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Everything posted by daft

  1. I get you, but that is a one off. It's like basing our future performances on the fact that we currently account for 50% of Manchester City's draws this season, arguably the best team in world football currently. It feels bad, I know, but it's not reality quite yet.
  2. There’s another parameter as well. Look ManC. They have probably the tactically most competent manager in the world and lime two squads of extremely skilled footballers. These footballers aren't just equipped with physical skills,they are mostly also world class tactically. Both in understanding their managers instructions but also when to go outside the frames he lays down. That is much harder to quantify, and if you have a bunch of tactically inept players, you need to take that into account when appointing a new manager.
  3. Agreed. We need to work all angles now, not just the manager one.
  4. I disagree. I don't much like Gerrard, but I have a feeling our squad as a whole is vastly overrated by us in general. As Villans, I do think they have it all to prove still. I am however humble enough to realise this is just a theory, and I might be wrong. And I can promise you I won't expect instant results from a new guy in order to dismiss my fears. I just think it is something we should keep an eye on, that's all.
  5. We have had lots with PL experience, that is not the issue. Yes it is a good league with passionate fans and media, but we need a good manager, regardless of where he plied hi ls trade before. Someone with passion, flexibility and tactical understanding. I don't really care if he hasanaged in the PL before. It's just a soup of nepotistic vultures jumping between clubs anyway. We need to change the tune, and if our execs can't do it, they need to get help or get out.
  6. In general? Don't really know tbh. On here? Quite so I'd say. I don't like the word toxic, but the attitudes here can be ruthless at times. It comes from passion and is probably a bit fuelled by entitlement feeling we are due certain things we haven't really deserved in decades.
  7. I see the signs as well, and if this is true, we are done for in terms of ever kicking on. At least in my lifetime.
  8. daft

    Johan Lange

    Yeah, it is getting a bit tiresome to be sure.
  9. daft

    Johan Lange

    On a more serious note, if we have issues here it's not fair to put all the blame solely on Lange, even if he's the one that signs off on the prospective recruits. You have a whole department of technical scouts, analysts, IRL scouts and so forth that brings these guys to Lange's attention.
  10. daft

    Johan Lange

    No, I am still unsigned. But I'd put pen to paper for £150 000/week, no questions asked.
  11. I was absolutely flabbergasted by that.
  12. I mean seeing him on the sideline and how. santos ran to hug him. Ruben is not going anywhere.
  13. Makes a sub, sub scores immediately. Not that Ruben coming, but that was one decent sub.
  14. I mean all managers lose games and have rough patches. But should we have him? No idea.
  15. daft

    Douglas Luiz

    I'd like to see retroactive fines for blatant attempts to deceive the ref. Hockey has something similar where you can even get suspended for reckless play even if the ref never called a penalty on the play. They do diving as well.
  16. Actually I lied I just realised. I am watching on CMORE. Viaplay has the PL and I forgot I switched after the Ch -ManU game.
  17. Seriously though, through Viaplay.
  18. I am watching the game. Sporting almost scored just now.
  19. I think that's sort of a satire account. Same dude jokes about SG went mental after the game.
  20. I appreciate the effort because it’s driving me nuts.
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