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Everything posted by b6bloke

  1. General are you and Randy over for the Liverpool game? If so your body clock must be in meltdown!
  2. Ginge please read the past posts and see how many ideas have become reality and problems have been fixed. If this was done for PR then i'm sure that when a previous poster thanked him for the tour he arranged for his brother that he would have been met by the press on his arrival. We only knew about this due to the poster leaving a thank you.
  3. FROM SMOKE FREE ENGLAND: Sports stadiums Does this legislation cover sports stadiums? Only parts of stadiums that are enclosed or substantially enclosed are required by law to be smokefree. However, many sports stadiums have decided to go beyond these requirements and become smokefree throughout. If you're in any doubt, look for the no-smoking signs or ask a member of staff. The law was brought in to protect people from second hand smoke Villa brought the ban into the stands years ago and we have a right to protect our kids when we go to a match.
  4. Noticed you have gone to Carlsberg Yuk! I used to work for them and they are very experianced in dealing with issues like this as they do all the festivals including Glastonbury. One of things they did was supply a multi pump which fills about 5 pints at a time. Hope this helps.
  5. Hi General, Great game today and i have to say the whole match day experience has changed for the better. For some reason the screen looked better and had better angles on the goals, the pitch looked great and the new advertising boards have brought us into the 21st century, Though i do i have to complain about where my experience was bad. Half time walking into the toilets to find there were more smokers in there than people using the toilet. A steward came in but said nothing! As has been mention there could be large fines for this. As for the smokers just wait till the end as this is how it is everywhere now! The food at half time was abysmal and the service worse than ever. After going on the food tasting day i was telling my mates how good the food was and it turned out to be the usual rubbish. When i complained to Villa about the kiosk staff, i never thought they would just make it worse by replacing them with people who could not understand English. I am a great admirer of the work the polish do but i think at Villa park it does not work. There was chaos at the kiosks in the upper Holte where i was due the language barrier. I myself ordered a coke and chips and curry. I got Lucozade and a pie :roll: This i observed all the time i was queuing though i could not condone the abuse some of the fans were giving in frustration and they should be ashamed of themselves :evil: Lots of positives General but not there. Great game though.
  6. The A. V. floodlights were shocking when they brought them down. If they had not taken them down they would have fallen! Battery acid was leaking and the structure was rotten. They were scrapped as far as i know.
  7. Its not a bentley its a chrysler :winkold: I would reply but i am not sure if it is right to mention who has that number plate in the public domain?
  8. gees! look at the chain on him! You sure that aint that jibber jabberin crazy fool MR T
  9. Yes. There is a thread on this pope with some pics too
  10. LT You have asked about 5 times and the General did reply that there are no plans at the moment.
  11. General, most recommended if you have never witnessed a derby before as it really is an experience! We had a player called Dean Saunders who played for Liverpool and had played in the derby there and after playing in a Villa Blues derby was in shock. Whatever you estimated the hate between the fans then multiply it by a 10000!
  12. Rebecca Starkey is the one you need to speak to. She made a point of saying we could contact her if we had any questions. If you want here e-mail PM me.
  13. Randy was in UK yesterday as i saw him in the local petrol station.
  14. LT just phoned the shop and they said as far as they know it will not be available in shops over there.
  15. LT you have left this message a few times and i guess the General would just ask you to contact someone at the shop with him being in the states right now. I know it would be an expensive call so will find out myself for you bud :winkold:
  16. Hi General, Although i understand the reasons behind why the new Holte Hotel will have a 130 capacity, i have to say that with all the hype before hand it now feels like a big anti climax. The official site says a draw will be made with season ticket holders but what the persons who thought of this forgets is: Most fans go down in groups and drink together so it would be a rare occurrence that if one person was drawn out that another of his mates were drawn out too and he is not going to go on his own. When it comes to pubs most of us are loyal, if we were to swap our allegiances to the Holte then it would not be for a chance of one game. I feel i will show my loyalty to the Edward that served me my first pint at 15 and lets me in week in and week out(now 38 :winkold: ) There must be a better way of going about this as 130 seems hardly any considering the size of the outdoors, is this because corporates will be getting an allocation or private rooms? or purely down to a risk assessment? Yours Loyally (though barred from the Holte before opening) :winkold: Westy
  17. On the subject of credit cards, i have (out of loyalty) cancelled my Santander card for an MBNA Villa card. Although its not a big issue i think you should know that they are still using the old badge
  18. How about adapting the chorus from the going to the zoo song We're goin' to the zoo, zoo, zoo How about you, you, you? You can come too, too, too We're goin' to the zoo, zoo, zoo. BUT John Carew rew rew we love you you you John Carew rew rew We love you you you Short and sweet :winkold:
  19. General, i see moans on this thread, most of which most of us disagree with but i have to give credit where credit is due. I was at villa park yesterday to get my Inter tickets and the service at the counter was excellent! I mentioned to the guy behind the counter that i had not seen my seat yet and he pointed in me in the direction to view it. "and if your not happy sir come back and we will do our best re-allocate you" I loved it :winkold: Walking through the ground i could see there was a lot of work going on and boy does that pitch look good! (wish i had brought my golf clubs!) I'm sure 99.9% of fans on here can see how committed you and your team are to the cause and if anybody has any doubts look at the time that the last post off the General was posted! UP THE VILLA!
  20. As the General mentioned that it may have to be subsidised i dare say cost will play a big part. Your good old ansells is still going but owned by carlsberg. I think villa use COORS at the moment who are M & B. this beer talk is lovely, but can we get back to questions/comments for GK, please. ta. blandy
  21. There will be no smoking allowed anywhere in Villa Park and as you can smoke outside nothing will change so why sheds? I doubt they will let you out at half time to smoke. This is the generals thread i know so delete if you wish :?
  22. Many thanks for the reply General. I visit St Paul a lot and go to see Vikings games., i look at the pre match stuff and wish that that sort of atmosphere could be created but in our own little way. I wonder if the park across the road could be used for something maybe? Maybe one of the mods could start a post to raise some ideas for the management at Villa to consider? Dave Theres nothing to stop you starting one yourself! - lazy git Bicks
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