bed semi at 25 I have great friends and I believe in God although i don`t go to church. I`m currently looking for a better job and tbh its only having more money so we could go away and have kids which would make me happier now i think.
  17. I thought all three in the middle played well today, and sorry Bicks i have to disagree. I think NRC helped make the game look comfortable as we kept Fulham out of harms way. If he hadn`t played i think they would have had a bit more joy through the middle against us. It probably is true however that we need someone with a bit more quality to play in there and weigh in with goals especially if we play the better teams.
  18. OP is just daft, clearly doesn`t rate either player. I think they are both good and will in time settle down to be more consistant and assured.
  19. I see where you are coming from and there is no doubt that having Laursen would dramatically help our cause because of how good he was. It`s just that be it personnel or tactical we didn`t have people running at our back four as we do now. I`m not sure whats changed because as you say Barry wasn`t the quickest either. Maybe it was his general quality and positional sense that use to help us out.
  20. Isn`t that what makes it more frustrating, we did the bloody hard bit. And Rob, thats one hell of a match summary if ever i`ve seen one!
  21. I`m not too sure about this mate. Even the best defences in the world will struggle to keep clean sheets if they are constantly having players running directly at them from midfield. Certainly when then end up having free men to pass to as our cm can`t keep up or get back to make a tackle.
  22. I agree with this. Sadly and it has taken me some time to notice it properly but Petrov in a 4-4-2 is not working. He didn`t close down too well, didn`t burst forward and generally didn`t want the ball too much. I like him as a player and he does well in a central 3. He just can`t play in a 4-4-2, our cb`s were totally exposed after 60mins. They looked pretty solid up until that point. Maybe it wasn`t just Stan, but it has to play a part. The team in general played well though, they good have just done with some help and fresh legs when Rapid started to push on. I`m not sure why NRC wasn`t used when we were 2-0 up tbh. I Completely agree, I thought we were excellent, but as soon Rapid showed signs of coming into the matches, changes should of been made, Exactly and as much as i like MON it worries me that he doesn`t do this. You can`t just let things go and hope its your team that scores next or that you get away with it.
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