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Everything posted by b6bloke

  1. General i was in Leicester last night and was chatting with some of their fans. One lad travels to Birmingham regular and made the comment how more visible Villa has become. He made this on the basis of Villa shirts being worn everywhere, bill boards plugging games and the positive conversations he had been privy too with villa fans. I thought it would be good to pass this on to yourself so you could see that not only Villa fans can see where we are going but others too. We who see the positives in what is happening at villa are the majority General and those who think negative will never change as you know Negativity breeds negativity. Up the Villa
  2. Off the back of another thread it made me wonder just how many people THINK they would pass their test if they had to take it now. Please be honest :winkold:
  3. Srry Chindie couldnt resist :winkold:
  4. Top man imo, he has done a lot for this country and dont forget how he was ripped off when offering to run the lottery for free ith more money going to charity. Int he donating all virgins profits to enviromental projects for the next ten years??
  5. Dont panic General, there is a thread on this and everone is aware so please feel free to stand down and take off the Kevlar jacket
  6. General Sir, Though i know you have no say or influence on the matter i must protest at the potential sale of Cahill to the Scum up the road. He will come back and haunt us!
  7. b6bloke

    Flag Vote

    The work that has gone into this by the guys involved has been HUGE! I doubt they would want to have to go through that every season.
  8. I cant see more than 2 myself which i will not be happy with though i would not be suprised if there are not any. Did anyone read that article where the reporter said that MON kept his cards so close to his chest that NO reporter had a clue who he was even interested in!
  9. b6bloke

    Flag Vote

    I wonder if the plan to put up a banner saying "FOREVER IN OUR SHADOW" is still going ahead?
  10. b6bloke

    Flag Vote

    Ok we can see why this only has one vote
  11. b6bloke

    Flag Vote

    May i ask if our vote on here has any impact on the official vote? Just in case it doesnt and people dont vote on official site. I also think seeing these pics help.
  12. b6bloke

    Flag Vote

    look at the bottom of the very first post :winkold:
  13. b6bloke

    Flag Vote

    Number 4 reminds me of a rug.
  14. b6bloke

    Flag Vote

    I went No 2 as i think it would look better in the crowd. Nice one for all the effort man!
  15. Nice one General! Nice move by someone at the club. Any idea who it was? Tom Hanks said the club sent it to him.
  16. General i would like to congratulate the club yet again for doing another 2000 ticket offer this shows again that the club are going in the right direction. I know a few who took up the 2000 ticket offer for the portsmouth game. Keep up the good work!
  17. General, in a post on the main forum the fans relationship with the club has been likened to a relationship between a man and a woman and even in the most trusting relationships there will be the odd disagreement but this happens in even in the most successful relationships. I'm sure this blow over and we can continue to enjoy the successful future of Aston Villa.
  19. General the issue raised above was of great concern to me also and i too was in N3. Half time was a nightmare! and though i don't see how fans singing made things worse i have no doubt that if an emergency situation was too occur that there would have been a crushing incident. There was no sign of any stewarding or police and without a shadow of a doubt that concourse was not suitable to the numbers allowed in the stand. I would be asking to see Wigans Emergency evacuation plan and risk assessments. Wigan WILL see away crowds like that again and if something were to happen i would hate to look back and think that something could have been done to prevent it. I know this is not Villa's fault but this concern should be brought to their attention.
  20. General have you got round to trying a Birmingham Balti yet? :winkold: The stands were there before the screens and there are black spots around the ground. Can't see what you expect the General to do about this??
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