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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. To be fair I think Hughton would be a very good appointment for them. He strikes me as being a pretty decent bloke to, which is a shame, cus I'm gonna have to hate the word removed if he takes over there.
  2. Afffleck is a liability, but I can't dislike his because of his involvement in Kevin Smith films (Jersey Girl aside). If I has to choose, I'd still go for Affleck though.
  3. Last in the series of Thrones tonight. Best thing on TV in ages. Set that up brilliantly for the second series, so much going on. I'm not sure I can wait for the next one, I may need to buy the books.
  4. I've just gone back onto the main forum this morning. I can't be bothered to catch up on what I've been missing, but have given my reaction. As it's fairly rational and reasoned, I expect I'll be ignored, or shouted down.
  5. Got round to watching episode 9 of Thrones. Blimey! I had a feeling something like that was going to happen, but I didn't think it would be that character, and in that manner! I know it's not real, I know he's an actor, but I'd dearly love to punch Geoffrey! Highlight of the show so far is when Tyrion Lannister was slapping him around the face.
  6. Bloody Yanks! :winkold:
  7. Playing Devil's Advocate, the likes of Cameron Jerome sign and play for that lot, as that is the calibre of player they attract. We (thank the Lord) are not sha, so why would we go signing that type of player just because of who the manager is? I'm sure McLeish wanted to sign better players than he did, but had to cut his cloth accordingly. For example has Redknapp signed the same calibre of player at Spurs that he did at Pompey (aside from the ones he actually signed from Pompey)? And even so, are you telling me you wouldn't want the likes of Foster, Dann or Johnson?
  8. I started off doing the same, but I kind of lost the will in the end. I said I wouldn't go on until a new manager was in place, but I may wait a little while yet, for it to all die down.
  9. Much sympathy to his family for their sad loss. RIP.
  10. For a daft bit of action, I watched District 13 Ultimatum last night, which was good fun. Saw the first one a few months back (District 13), and really enjoyed that. It's all pretty predictable, but both are very stylish, and have some great stunts, fights sequences, Parkour (free running) etc. I do like a bit of French cinema, full stop at the moment actually.
  11. What I really struggle to understand is why anyone would stop watching Villa, if X Manager is in charge of the club? As long as the team was called Aston Villa I'd watch them anywhere, at any time, with any players, and any manager. I love Aston Villa, not the owner, not the chairman, not the manger, not even the players. Sure I have my favourites, and I have opinions on who I'd like to see at the club, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter, as long as Aston Villa Football Club exists.
  12. Yep, I figured it would be. Has anyone threatened to set fire to themselves, on the steps of the Holte End, if (insert name of current linked manager here) is appointed yet?
  13. So.... Anything happening on the main forum at the moment then?
  14. In the grand tradition of parodying old album covers, that one. I don't think I've heard that album. Will have to seek it out.
  15. Second Attention by Wooden Wand & The Sky High Band. Had this album a while now, and always enjoy giving it a spin. Had the pleasure of seeing Wooden Wand (aka James Jackson Toth) in York earlier in the year. Most excellent. Portrait In The Clouds
  16. I dread to think what's going on on the main forum at the moment. I may go and read retrospectively once it's all over.
  17. Anyone else sick and tired of reading all the bile and sh*te on the main forum at the moment? I know I am! Come on who's with me? Let's boycott it until we actually know 100% for sure, who is actually gonna be the manager of our great club! Beside, everyone knows OT is where the cool kids hang out...
  18. 'Moonwalking' = Michael Jackson Statue? H = Hughes?
  19. The amount of times I've seen this phrase used in relation something that hasn't happened yet is ridiculous. Again I agree with this. Some people need to just chill the f*** out, sit back and see what happens, before they start getting angry at something that has been reported in the media with no confirmation from the club, and hasn't even happened yet. Bitch be cool.
  20. True that. I keep saying it, but until I see someone at Villa Park, holding a scalf or shirt up, I ain't putting my money on anyone. Just because we're talking to Marthinez doesn't mean he's the only candidate. There's a twist or two left in this.
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